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FOX News Corp. Sues for RIGHT to LIE and Wins!!! WTF?

I won’t follow the constitution and I especially won’t follow laws I deem unconstitutional.


Oh Will E, that argument is as good as your one that you don’t believe in science or the scientific method but you will use one quack “scientist” out of millions in an argument if they say what you already decided to believe.

Will E I think the problem is you're pretty wrong-headed in your thinking and understanding on this.

I'll do my best to explain it.

You keep talking about rights to this and rights to that. What you don't understand is the first right we enjoy in all cases is the right to be free from the violation of our rights by others. Especially in the public domain.

That means for example, although we enjoy a right to free speech...that right is trumped in cases where it can be injurious to others (i.e. libel, slander, yelling fire in a crowded theater, bomb on a plane etc.). That ALSO includes the right for example to be free from the obscenity of others in the public domain.

You have the right for example to exercise your freedom of expression by walking around nude. You don't have the right to expose others in public to it though. You may enjoy that right on the private enclosures of your own property or the private property of others who have given you their consent.

The rules of the public airwaves are no different as they are considered the public domain as well. That's one of the reasons why the congress enacted a law creating the FCC...to regulate usage of the public airwaves (commercial and governmental as well).

If you want to deliver any kind of content you want then there are private communications channels that the consumer can purchase. People can't complain to the FCC about the content on their satellite or cable channels...they pay for that.

Will E Worm

I never signed anything saying I would follow any and every government rule.

WillE...you were born in the U.S. That was your signature. Have you ever pledged allegiance to the U.S.?

If you don't want to follow "rules," then don't. Go ahead and do something which brings the FCC down on you and use this: I never signed anything saying I would follow any and every government rule as the centerpiece of your defense.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,[1] promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

I took an oath to defend it aganist enemies foreign and domestic, it's also the supream law of the land, you might not have signed it but you still have to follow them.


Good god. That's what you get when you interpret the Constitution as merely a prop for laissez-faire neoliberal capitalism and militarism run amok, and abandon education as a priority within the concept of "promote the general welfare" - you get bloodthirsty fellows like jasonk ("supream" law of the land?), who can probably disassemble and assemble his gun in record time, but can't construct a proper sentence if his life depended on it.




Good god. That's what you get when you interpret the Constitution as merely a prop for laissez-faire neoliberal capitalism and militarism run amok, and abandon education as a priority within the concept of "promote the general welfare" - you get bloodthirsty fellows like jasonk ("supream" law of the land?), who can probably disassemble and assemble his gun in record time, but can't construct a proper sentence if his life depended on it.


Main Entry: 1wel·fare
Pronunciation: \ˈwel-ˌfer\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from the phrase wel faren to fare well
Date: 14th century
1 : the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity <must look out for your own welfare>
2 a : aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need

^this is what I take general welfare to mean. Education IS a necessity. Your also taking my quote out of context since it was made to Will E Worm about how he does not have to follow any laws.

The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States.

Says it right there in the first sentence.

While I might not have great sentence structure, my fault for not paying attention in English class over 16 years ago. Well I can't do it in record time but it's a very essential skill to have if you own any firearms.
there is a saying in the media, "If it bleeds, it leads."

people love violence and shit like that so the media shows it all the time
fox has been lying for years now so this is no surprise to me
I think I am going to get all my news from The Onion now. Sounds like it is more factual than actual news. Plus it is more enjoyable.
I've always said the media was biased and was completely manipulated

This just proves you can't trust the media at all, especially FOX now

the shame of it all