Gianna Michaels getting weight?!


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
That's gaining weight? By my definition she is still slim. And hot.


Hiliary 2020
negative me talking, but sincerly.
never saw the appeal of her besides pretty nice naturals.

not an insult, but when i see her I think of Dr Suess characters from Whoville.

AS far as the weight thing goes, isn't it normal in todays USA for girls to let themselves go at about the age of 20?
She always look pretty. It doesn't matter for me, if she has lost weight or gain weight, I'm not one of those people, that really focused on weight, or even looks for that matter.

That is the most clever post of this thread ! ;)

Member 1098

Closed Account
That is the most clever post of this thread ! ;)

Thankyou, just people get hung-up on looks and weight on female pornstars. Heck, they're trying to pleased everybody, try to pleased their fans, should it matter about weight and looks ? If we get a good scene/performance ? I don't think should matter then. Cause in the end of the day, you still want to still see a good scene, not focus on their weight and looks, if they look hot in the scene (then yes, you will like it). You wouldn't be so hung-up on her weight, and this is not Jenny Craig or Weight-Watchers, this is porn - I like big girls, skinny girls, glamourous girls, punk alt girls, next door girls, and shouldn't matter. I like all of them by the way, they're all unique. The adult industry will have all different type of girls, that's why in the industry always get so popular, just because it has unique girls in the industry.

Gianna Michaels - She's cute, very cute girl, she has a cute smile, cute body, and nothing is wrong with her. Heck, I couldn't care if she gain so much weight. I would love to meet her face-to-face, and say to her '' You look so beautiful'', ''You're the best''.
She always look pretty. It doesn't matter for me, if she has lost weight or gain weight, I'm not one of those people, that really focused on weight, or even looks for that matter.

It matters to me that she doesn't become anorexic, bulemic, gets liposuction. abuses addictive hard drugs, or obsessively diets to lose weight just so she can fit the stupid ideal stick figure standard of beauty that many insecure chics aspire to. Voloptous women such as Gianna Michaels should be a poster girl to inspire other women who have her body type to be comfortable in their skin and be proud of their beautiful natural curves and thickness
I feel the same way about Gianna Michaels as I do about Carmella Bing.

These girls are super hot and can just flat out fuck, so who cares what their weight is, they are delicious.

Gianna Michaels is beautiful and very delicious to me, one of my favorites. She looks good at any weight, she has the type of body that even when she might be heavier she looks firm and solid and delicious regardless of any weight fluctuations, her curves are wonderful. She looks great.


Member 1098

Closed Account
I think, it shouldn't matter about her weight and even looks. Like I said before, this isn't Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, or even other diet weight lost and weight gain (The adult industry shouldn't be all about that, about weight gain/weight lost). It should be about their performance, their personality, how well they treated their fans, and how well they do in the industry, (And if we get so hung-up about her weight, what kind of fans would we be then ? To just focus on the weight, not the performance, everything else.
They're beautiful big girls/curvey beautiful women in the industry like: April Flores, Pinky, and others as well!
I like April Flores and Pinky, I'm such a big fan of theirs!
She's has been my favorite for a long time now and she examplifies everything I love physically about a woman. Tall, curvy, full-figured, dark hair, blue eyes, and a potty mouth. She look's closer to a woman I would meet on the street (if i was only that lucky) compaired to so many other pornstars.
I think, it shouldn't matter about her weight and even looks. Like I said before, this isn't Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, or even other diet weight lost and weight gain (The adult industry shouldn't be all about that, about weight gain/weight lost). It should be about their performance, their personality, how well they treated their fans, and how well they do in the industry, (And if we get so hung-up about her weight, what kind of fans would we be then ? To just focus on the weight, not the performance, everything else.
They're beautiful big girls/curvey beautiful women in the industry like: April Flores, Pinky, and others as well!
I like April Flores and Pinky, I'm such a big fan of theirs!

Gotcha! That brings me to another thing I love about Gianna is her enthusiazim when she preforms. She looks like she enjoys what she does and has fun with it. I don't know how she is with her fans but she seems like she down to earth and very grateful to them.