
Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
as sherri didn't answer your question!!

hmmmmm.... that's hard man... I like her either way.... I go with blonde!!

wait... brunette...

no... I go with the blonde Nikki!!!

Jennifer Aniston
Angelina Jolie
There is a lot of girls out there that act like they don't take a shit. they can get fucked. and there's many girls out there who act like they don't know how to stop and talk to somebody they can get fucked. besides that, fuck all these hoes. and get a grip mother fucker. but um, I was probably better off not saying all that. because who cares? these bitches don't care and these gold diggers get more greedy by the day. Really... look out for number one. How are you suppose to be happy when your not satisfied yourself? forget the bullshit, That's whats real, and they can get touched. It's just what is going on? really? am I suppose to notice you? would you like me to call your name out? truth be told from the beginning of time, call me what you want? but for real you ain't saying shit to me. all I hear is the breeze. whatever you want you can get. so when you act like your so much better then a girl who you don't like. open your eyes because you going down the wrong path. oh girls think it's all cookies and creme, and I've been with a lot of woman. I know when a woman needs compassion or needs someone to look out for them but you need to let that woman know if you really care about her. Let her know that she needs to make it on her own. Because if she always needs someone to be by her she side she's not going to be able to make it when times get rough. Now depending on the woman, some fold some hold strong. some look for the greater aspects in life.
not all woman could speak for themselves. but trust I know. it ain't easy being a woman. I was raised by a woman who raised women. Who was raised by a woman that was raised by a woman that was raised by a woman. who was raised by a man. and a lot of them want to put up a front' and act selfish. Whatever you say man, because a lot of people hate me. A lot of them. For reasons at first I didn't even know. but it was because I stood for the greater good. And they didn't like the thought of someone such as myself being able to do the things I could so they because jealous. Now there's two things I can do. Seek revenge or let it be. but I just don't know anymore with all the things that are going on in this world. I hear people say stand up for what you believe in and fight for your right to be heard. I hear people say don't give up hope. They pull you in all different directions and coming from where I come from I know how that goes. You get to witness it first hands. There is no coming home to a story. Or hearing it from someone else. Its eye shutting and eye opening . Win or go home. Come in or stay outside. There's only one way to settle the disputes. It's through physical force. because obviously being a mental aspersion and trying to forgive and forget just doesn't work out the way it does. Even if you try to be peaceful for a short period of time its like it goes unknown. they always want more more more, and then when it comes time to look at the things that have been done. It's like it doesn't even matter anymore as if it didn't happen and I know that it happened. And people tell me keep my mouth shut, don't worry about it. But for the love of for the passion and for everything that ever matters, I just couldn't do that. And I won't do that. I won't rest. I won't keep. Even If There is no justice even if there is no peace, or is no love, or is no strength or even if there is not a light of hope or remark made. I know where all that came from. And what has been started must end. even if it has already been put to rest. This come from acknowledgment not accomplishments. In a philosophy aspect. I guess it couldn't relate to this post. but I may be way off scale.