It's true. Jaime has hardly featured this year, that's bound to have disappointed some people.
Quite a few people, in fact. I bet if some Übernerd were to add up the total minutes of screen time for the major cast members of the first three seasons, we'd find average screen time had gone down for Season 4 somewhere approaching 50%.
In addition to the major characters, we've seen recurring & supporting characters practically vanish this season. Bronn has had a total of 10 minutes on screen or something crazy?
I guess we can't really fault the writers/producers too much. It is a fairly impossible needle to thread, given the size & complexity of the books. But man, is it lamentable. (Well, lamentable for most of them. I'm not particularly interested in Shay, so I'm not at all upset her role was diminished.)
On the (potential) plus side, since there was no real "shocker" last night, S04E10 may end up breaking the tradition of simply tying up loose ends and setting up the next season, and could contain some really awesome plot twists (read: "death" or "deaths"). When last we saw the Queen of Thorns, she was fidgeting with Margaery's necklace, which was missing a stone just as Sansa's was. So I'm wondering if she planted it for someone on her way out of town.