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Girls tell it like it is on PENIS SIZE...

Will E Worm

Wow, that's mean. Criticizing a female body part that the particular female has no control over is sooooo cool.

No one has control over their body parts.
I've been with more than enough men to know what I do and don't need or want. Very presumptuous of you to TELL me what I want.
Really ask yourself......which girl meant the most to you...the one with the tightest pussy, or the one that was the best?
I have no question in this matter.
I have never cum harder and as many times with anyone elses cock.... bigger or smaller.
Having a larger cock makes no difference to MOST women, that is a fact.
I know YOU personally like the way a bigger cock feels inside you, but that doesn't mean that someone with a smaller cock can't make you feel just as good. ;)

You know Mandy, if Enzyte and Extenze (R (TM)) ever get wind of this thread, they may decide to come after you legally. Sales of those are entirely predicated on the premise that size is ALL Important, they even pay women to be on the info-mercials saying exactly that.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Dude, what the eff are you talking about?

First of all, who in the world lists a street address in their profile, real or not?

Second, nobody believes your cock is 15 inches. Even if having a 15 inch cock was believable, the fact that you followed the statement with an exclamation point clearly means you're lying.

Third, don't pretend you don't exercise your dick all the time, but even if you don't, how the hell would a 15 inch cock shrink down to invisible under any circumstances?

Finally, your last sentence so clearly has nothing to do with anything at all and wouldn't make the first bit of sense even it stood apart from your b/s post.

Sorry, everyone, if this is too harsh. I'm not the most experienced forum participant, but am I wrong to cry 'Troll' here?

I think a lot of us know what is going on with Jsmoothpa, and realize that he is in a different place, with a bit of a skewed understanding of things (no offense Jsmoo) I answer him when his comment or rant makes sense, and choose to not pick on him, i don't think he really understands sometimes, or possibly if he's using translation software it's butchering what he's trying to say...I don't really know.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
@eponymous. I know sometimes too long is too and it isn't pleasurable. Me and my ex would have sex and she could feel my dick hitting the back of her vagina. She would also be very sore afterwards and it would hurt a little to walk after and we never had sex back to back days. And when we did she would tear a little and blood would come out of her vagina. Even though I know I have plenty to offer sexually to a women, sometimes I will worry about it a little but I am someone you doesn't see myself as perfect. Also why don't we ask the adult actresses about their experience with big dicks. These women would tell you the real story.

It would be cool if some more porn actresses would join in, but you have to understand that they have a different deal going.

To make a good video it is important for the man to ba able to lean back and make the vagina visible...thus a longer cock is helpful, and obviously she'll get a bit more action than if a guy with a 5 or 6 inch cock only being able to have his head in there.

Another thing is they get so much action that it really can make a difference...there isn't all the other intangibles....Love, closeness, true intimacy, clitoral pressure, the only thing he may have going for him is his cock size for her to even get off. And really, let's face it...there is a lot of faking it going on. Because I'm a squirter it makes me like a guy...I really can't fake it LOL :)

But yeah....let's get some of those ladies in here!

It may be surprising how many of them say it doesn't matter. Or maybe not.
It would be cool if some more porn actresses would join in, but you have to understand that they have a different deal going.

To make a good video it is important for the man to ba able to lean back and make the vagina visible...thus a longer cock is helpful, and obviously she'll get a bit more action than if a guy with a 5 or 6 inch cock only being able to have his head in there.

Another thing is they get so much action that it really can make a difference...there isn't all the other intangibles....Love, closeness, true intimacy, clitoral pressure, the only thing he may have going for him is his cock size for her to even get off. And really, let's face it...there is a lot of faking it going on. Because I'm a squirter it makes me like a guy...I really can't fake it LOL :)

But yeah....let's get some of those ladies in here!

It may be surprising how many of them say it doesn't matter. Or maybe not.

Plus, a considerable number of them are very business savvy, they maintain control over their amount of exposure and where that exposure happens and a forum like this is not on the acceptable list. It is unfortunate, I think perhaps a bit more exposure would be beneficial to a good many of them.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
Thank you, Mandy, for starting this thread. It might sound weird, but in a way you should be honored that men ask your opinion on this topic. It means they not only feel comfortable sharing their insecurities with you, they also value your opinion and trust you to be honest. I, for one, respect your candor and the sensitivity with which you approach the subject (although you may run the risk of confusing your customer base who are used to Mistress Mandy dominating and humiliating her subs for their inadequacies :yummie:).
That is interesting yes, but I greatly respect those fetishes and needs, and am glad that I can excel at providing quality work for those men. Don't be confused by this.

