I've been a fan of fantasy and sci-fi stuff my entire life, even before it got past the point where it was thought of as uncool or nerdy. Even still am I the only person that doesn't particularly care for Game of Thrones and never has? I didn't really like the A Song of Ice and Fire setting before the television show came out, and since then it's catapulted it into the most overrated fantasy setting to come about in the last 40 years. The show is too soap operaish rather than having actual interesting characterizations, and it goes out of it's way to make you dislike almost every character in it. It puts "gritty realism" in it for it's own sake. The same thing could be said for the gratuitous sex, nudity, and violence. The way it's going makes you wonder if everybody will just end up dead at the end, and really, considering it's so hard to like most of the characters in it that might actually be the most positive outcome. Maybe it's just me, but I still like things that have actual heroes in them.