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Fox News... the war in their heads.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
:dunno:The guy is doing everything he said he was going to do so far. Not sure he can help having to deal the near depression he was saddled with and some of the choices that ensued. However, even you'd have to admit beyond that he's doing everything he campaigned on. If people who supported that now have misgivings...I don't know what to say since he spelled it all out on the campaign trail.

For example, some people kill me when they whine about why he's sending more troops to Afghanistan. I just have to ask WTF did they think they were listening to when he was saying he would for 2 years..:confused:

Well that's pretty much my point...you're complaining about one but apparently ignoring the other. GOPers have been at war with the mainstream media for about 20 years. And have being using anecdotes and narrow examples to attack the institutions which deliver mainstream news ever since.

But a spokesperson for this WH simply calls Faux out for being the shills they are (finally) and people on the right are all of the sudden running around looking for their Midol...:confused:

Are we talking about the same person? He has not done most of the things he campaigned on. How you can say that is beyond me. I also am not sure why you always complain about the GOP. Democrats are just as bitchy and point fingers at everyone else but themselves. :2 cents:
Are we talking about the same person? He has not done most of the things he campaigned on. How you can say that is beyond me. I also am not sure why you always complain about the GOP. Democrats are just as bitchy and point fingers at everyone else but themselves. :2 cents:

He ordered GiTMO closed within a year his second day in office, signed his tax cuts in March, ordered 17k More troops to Afghanistan, didn't have to shut things down in Iraq...GWB ordered that in December and is as close as we have ever been to having a POTUS sign a universal health care bill.....among other things he's said he would do and has done.

Your turn....
I think it's funny how a guy who is telling people not to watch Fox News apparently watches Fox News.
"though i dont agree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire
they are perfectly allowed to say what ever they want, and the government cant stop them
people don't have to watch, but some choose to (I DEFINITELY DONT)
personally i think all media is biased in some way but fox "news" just takes it too far, they should (but don't have to) tone it down :2 cents:
it's the same with Rush, i think he is a god awful human being but until his advertisers stop giving his show money or he dies he'll never stop

ps: i think Glenn Beck might need Prozak
He ordered GiTMO closed within a year his second day in office, signed his tax cuts in March, ordered 17k More troops to Afghanistan, didn't have to shut things down in Iraq...GWB ordered that in December and is as close as we have ever been to having a POTUS sign a universal health care bill.....among other things he's said he would do and has done.

Your turn....


he still needs to get rid of dont ask dont tell though

he still needs to get rid of dont ask dont tell though

I believe he thinks it more constitutional to be done by congressional legislation than by presidential fiat.

Gays won't understand why Obama with one decision doesn't will it to be so but it is far more practical and binding for Congress to pass a bill than for a president to executive order something so.

An executive order can simply be overturned by the next guy. While constitutionally Congressional bills signed into law should not. DADT was passed by congressional vote and whatever happens to it from here should be by congressional vote.

Something like ordering GiTMO closed by exec. order is a perfect use of the power. In a strict constitutional sense exec. orders should rarely if ever be used to make sweeping laws....that's congress' job.:2 cents:
Obama is the only president that has acted like this. All presidents have bad press and have had networks do unfavorable stories on them over and over again. It is silly to go after a news outlet because you don't like what they have to say about you. NBC and ABC are very Democratic. I didn't see George Bush try and ban them from anything. Obama and his fellow Dems need to grow thicker skin. They have more serious issues then Fox News. :2 cents:

Actually Bush Press Secretary Dana Perrillo(?) has admited in interviews that the Bush administration did shut out MSNBC so i guess Obama is just doing what all former Presidents have done. And after Chris Wallace lost ALL credibility as a journalist after he kissed Limbaughs behind in his Fox News interview who can blame Obama for not going on Fox?

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
He ordered GiTMO closed within a year his second day in office, signed his tax cuts in March, ordered 17k More troops to Afghanistan, didn't have to shut things down in Iraq...GWB ordered that in December and is as close as we have ever been to having a POTUS sign a universal health care bill.....among other things he's said he would do and has done.

Your turn....

Things he failed to do but promised he would multiple times.

Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN

Create a $3,000 tax credit for companies that add jobs

Recognize the Armenian genocide

Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2009

Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials

Allow five days of public comment before signing bills

End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000

I have plenty more of you want me to list them. Here is a good breakdown so far. http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=91286

As for GITMO closing http://news.antiwar.com/2009/05/22/will-gitmo-closure-ever-happen
Things he failed to do but promised he would multiple times.

Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN

Create a $3,000 tax credit for companies that add jobs

Recognize the Armenian genocide

Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2009

Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials

Allow five days of public comment before signing bills

End income tax for seniors making less than $50,000

I have plenty more of you want me to list them. Here is a good breakdown so far. http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=91286

As for GITMO closing http://news.antiwar.com/2009/05/22/will-gitmo-closure-ever-happen

There are far more things he campaigned on than that. The most major issues...the stuff people actually decided to vote for or against him have been dealt with. But I'm pretty sure you were waiting with bated breath to hear whether he mentioned "genocide" on the Armenian issue.:rolleyes::1orglaugh:tongue:

With respect to GiTMO he issued an executive order mandating it be closed in a year. Year hasn't happened yet.

But Obama is nearly the end of his first year in office...meaning he has 3 more years left.....But I'm sure you expected him to do EVERYTHING in his first year consequences be damned....