A couple things to consider, not just for you, but anyone:

1. I love your videos. I've seen many of them, and I can't help noticing that you seem to do pretty well with some pretty big toys. You seem to, shall we say, enjoy the big ones quite a bit. So even though I take everything you said at face value, it would seem that size *can* be a benefit for the discriminating, sexy woman. And it just so happens, this is the one thing we can't change about ourselves no matter what.

When I am working I don't have all the other wonderfulness that having sex with a man brings, so in order to compensate for that, and to complete my squirting task in ten minutes or less the additional pressure of the larger dildo helps me squirt FASTER, but not BETTER believe it or not. In the same situation I have been with my man and squirted like there's a never ending spring in my pussy! We have talked many times after we're done about how our best stuff never get's on video. Just this week I was literally squirting so hard it was shooting over his shoulder and in another position I was basically water boarding myself! (hitting my own face with squirt)... this went on until 6 in the morning. I have never had a larger cock do that for me, and I have never felt like I wanted to go even 2 hours with my bigger dildo...it's just not the same.

2. Along those same lines, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's sad that men can be insecure about their size. It's human nature to want what you haven't got, and many of our greatest successes have come from not being satisfied with what we were given. If we were satisfied being cold or sick then we wouldn't have harnessed fire or discovered medicine, for example. A lot of really bad stuff has also resulted from jealousy and the like, but a desire to achieve more is natural. In the case of our endowment, however, we really can't achieve anything more; it's what we're stuck with. So the same desire for something better that serves us well in cases where we really can do more is a detriment in cases where we can't, and pretty much all men - large or small - will at some point want something more, it's just in our nature.

3. I wonder how different this world would be if it was possible to look at any man on the street and immediately see how big his dick is, the same way we can tell how large a woman's breasts are under normal circumstances. I suspect the fact that it is usually obvious whether a woman is well-endowed is one reason why most women will never understand why men are insecure about penis size, viz., women have to come to terms with their bodies being on display very early on, whereas men don't have to. Women are also much more able to compare themselves to one another, and indeed, to do so openly and intimately (i.e., in close quarters, up close and personal), whereas for men, open comparisons just don't happen, at least not for straight men approximately 99.9999999% of the time.

Just wanted to throw these thoughts out there.

Once again, thank you for being so open.

No...... thank you! Very well thought out and insightful. Also, thank you for buying my work and helping me to be able to do this. Guys like you make it all worth while....many will say they love me, but few will actually care enough to support what I do. Thank you.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'm a big guy and I look at a babe like Mandy Flores and I think to myself, here's a little chica that I could, literally, break in half with a full-on power fuck as I'm a full foot taller and outweigh her by a good 150 lbs. Life's not fair and we're not all created equal.
This is my penis size, just whipped it out for a camera shot. it's been better and bigger, and longer, but it doesn't get used round here very often. Maybe someone else will like to use it?


ENOUGH ALGODDAMNREADY!!! JESUS FUCKING DOGSHIT!!! You've been posting the same fucking bullshit for 3 fucking days now. Your fucking schtick has grown old. Give it a fucking rest! Try posting something original and actually contributing something positive to the board. For someone who claims to be Dawg's gift to literature you sure can't write anything original or interesting.
A couple other thoughts, if ya'll will indulge me:

1. It's a little funny how many guys, not just in this thread but in general when talking about this topic, say they aren't insecure but also claim to be "a little above average" or "pretty big."

But if they really have no insecurities, how do they know what average and large are? They must have been insecure enough at some point to find out, and even went to the trouble of measuring themselves to see where they stand in relation. It seems to me that if we really had no insecurities, it would never cross our minds and we would have no idea how big other guys are.

2. Ladies, one of the reasons there will never be a widespread sigh of relief from all average or smaller than average sized guys out there is because we get so many mixed signals from you. None of you specifically, of course, but presumably everyone saw the video posted previously in this thread, which isn't, you know, an uncommon opinion. Moreover, it seems to me that the women who are most open with their own sexuality seem to voice that opinion more so than the "it's not the size that matters" sentiment (although this might just be my own insecurity talking).

