Girls Who Look Better With A Little More Weight On Em'.

Some chicks just aren't meant to be size 1's, and let's face it some are just better looking with a few extra lbs. A good example of this concept is Charlotte Stokely.

Before (Yes!):

After (No!):;p=2

There are few out there that just wind up looking kinda sickly after weight loss. Am I crazy??? :dunno::dunno::dunno:


Victoria Beckham , still cant go her though but she looks far better with a bit of meat on her
Is that the same Teresa May that used to appear in the Sunday Sport & the Sun?

I don't know about the Sun - I've never bought it. But she's certainly been in the Sport - along with most of the regular UK jazzmags - Razzle, Escort, Teasers, XS etc.
Probably not Shaven Havens though! As she's usually favoured a little landing strip.


I don't know about the Sun - I've never bought it. But she's certainly been in the Sport - along with most of the regular UK jazzmags - Razzle, Escort, Teasers, XS etc.
Probably not Shaven Havens though! As she's usually favoured a little landing strip.

I havent seen her since the late 90s & I cant be sure if that was her in the pics , didnt she used to have reddish hair?


Lindsay Lohan
Megan Fox now unless she lost weight after transformers...Michael Bay was just right she is hotter with more meat on her. I think before the sequel she was really thin saw some pictures didnt like them.
I co-sign here. Especially on Ms. Fox! Faith from In Bed With Faith has lost som much weight that she's almost unrecognizable! I like her thicker, as well as Selena Castro, who seems to be dropping in weight as well.