Game of Thrones

I thought the opposite to be honest, I'd have thought hardened porn barons like our regulars would require more than a flash of tit to get excited. Most of this mob don't even raise an eyebrow unless they see anal.

But still, I like the way you think.


Ha, ha, ha, really, I've seen things like "what's this girl doing here? She's just showing her tits/pussy/labia or she's just doing lesbian porn/vaginal/anal! DP or GTFO!!!"

Sometimes I must remind myself that it's 2015 and not 1975, when we all got excited at girls doing teasing in magazines.
I periodically go a week or so without watching any porn, so I can enjoy a nostalgic semi over the girl at work showing slightly too much ankle.

In Rio, with temperatures outsite going around 40 deg C, girls at work usually show theiir thighs. I wish we adopted book-Garth fashion.
Which character would you guys play as in Game of Thrones ???

me wud be Hodor :suspicious:

I'd be Daenerys with a full length mirror and locked in her bed chamber all day. No wait, I'll be that one dude who was fucking her. The one who morphed into a different actor between seasons.

2nd choice I'd be Ghost. Cuz he's so badass. He better not f'n die either.
I thought the end of their last scene together in S4 was meant to imply he'd already fucked her.

When she showed up in that dress she made? I think Littlefinger realized his biggest payoff was going to happen. I'm sure he was wishing he had people around to high-five.