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Game of Thrones


Dany balances justice and mercy. Jaime tasks Brienne with his honor. Snow secures volunteers while Bran, Jojen, Meera and Hodor stumble on shelter.


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I see why they recast Tommen...
This is usually where I say "fuck fawning over Targaryens anyway ; Hear Me Roar" but Dan and Dave turned my favourite character into a rapist in the last episode so... yeah.

Cersei didn't seem to hold a grudge over it this episode. (But, damn, if she didn't give a little peek into her big bag of crazy too.) Aside from a number of his egregious actions, Jaime's character arc is one of my favorites.
Cersei didn't seem to hold a grudge over it this episode. (But, damn, if she didn't give a little peek into her big bag of crazy too.) Aside from a number of his egregious actions, Jaime's character arc is one of my favorites.

In Da Bookz, Jaime begins as the worse supervillain and, by the mid-end of Book 3 (where the series is showing right now) he becomes one of the noblest characters of Westeros. Even his kingslaying was a noble act of self-sacrifice: he accepted the aeternal blame of being an oathbreaker to save half a million innocent people. But we can't ever forget that he tried to kill an innocent 8-year-old boy.

BTW, now I see why they fucked up Jon.Snow and Bran's story, it's just a plot device to introduce another hot pornstar in the series, as one of Crester's wife-daughter-granddaughters.
(But, damn, if she didn't give a little peek into her big bag of crazy too.)

Like Jaime said last week... she drinks more than she used to.

I don't even know if my favourite Jaime moment from the books will even be in the show, probably not. I can't see them bothering to cast Ronnet Connington, a really minor character, who Jaime is speaking to. Whose father tried to marry him to Brienne.
"How is it that you did not wed?" Jaime asked him.

"Why, I went to Tarth and saw her. I had six years on her, yet the wench could not look me in the eye. She was a sow in silk, though most sows have bigger teats. When she tried to talk she almost choked on her own tongue. I gave her a rose and told her it was all that she would ever have from me. The bear was less hairy than that freak, I'll --"

Jaime's golden hand cracked him across the mouth so hard the other knight went stumbling down the steps. His lantern fell and smashed, and the oil spread out, burning.

"You are speaking of a highborn lady, ser. Call her by her name. Call her Brienne."

This show is going to start losing quality, its getting too big I'm afraid.

If you mean in terms of the cast and the number of different locations and groups of characters... it gets bigger. Insanely bigger. Think back to series 1 when you only really had to think about Winterfell, Kings Landing, The Wall, Dany across the Narrow Sea and occasionally The Vale or Robb's army on the march... and compare to now. There will be characters spread out in locations we've heard about but not seen yet (including - yay! - battles) and plenty of trekking to places we haven't heard about. There will be plenty of times when a location only really features one or two of what you think of as the "main" characters you know of now along with some people they've met along the way. But then again there are a couple of instances of characters meeting that as of yet never have, which are kind of cool. Barriston Selmy joining up with Dany and Samwell meeting Bran are comparable meetings from series 3. It's kind of cool when characters you haven't seen interact before do, but equally, the growth / spreading out will continue. I worry that something similar to Yara only being in one episode of last series will happen to some characters or at least you will go two episodes at a time without seeing them. Even splitting Crows/Dance into two series worth of episodes (with the reunited cast) seems ambitious, such is the scope of those two books, once the current series finishes.

I am very much looking forward to seeing Dorne in series 5 and meeting the rest of the Martells. Especially Arianne.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
No its too big as in popularity. Once the rest of the world hops on the latest bandwagon they ruin it.
No its too big as in popularity. Once the rest of the world hops on the latest bandwagon they ruin it.

I can't see that the shows popularity will make any difference to the way it's made. Dan and Dave were gigantic fans of the book series which is what prompted them to want to make it into TV ; I don't think their vision for what they wanted to do with will change just because 6m people are watching it instead of 3m.
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Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I can't see that the shows popularity will make any difference to the way it's made. Dan and Dave were gigantic fans of the book series which is wanted prompted them to want to make it into TV ; I don't think their vision for what they wanted to do with will change just because 6m people are watching it instead of 3m.

