Give up alcohol forever?

I'm actually tossing the idea around of giving up alcohol forever.

I'm not an alcoholic and I do love a cold beer but I just don't think its very healthy in the long term.

Has anyone else given up for good for these reasons and do you feel better for it?


what the fuck you lookin at?
I already gave up cigarettes I'll be damned if I'm giving up beer too!
Yeah Thats the problem, they're all simple innocent everyday things, but they get addictive.
I had an addiction with video games till recently - like playing 2-3 hours a day after ork, till I decided to give up for good. Now I can control myself with just a couple hours a week.

I think the same goes for alcohol and everything else addictive - sometimes cold turkey/giving up totally is the only way to learn to control yourself.

However, since your no alcoholic it wont teach you any self control, and it'll be much easier to give up.

The health benefits are phenominal - especially for your liver and nervous system, and if thats what your comfortable with, I respect your choice man - but I myself aren't that concerned about my health.

I know a couple of friends, a guy and a girl, who decided to give up alcohol just before uni. They aren't recovering alcoholics nor Muslims, so I guess it's not a very rare thing.

Anyways, good luck on it, and hope you all the best! :)


I was your typical tradesman - beers after work . . not a six pack, mind you, but three. Then one day it dawned on me . . . I had become sick and tired of being . . well, tired.

For all of my vices which had initially brought on the joy buzz no longer delivered the joy buzz, I called it quits. It is when you continue to intoxicate yourself to feel miserable is when you need help. Or if you feel the need for a buzz crutch in order to "enhance" social gatherings . . :helpme: And if your annual savings (from income) should be $10k - $30 k greater . . .

Try to take away my coffee and sugar free cinnamon gum and !


I wouldn't give it up forever. Everything in moderation. :D
I drink every night, even if its just a cheeky can while watching TV or the 360
It's been almost a year since I had a drink.

but I'm the kinda guy that wants to get drunk and pass out. For better or worse, now I know that it won't make me feel any better or change anything, so i really don't have any urge to.
I have never drank alcohol and I don't ever plan on starting so I don't know about that. I have decided to give up other things for the rest of my life, like a lot of unhealthy food. The thing about it is that after a while you get to a point where you don't really miss it anymore. I can still remember what it taste like to this day, but I'm fine without it. I think if you give it up for so long you will start to wonder why you even wanted it that much in the first place.
At one of the theaters I work at a beer bucket for the crew was part of the budget for each show. We got about 4 or 5 12-packs every night, regardless of how many people were on the call that night. During that time my fridge at home was always well stocked with beer. Since I had a nearly limitless inflow of beer at the house I would literally drink beer instead of water. I think on average I was drinking a 12-pack a day at home, plus whatever I drank at the theater during our "beer o'clock" gatherings.

After the crew unionized, the management decided to cut the beer bucket out of the budget. At that time I was so used to drinking almost exclusively beer that I found that I couldn't really function if I didn't have beer, so I started to buy my own beer. After a few weeks of maintaining my habit with my own money I realized what an expensive habit I had developed, and I realized that it wasn't really worth it, so I gradually forced myself to drastically cut back on my beer consumption. After about 2 months I got to a point where I could drink a beer and enjoy it, but I didn't have to have it.

Nowadays I still drink beer, though just very sporadically. Sometimes I'll go 3 weeks or more without beer. Yes, I've become a lightweight as a result, and drinking 1 or 2 will give me a nice buzz, but at least now I can actually enjoy drinking beer, as opposed to needing it.

My point is, if you just cut back on your overall consumption, the decrease in quantity may result in an apparent increase in quality. ;)
I love beer .. but it makes me fat ..
i have cut down drastically on my alcohol intake .. and get hangovers sooo easily even if I moderately overindulge


Closed Account
When you keep it under control then there's nothing wrong with a drink or two..

Smoking is bad.. Second hand smoking is bad.. Even walking down the street breathing is bad..

I wouldnt give it up i guess.. I enjoy a drink, just have to keep it under control :glugglug:
If you say you enjoy a beer,just limit yourself to a couple every other night or so.Why deprive yourself of something you like?It doesn`t sound like you over do it.Life is hard enough without giving up everything.
Drinking in moderation is perfectly fine - I would think that it would only cause serious harm if you overdid it often. Theres even been some studies showing that drinking a glass of red wine a night can be beneficial to your heart.

Anyway if you enjoy it and its not causing you any problems, I don't see why it should be an issue. Just do what you enjoy - life is too short to be overcomplicating it with all these different health concerns. People lived not long ago knowing nothing about the effects of numerous things on their health, and they seemed to get on fine. Up to you though! I however see nothing wrong with what you are doing at the moment.
I haven't had a drink in over 18 months. I was never an alcoholic, but could put away a case pretty easy and probably got good and drunk 3 to 5 nights a week. When my wife got pregnant I gave it the flick and don't miss it at all, it's actually nice to stay coherent and able to drive while everyone else gets stupid, and I sure don't miss feeling like shit in the morning. Just wish smoking was as easy.
For me, I sure wouldn't choose to give it up, but it wouldn't be that big of a deal for me to not drink at all.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What's so good with alcohol?

dick van cock

Closed Account
All I read here is "moderation"... Moderation my ass...

Would anybody recommend having sex, petting your cat or picking your nose "in moderation"?

As long as you enjoy it, do it. Drinking alone doesn't automatically make you an alcoholic. Being in denial about doing so does!
what about smoking crack in moderation?