Give up alcohol forever?

If this is hangover remorse talking -"I'm never drinking AGAIN!"- your plan to quit simply won't stick. As memory fades of the sickness, you will start again. You can't successfully quit something you love.

If, however drinking is causing you more emotional distress than you feel it is worth, yet you are still unsure enough to inquire of us what you should do, I will suggest the following:

Put yourself on temporary drinking probation. For example, one month without drinking; with the condition that you can start again after the period is over.

I tried this a few years back when I realized I hadn't gone more than a few days without drinking since I was 16. A bit concerned, I decided to check my willpower. At the end of said month I did feel great, but not so great that my favourite beer or gin couldn't tempt me, so I took to drinking again.

It was fairly moderate (though like everyone I overdid it a few times), but I still suffered the embarrassment, the hangovers, the lost money, and decided that maybe I should try a whole year of no booze, again with the condition that I could drink after that year (this condition makes it easier to keep the promise, I've found). Funny thing was, 5 months in, it just seemed silly to start up again (though the first 2 were very tough); I felt good, saved tons of money, and really only missed one type of drink (Gin). I haven't drank since and regret nothing.

Now, if you are a classy drinker (that is, someone who doesn't act like a fool or hurt anyone, including yourself) and it isn't causing you any emotional distress, than keep on drinkin'. I've merely found that my own nature combined with that of alochol's makes for non-classy drinkin' in my case. I'm happier without it.

Give it a month. What have you got to lose?


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I can go without hard alcohol for a long time and have no side effects. But I do love my beer. I can go weeks without beer, but every now and then, nothing takes the edge off like a cold beer.
All I read here is "moderation"... Moderation my ass...

Would anybody recommend having sex, petting your cat or picking your nose "in moderation"?

As long as you enjoy it, do it. Drinking alone doesn't automatically make you an alcoholic. Being in denial about doing so does!

Very well put! :1orglaugh
I've never drank or smoked. I doubt I am missing anything since everyone I know that has done either is trying to stop. It's weird that so many people can't wait to drink than are congratulated by everyone when they finally quit.
Give up drinking and smoking at the same time - make yourself really miserable.
Apart from having your own children, having sex (Er, obviously not with your own children), being 'Tipsy' (slightly drunk), is the best feeling there is. And, er, the problem with people who have never drunk alcohol or smoked cigarettes, is that they can't wait to find any opportunity to tell you so.


Closed Account
I don't drink beer, but I think you may be right. It could possibly affect you in the long run. I've heard that like sodas its bad for your urinary tract.

I will have a few drinks if I'm out but to be honest I dont actually think it tastes that nice and in town it costs far too much so I have made a decision recently to drink alot less :)

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I was a severe lush and chronic smoker!! literally!! and I smoked ciggarettes also!! it took a severe medical incident to force me to quit all 3 of my beloved habits instantanously the only thing that got me through the whole detox transition period was having to be in the hospital for an entire month!! the entire time in the hospital I knew I could never touch any of my pleasures ever again cuz if I did I would probably die instantly!! I thought I was gonna die thinking about that for an entire month; cuz I knew my life as I lived it was over; history; I now have to live sober for the remainder of my life!! but I had enough experience and memories of each to last a lifetime!! yes I still miss drinking; smoking (kind) and smoking ciggarettes!! I have the rest of my life to think of my high times!! I have unfortunately learned that all 3 of my habits I lived by are all killers!! trust me that sucks really hard!! I am often tempted to say fuck it!! but I would be letting my family and friends down!! they all told me that they would kill me again if I ever indulged any of my habits ever again!! hows that for having to quit for good?? now thats getting fucked with no Vaseline!! yes I am jealous of everybody who can drink and smoke (both)!! all I can say is have your fun but it comes back to bite you in the ass!! cuz I was healthy; happy; and didn't give a fuck about anything except feeling good!! then they all haunted me @ the same time!! :shocked:

p.s. my lush was strictly beer!! no liquor!! I wasn't even an alcoholic!! I didn't have to drink; didn't need to drink; didn't fiend to drink; didn't depend on drinking!! just drank beer to be drunk!! I loved the taste of beer!! but it never ruled my life!!
I gave up drinking about 6 months ago and to tell you the truth I feel the same its just now instead of drinking and having a great time with my friends, I am just having a great time with my friends I feel no different.
I have never drank alcohol and I don't ever plan on starting so I don't know about that. I have decided to give up other things for the rest of my life, like a lot of unhealthy food. The thing about it is that after a while you get to a point where you don't really miss it anymore. I can still remember what it taste like to this day, but I'm fine without it. I think if you give it up for so long you will start to wonder why you even wanted it that much in the first place.

I smoked and drank before. I've given up smoking a long time ago and I don't miss it. I'm allergic to alcohol so I only drink occasionally so I have no problems not drinking. I don't miss it too.


[ . . . i have cut down drastically on my alcohol intake .. and get hangovers sooo easily even if I moderately overindulge

I get drunk on so little now . . how about you ? Example - If I have a nice relatively "full " (7 - 8 oz.• U.S.) glass of fine wine with dinner I get sort of buzzy.
Back in "the day" I could down a half of a liter of 80 proof in mixed drinks and not be hung over the next day :dunno:

Just another chapter in the been there done that ;)
I get drunk on so little now . . how about you ? Example - If I have a nice relatively "full " (7 - 8 oz.• U.S.) glass of fine wine with dinner I get sort of buzzy.
Back in "the day" I could down a half of a liter of 80 proof in mixed drinks and not be hung over the next day :dunno:

Just another chapter in the been there done that ;)

I know the feeling... I remember the days when I could drink half a bottle of tequila and only feel mildly buzzed. Just a few years ago I could down a 12-pack of beer and only start to feel a buzz. Nowadays, my lips feel numb after a Heineken. :o
The older you get the less you seem to be able to tolerate it. thats one of the reasons I'm thinking of giving up. Very little tolerence these days.