lmao my very first thought...this is so not anything new..other breaking news; its going to start getting cool in sept......
Of course gas prices experience seasonal change. But gas prices haven't ever been as high as they have been over the past 5 or 6 years trending with the economic decline.
How it matters is pricing, while in some cases is reflective of expected behavior it can have much to do with encouraging behavior as well.
In a normal economy these cyclical changes barely have an impact. But in an economy like this, theoretically with as many different pressures on it...what you hope for is some synergy of events to spur a positive momentum.
A gas price drop, teaming with a surge in the stock market and an improvement in unemployment can be the synergy needed toward the end of the summer to see more dramatic change/improvement in the greater economy.
Don't underestimate a price drop in gas at this time. That would mean more money in the hands of consumers who are then able to buy more goods and because gas pricing can drive the prices of goods (that get places by truck/ship)...the costs of goods go down too. Before you know there is a small momentum building..:2 cents:
That is, until the tea baggers flared up...:hairpull: