Girls Who Look Better With A Little More Weight On Em'.

Sarah Michelle Gellar.

In seasons 1 and 2 of Buffy she was amazing. I used to jerk off to her like mad back then. Now though I ain't doing it to Sarah. Sure she is nice and all. But she is nothing compared to what she once was.


Lost at Birth
Aurora Jolie.
Perfect body IMO.

I cant find any links at the moment, but she got really skinny.

I believe she lost weight due to an illness, but it had become obvious that something was wrong given the amount of weight she lost.

she was the first one i thought of too, BD.

icewater's right. she has a heart issue. :( i think she's still a pretty girl but damn she was some kind of gorgeous with the thickness. she also retired :( i hope whatever she's doing now she finds happiness in and i'm happy she decided to do porn first. -- supa sexy

the first example in this thread is an awesome argument. that girl looks completely better with some meat on her bones.


Karen Carpenter.


As soon as I was able to control my laughter, I got up off the floor and asked God to punish you...:nono:

As for "muscular vs soft", I watch Namaste Yoga on the Fit Channel to get babe actually has some sweet titties :)D), and those athletic bodies...!
I am not a fan of fat or soft female bods...but I'd do just about any female that got me started in that direction...unless she was a "plus" type (fat); not goin' there, ever!


Some chicks just aren't meant to be size 1's, and let's face it some are just better looking with a few extra lbs. A good example of this concept is Charlotte Stokely.

Before (Yes!):

After (No!):;p=2

There are few out there that just wind up looking kinda sickly after weight loss. Am I crazy??? :dunno::dunno::dunno:

She looks like an ex-girlfriend. I miss her.
Angelina Jolie is looking too damn skinny and boney. She needs to put on some weight.

Renee Zellwegger looks her best when she's got meat on her bones instead of looking like Skeletor
Sarah Michelle Gellar.

In seasons 1 and 2 of Buffy she was amazing. I used to jerk off to her like mad back then. Now though I ain't doing it to Sarah. Sure she is nice and all. But she is nothing compared to what she once was.

I liked Jennifer Love Hewitt in the Ghost Whisperer recently, certainly looks back to her best there. Sarah should take note.

I liked Jennifer Love Hewitt in the Ghost Whisperer recently
I loved it when those bikini pics hit a few years ago and everyone was so shocked and like "OMG, SHE HAS A BIG ASS!!!"

My response was "Duh! She's always had a big ass!!!"

Her ass is the reason I'm so obsessed with her. The big juggs are just icing on the cake.


Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member