To be fair, Mandy started this thread with the acknowledgment that women's bodies, experiences and opinions do vary. But in addition to genuine differences of opinion, women have also been known to fake orgasms (not with me, of course:noway:) and jilting an ex-lover with an insult about how awful he was in bed just isn't as effective when she tells him he's a poor kisser as when she hurls an insult about small size and/or inadequate performance.

This last one isn't remarkable, really, but I think you can see how any guy who's insulted in this way might be prone to doubt another lover's sincerity when she tells him size really doesn't matter. Hell, even if he just watches tv...there's plenty of penis humor out there that can make a man wonder what the truth is.

Once again, I appreciate the sincerity of the opinions expressed here, so don't take what I'm saying as an attempt at rebuttal, merely an observation.

3. Bearing in mind that the theme of this thread is honesty, I want to voice an opinion that may lend some perspective to our lady-folk who have trouble understanding why size matters so much to men, and yes, why some men are pretty much obsessed with it.

First of all, men really are the ones who are obsessed with size, not women. As Mandy and a couple others here have pointed out, not only isn't size the only important thing to women, it isn't even the most important thing, even (I suspect) for size queens like the one in the video above. An emotional connection, an attention to other parts of a woman's body besides her pussy, focusing on her needs first, etc., etc. Any one of these is significantly more important than size alone. Still, knowing this, why do so many men think a bigger dick = more pleasure for women?

Ladies, I really can't overemphasize the tremendous pressure put on the male sex to perform. The closest analogy I can think of is the pressure placed on women to be pretty. I don't want to tragically oversimplify things, but men just don't feel the same pressure to be attractive, not the way women do. True, our culture idolizes beauty, but men don't necessarily have to be attractive or fit in order to find a mate, largely because of some of the opinions expressed in this forum: viz, that for women, biology takes a back seat to an emotional connection, etc., etc. This is neatly summed up in cliches like "Men fall in love with the women they're attracted to, but women are attracted to the men they fall in love with." Regardless of how seriously you take this kind of generalization, there is something to it.

On the flip side (and this is where some of you will probably disagree with me), women don't feel the same pressure to perform, not like men do. Yes, there are countless instances of women feeling pressure in the bedroom to do things they don't want to do simply because they're afraid their lover will seek these things elsewhere, but that isn't the same thing as performing.

There was fabulous series on PBS several years ago called "What Females Want And Males Will Do." It focused on mating rituals of all manner of animal species, particularly some of the more exotic ones when it comes to winning female affection. I don't remember all the examples, but one I'm sure we're all familiar with is the peacock, with its incredibly ornate and impressive display of tail feathers used to attract females. "Proud as a peacock," we say when talking about a male who struts and displays his best qualities in order to win a mate. Think, also, of all the little boys out there saying "Look at me, Mommy, look at me!" In the end, it really isn't how attractive a male is, how many spots he has on his feathers or how powerful he is. It's how well he performs "the dance," so to speak, that determines how successful he'll be. Size isn't the only factor in this display of machismo, but it sure does help to start with the right equipment, and if there is an inadequacy, there's not a darn thing we can do about it.

So for any women who continue to be baffled as to why men care so much about size, I humbly submit that the pressure you most likely felt to be pretty from a very early age, and all the societal pressures we place on women through the media and all the innovations in plastic surgery, breast enlargement, liposuction, botox, etc., etc. These are all akin to the kind of pressure men feel to perform, and it's rooted in our DNA. Think of how many women develop eating disorders or BDD largely because of the crushing pressure placed on women to be beautiful. This is what performance anxiety can be like for men.

4. Lastly, this is a little out there, but just out of curiosity, does anyone else suspect that watching porn may be a kind of penis worship for men? Sure, we can honestly say we have no interest in looking at other guys' dicks under normal circumstances, yet we'll watch porn and wish we could trade places. I wonder sometimes if it isn't simply that we want to fuck that girl, but also that we want a dick like his. Just a thought.


Closed Account
Average is 6 inches, large is more than 6 inches, huge is about 15 or more inches, any questions. I have one how much is a cock 15 inches long in the pron industry attached to a handsome face and athletic body?
why don't we ask the adult actresses about their experience with big dicks. These women would tell you the real story.


