Funniest DUI ever!

"Remarkable. I've actually never seen anybody do that." Too funny.

Wait a minute... upon further review, this is from an episode of Reno 911. Damn it, that would have been hilarious if it were legit.
When are some dumbasses gonna realize that you don't have to consent to the heavily-flawed field sobriety tests?

Yeah but if you refuse breathalyzers, in most states, you automatically lose your license for one year among other charges and depending on the number of previous offenses You Might be required to at least give a blood sample so they can determine if you were too intoxicated to drive.

Best bet? Don't drive drunk! (believe me I know, I've had two. Not proud of them)
Yeah but if you refuse breathalyzers, in most states, you automatically lose your license for one year among other charges and depending on the number of previous offenses You Might be required to at least give a blood sample so they can determine if you were too intoxicated to drive.

Best bet? Don't drive drunk! (believe me I know, I've had two. Not proud of them)

Yeah, I know that. But I just don't understand why people answer their questions (How many drinks have you had? What time did you start drinking? Have you eaten anything?) & do the stupid sobriety tests (heel-to-toe, horizontal gaze etc). They're incredibly flawed & it's not the best way to determine if you're intoxicated. One slight wobble & they assume the worst. Some people just have shitty balance. Or maybe their nerves are jumping...