girls with nose pierced!! sexy or not??


All we need is yet another orifice to deal with, besides, what's the point ? ya can't fit yer pekker in 'em
. . speaking for myself of course.

Capital "M" Capital "E" Capital "H"

Seriously, no bones or hoops and I'll call it good, just one hole, not two, three, four . . .


Depends on the girl, but I'd say sexy moerso than not
Not. It looks ugly 9/10. Tattoos are hot mind you, as her tongue or belly button piercings. But nose piercings just dont do it for me.
For not liking nose piercings?

Dude, I am the most open minded [read perverted] guy here. I think almost anything is sexy re: females. From girls pissing on each other, to taking a squad of guys in one go, to A2M. But nose piercings just dont tickle my fancy.

Any other piercing is hot.
Depends more on the girl than the piercing IMHO. A hot girl with a nose ring is still hot, but an ugly chick isn't going to be any better looking with a ring through her nostril...

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I should have named this thread, I think its sexy as hell when girls have there noses pierced. or something along those lines. cuz I don't care who doesn't like it. BTW gentlemen, you gonna try and tell me or the other people in this thread that if your GF/wife looked like this your gonna leave her or pass her by as a potential gf cuz she has her nose pierced? I don't think any of you in your right mind would turn a girl down or end a relationship cuz she had a nose piercing.

p.s. I know a nose piercing won't do or make any ugly girls attractive, but sometimes a sexy diamond stud even gives a nerdy or homely girl a sexy look IMO.


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Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
BTW gentlemen, you gonna try and tell me or the other people in this thread that if your GF/wife looked like this your gonna leave her or pass her by as a potential gf cuz she has her nose pierced? I don't think any of you in your right mind would turn a girl down or end a relationship cuz she had a nose piercing.

In the previous post with the attachment I used the wrong size photo and you can't really see her pretty nose piercing. So I cropped it so you all could see it clearly now. I myself like a stud. (100% more than I like a hoop, but I wouldn't argue with a girl that looked like her about it) I would JUST be happy and content and live with it. :D


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