It would be cool if some more porn actresses would join in

Hopefully some will chime in, but until then, here's one opinion from a noted pornstar on the subject of length vs. girth and "good" big vs. too big:

its not the thickness thats the issue... It has to do with length, when I have worked with Lex and Jon Jon i did ok in the scene however it was uncomfortable majority of the time bc those guys are incredibly long and thick. i cant help that I can only fit so much in mypussy.

I hesitate to post this because it comes from a completely different forum, but I remembered reading it recently and it seems relevant.

I also don't know what the etiquette is for linking to other forums, so I'm going to include the link and ask the Moderator to remove it if it is apropos:

<a href=http://forum.adultdvdtalk.com/new-positive-mackenzee-pierce-thread/reply/2336042>Adult DVD Talk Forum Topic</a>

In the event the link is removed, it comes from Adultdvdtalk, and the pornstar in question is Mackenzee Pierce. You can find the thread there pretty easily, if you're inclined to look it up.
When I am working I don't have all the other wonderfulness that having sex with a man brings, so in order to compensate for that, and to complete my squirting task in ten minutes or less the additional pressure of the larger dildo helps me squirt FASTER, but not BETTER believe it or not. In the same situation I have been with my man and squirted like there's a never ending spring in my pussy! We have talked many times after we're done about how our best stuff never get's on video. Just this week I was literally squirting so hard it was shooting over his shoulder and in another position I was basically water boarding myself! (hitting my own face with squirt)... this went on until 6 in the morning. I have never had a larger cock do that for me, and I have never felt like I wanted to go even 2 hours with my bigger dildo...it's just not the same.

An outstanding response, sexy lady.

Damn I want to fuck you.
how much is a cock 15 inches long in the pron industry attached to a handsome face and athletic body?

Well, since you have none of the above, you'll never find out. That 15 "inches" that you keep talking about isn't really inches. Sorry to break it to you, but metric rulers measure centimeters, not inches. 15 centimeters 6 inches. That's believable. Oh, and before you start spitting off your incomprehensible prodigal savant bullshit and your poor-me-everyone's-against-me bullshit sob stories, just so you know, the record for the world's biggest penis belongs to some weirdo in New York. According to the story that was posted here a few years ago, he has 13.5 inches, lives in his mom's house, hasn't had sex before, and was diagnosed with suicidal depression because he can't find a job or a mate.

Now, if you're so insistent on claiming that you're packing 15 inches, why don't you post a picture of your giant dong next to a ruler? Show everyone that the ruler is really 3" shorter than your pecker. Better yet, send it to Guinness and let them see it. Then we might finally be rid of you.
A couple other thoughts, if ya'll will indulge me:

1. It's a little funny how many guys, not just in this thread but in general when talking about this topic, say they aren't insecure but also claim to be "a little above average" or "pretty big."

But if they really have no insecurities, how do they know what average and large are? They must have been insecure enough at some point to find out, and even went to the trouble of measuring themselves to see where they stand in relation. It seems to me that if we really had no insecurities, it would never cross our minds and we would have no idea how big other guys are.

Or they could've just been bored that day. "There's no game on, the grass outside looks good, that paint is drying pretty well. You know what? I think I'll measure my cock."

And as far knowing what the average size is didn't they teach you that in school? I think it was one of those word problems in math class.
Well, since you have none of the above, you'll never find out. That 15 "inches" that you keep talking about isn't really inches. Sorry to break it to you, but metric rulers measure centimeters, not inches. 15 centimeters 6 inches. That's believable. Oh, and before you start spitting off your incomprehensible prodigal savant bullshit and your poor-me-everyone's-against-me bullshit sob stories, just so you know, the record for the world's biggest penis belongs to some weirdo in New York. According to the story that was posted here a few years ago, he has 13.5 inches, lives in his mom's house, hasn't had sex before, and was diagnosed with suicidal depression because he can't find a job or a mate.

Now, if you're so insistent on claiming that you're packing 15 inches, why don't you post a picture of your giant dong next to a ruler? Show everyone that the ruler is really 3" shorter than your pecker. Better yet, send it to Guinness and let them see it. Then we might finally be rid of you.
