Freedom of speech

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On a board or in ENGLISH
I said it so i meant it. how you gonna try to give me an infraction at the same site that shows DP? Get a Grip @Freeones

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Will E Worm

With all the pointless threads on this board your other thread should have stayed open.

Crude and vulgar, I've seen worse in this section alone. Go look at some of the links on this site. :rolleyes:


On a board or in ENGLISH
I said it so i meant it. how you gonna try to give me an infraction at the same site that shows DP? Get a Grip @Freeones

So...leave. :wave2:
Don' comz back, dey will try to kontrol your low-claz attitudz and trash talkn...ya sur don' wanna take dat, gansta boy.

The Dutch are SO not ghetto...:thumbsup:
The site features tits and ass...NOT twitz and ass-holz.
Get it... or go.:D

Of course...just my:2 cents:.
PHILbert is a HATER. and OLD. HOW do you like "Over The Hill" at your PC? Did your nephew show you how to use it? (CATCH A HEART ATTACK)(TOY LAUGHZ SLOW)
Gunslingingbird got you; however, if you read the rules,

The board Administrators and Moderators of the Freeones message board reserve the right to remove, edit, move, or close any thread for any reason. This may or may not include posts that are deemed inappropriate, violent or degrading to any model (OCSM or not), board member, or admin/moderator. If this happens, the violator stands the risk of consequences ranging from a warning to a ban of their account.

Freedom of speech is great, and it allows you to post on Freeones. Unfortunately for you, Freeones has a set of rules on the forum which you agreed to abide by when you created a user account. If you're not happy with the rules, please feel free to go elsewhere.

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