Gianna Michaels getting weight?!

Have we not learned from the Carmella Bing thread??? This is not thread-worthy. Only women need someone to tell them how they feel when it comes to weight. If you think she's gaining weight, why do you need a second opinion? And even if she is, so the fuck what??? Women that gain weight is not a brand new concept, so stop acting brand new to this.

There are a lot of grown men sounding like bitches these days with all this... 'does this make her look faaaatttt?' and the 'does her butt look big?' This is why beer commercials have to tell men to fuckin' MAN UP!!! This is just a microcosm of what is turning out to be a big problem amongst the male species.

AS far as the weight thing goes, isn't it normal in todays USA for girls to let themselves go at about the age of 20?

As opposed to them starting off fat from day one like everyone else in the world??? Stop it. Women are not cars, they aren't built different overseas.
Amen. Bigger is better.

I like my ladies thick and since this is a old thread revisited, I am not sure what she looks like now, but hey who cares you either liked thick and big or you like them thin and boney - its what ever you like!