You should know there are many, many, many more campaign pledges he made....Instead of going by the cherry picked items from partisan WND.com how you gander at where he stands on all of them...you can even track the progress yourself here.:2 cents::thumbsup::hatsoff:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
There are far more things he campaigned on than that. The most major issues...the stuff people actually decided to vote for or against him have been dealt with. But I'm pretty sure you were waiting with bated breath to hear whether he mentioned "genocide" on the Armenian issue.:rolleyes::1orglaugh:tongue:

With respect to GiTMO he issued an executive order mandating it be closed in a year. Year hasn't happened yet.

But Obama is nearly the end of his first year in office...meaning he has 3 more years left.....But I'm sure you expected him to do EVERYTHING in his first year consequences be damned....

You should know there are many, many, many more campaign pledges he made....Instead of going by the cherry picked items from partisan WND.com how you gander at where he stands on all of them...you can even track the progress yourself here.:2 cents::thumbsup::hatsoff:

I know there is many more he has failed to do yet. I am willing to give him three more years. I just laugh at people that list all of the things he has done so far and never address what he has not done yet. The two that really bother me are below. I had to throw the genocide one in there. I can say that I was really disappointed that Obama didn't walk out of Iran's President Ahmadinejad's speech in September.

Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN
Allow five days of public comment before signing bills
I know there is many more he has failed to do yet. I am willing to give him three more years. I just laugh at people that list all of the things he has done so far and never address what he has not done yet. The two that really bother me are below. I had to throw the genocide one in there. I can say that I was really disappointed that Obama didn't walk out of Iran's President Ahmadinejad's speech in September.

Negotiate health care reform in public sessions televised on C-SPAN
Allow five days of public comment before signing bills

Well, if you want to be technical...here's the scorecard for (keep in mind) his first year per PolitiFact.com

53 Kept
7 Broken

145 In the works
17 Stalled
14 Compromised
280 Not yet rated

Summary...he's kept 53, broken 7, at least taken some action on 176 and has 3 more years to address the other 280.

Now what did you expect in his first year in the midst of all the other crisis issues he inherited??


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Blame all news media. The smallest story they hump like a dog in heat until it becomes a real story. (Cough Swing flu Cough)
They all the people panic over it and run around like lemmings.
Blame all news media. The smallest story they hump like a dog in heat until it becomes a real story. (Cough Swing flu Cough)
They all the people panic over it and run around like lemmings.

Damn swingers! They are infecting everyone now! :mad:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Well, if you want to be technical...here's the scorecard for (keep in mind) his first year per PolitiFact.com

53 Kept
7 Broken

145 In the works
17 Stalled
14 Compromised
280 Not yet rated

Summary...he's kept 53, broken 7, at least taken some action on 176 and has 3 more years to address the other 280.

Now what did you expect in his first year in the midst of all the other crisis issues he inherited??

I expected him to be the savior so many people hailed him to be. :thumbsup::helpme:
I expected him to be the savior so many people hailed him to be. :thumbsup::helpme:

Give it some time JaneB...he's got a couple of huge messes to clean up first and I imagine it would take awhile to change the culture of politics toward getting things done for the sake of the people as oppose to bogging things down for the sake of politics.:2 cents::tongue:
Give it some time JaneB...he's got a couple of huge messes to clean up first and I imagine it would take awhile to change the culture of politics toward getting things done for the sake of the people as oppose to bogging things down for the sake of politics.:2 cents::tongue:

Yeah but is he going to have political capital after it's all said and done? We have the Stimulus (which is looking like it has had a neutral effect on the economy) and Universal Health Care under his belt. All we know for sure right now is that Nancy Pelosi is looking strong. Could Obama be a weak president? Is he a weak PotUS if the issues he champions become law/policy in some shape or form?

My guess is a weak president may be reelected if the strong Congress doesn't publicly humiliate him. He's been embarassed in international affairs but is doing pretty good domestically. He still has a 54% approval rating and may be able to work with a Republican controlled HoR in 2010.
Yeah but is he going to have political capital after it's all said and done? We have the Stimulus (which is looking like it has had a neutral effect on the economy) and Universal Health Care under his belt. All we know for sure right now is that Nancy Pelosi is looking strong. Could Obama be a weak president? Is he a weak PotUS if the issues he champions become law/policy in some shape or form?
It appears the stimulus has been implemented in measured fashion as seems to be typical of Obama's approach. A responsible approach to spending taxpayer $$ since various areas of it may be phased in or out as needed.

Perhaps Obama will get to the point where he's no longer expending energy bailing water off the boat and actually start using it to set sail. Meaning, using his political capital on the agenda items he outlined instead of crisis management on ones inherited.

Then I suppose we can begin to see how well he's able to adhere to/project the policies he ran on.
My guess is a weak president may be reelected if the strong Congress doesn't publicly humiliate him. He's been embarassed in international affairs but is doing pretty good domestically. He still has a 54% approval rating and may be able to work with a Republican controlled HoR in 2010.

The only challenge for Obama is can he remain bipartisan and diplomatic in the face of political expedience and partisanship. To date, Obama hasn't really played hardball with those who appear stand for little more than obstructionism. It has cost him some IMO and the true test is how will he handle the challenge if it continues to present itself throughout his presidency.

Interesting you mention the relative strength of Pelosi but I think it's precisely because Pelosi and her fellow Demos on the hill have been incoherent on health coverage reform that Republicans have been able to attack the WH.

For the most part when it comes to major legislation, the question is rarely about whether you can change someone's opposing view. It's whether the proponents can make an argument so convincing to the people that the opposition's position becomes untenable.

For example, I doubt most Demos who voted to authorize force (after specific requirements were met) in Iraq actually changed their minds on preemptively attacking a sovereign nation. But the proponents just made the position opposing it untenable.