Little Red Wagon Repairman
I've heard people from both extreme political ideologies talk about this guy so I don't know. Is he a good guy or no? A philanthropist or sociopath?
I've heard people from both extreme political ideologies talk about this guy so I don't know. Is he a good guy or no? A philanthropist or sociopath?
I've heard people from both extreme political ideologies talk about this guy so I don't know. Is he a good guy or no? A philanthropist or sociopath?
Anytime you hear about Soros, it's coming from spooge choked "conservatives" that can never really explain what horrible things Soros has done other than support liberal causes. It's still legal in this country to support and fund candidates, causes, and issues that you care about, even if they're not in line with conservative thought. Give an example, perhaps of what Soros is accused of? Pretty easy to debunk, I'm sure, if you look beyond Fox News, talk radio, and the "conservative" internet.
The guy's 89, his main occupation is to shit his diapers.
Many on the Right like to paint him as some kind socialist boogeyman, some kind of puppet master pulling the strings on pulling the strings of the American (and even global) left. Each time a new democrat figure appears, they claim the person's been receiving money from him, each time there's a push for left-wing policies (mild gun-control, minimum wage hike, etc.) they say those pushing for that are paid by Soros...
Some gun-enthusiast conspiracy theorist also claim mass-shootings are false-flag operations sponsored by Soros.
The reality is that his influences on american (and world) politics is highly over-estimated. The guy's 89, his main occupation is to shit his diapers. And even assuming he still has all his mental capacity, his entire fortune wouldn't cover the cost of everything the Right claims he sponsors , the guy would be broke within a year.
Money tends to corrupt people, unfortunately. If he had a heart of gold he'd been helping the poor more.
Oh 113??? And he is 90? Wow. Precise number.
Where you get that???
Remember, according to mp, political candidates aren't elected, the elections are fake, the winner is picked buy the powers that be. Now, the same way, people just don't die, they are assassinated when the same powers that be. Everything is planned for the next 50 years.Come on... 113? How fuck you figure this out??????
$52M is chump change when compared to donors to other candidates:The financer of Obama is now the financer of Biden. George Soros Spends Record $52 Million On 2020 Election Cycle