IMO Game of Thrones is the greatest series to ever air on HBO next to The Sopranos. David Chase had no idea that "The Sopranos" would be as big as it was, he initially planned to only do 4 seasons tops, the series became too popular to end that soon so it carried on for 3 more mediocre seasons. I'm not saying GOT was only planned at 4 seasons but my point is the growing popularity will cause the writers to sell out and do things that either A. Aren't in the book or B. For unnecessary shock value. All will be done to please the johnny come latelys. Add to that the fact that most shows start going down hill once they've been on for a certain period. I know it doesn't seem like it should have an effect but its inevitable that that day will come.

Reading and hearing complaints from everyone after the airing of lasts weeks episode gave me that familiar feeling that this series will suffer the same fate, its sad.

"First of His Name"

Cersei and Tywin plot the Crown’s next move. Dany discusses future plans. Jon embarks on a new mission.
Jon Snow knows that his father was beheaded by the then King, his brother from another mother betrayed by a vassal and murdered by proxy on behalf of the Lannisters who are still in charge. Winterfell is a smoldering wreck. Bran is north of The Wall. If I were him, I would've stayed with the Wildlings, cannibals aside. They were his best bet at vengeance. Instead he has to put up with the bullshit politics of the Night's Watch whose leadership wants him dead and whose "brothers" are for the most part the same cutthroats they were when they first arrived.

And the Petyr Baelish character is a little over the top. Ok, WE GET IT, you're conniving and pulling the strings behind the scenes, but do you have to talk the way you do all the time?

Other than that, great f'n show.


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Jon Snow knows that his father was beheaded by the then King, his brother from another mother betrayed by a vassal and murdered by proxy on behalf of the Lannisters who are still in charge. Winterfell is a smoldering wreck. Bran is north of The Wall. If I were him, I would've stayed with the Wildlings, cannibals aside. They were his best bet at vengeance. Instead he has to put up with the bullshit politics of the Night's Watch whose leadership wants him dead and whose "brothers" are for the most part the same cutthroats they were when they first arrived.

It's worth baring in mind, however, that Jon was North of the Wall and unaware of what happened at Winterfell, the Red Wedding or anything that Bran had done since coming out of his coma when he was forced to leave the Wildlings and return to The Wall. He's heard nothing of the rest of the world since the end of the first series. He said his oath, his honour demanded he return to the Wall and whoever had made it back safe. He also had no knowledge of the mutiny of Rast and the rest at Craster's until he got back either - he'll have been expecting to find those that returned still led by Mormont, no doubt. And the leadership that wants him dead is Thorne who was in Kings Landing when he left, and Janos Slynt who was Lord Commander of the City Watch in Kings Landing before, unbeknownst to Snow, his old mate Tyrion expelled him.

Jon's world turned upside down while he was sharing a tent with Ygritte and exchanging barbs with Gareth from The Office, and he was aware of none of it.
It's worth baring in mind, however, that Jon was North of the Wall and unaware of what happened at Winterfell, the Red Wedding or anything that Bran had done since coming out of his coma when he was forced to leave the Wildlings and return to The Wall. He's heard nothing of the rest of the world since the end of the first series. He said his oath, his honour demanded he return to the Wall and whoever had made it back safe. He also had no knowledge of the mutiny of Rast and the rest at Craster's until he got back either - he'll have been expecting to find those that returned still led by Mormont, no doubt. And the leadership that wants him dead is Thorne who was in Kings Landing when he left, and Janos Slynt who was Lord Commander of the City Watch in Kings Landing before, unbeknownst to Snow, his old mate Tyrion expelled him.

Jon's world turned upside down while he was sharing a tent with Ygritte and exchanging barbs with Gareth from The Office, and he was aware of none of it.

True, I should've said "in hindsight." I'd rather be with Ygritte (we'll overlook the getting shot with an arrow incident, a mere spat) and be free of the night's watch oath which is a joke IMO. What part of the realm is worth protecting? Let the Wildlings storm over the wall or Daenerys' dragons burn it up, which is what I'm looking forward to.
Game of Thrones in Feudal Japan
edit - SPOILER WARNING - if you havent read the books there are spoilers within


This is the iconic duel between Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen that preceded the series by seventeen years. Instead of a war hammer, Robert wields a Kanabō, a club-like samurai bludgeoning weapon. His antlered helmet is inspired by the famous helmet of the warlord Honda Tadakatsu.
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