Former Shell boss predicts $5/gal gas in 2012 in America

yes it appears that many americans nowadays don't mind getting screwed just as long as they get to have their sports, sex, drugs and rock-n-roll, I truly hope humanity starts to awaken by the masses and then maybe we can take steps to start getting back a few essential freedoms that were given to us by our creator, whoever that creator might be


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Bronze Member
This talk about massive rising gas prices is part of a massive campaign the energy giants are pushing. After the mess in the gulf of Mexico, there were soem serious changes in the way government looks into safety issues. And environment, too.

And these things are miles away from being settled in the Arctic, so now lobbyists and the top brass are into overdrive.
This talk about massive rising gas prices is part of a massive campaign the energy giants are pushing. After the mess in the gulf of Mexico, there were soem serious changes in the way government looks into safety issues. And environment, too.

And these things are miles away from being settled in the Arctic, so now lobbyists and the top brass are into overdrive.

yeah and global warming exists too that is why I have over 2 feet of snow outside my house because the planet is burning up

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You have to take everything John Hofmeister says with a grain of salt. Though he predicts $5/gallon gas in the US by the end of 2012, like others pointed out, most analysts don't see it going that high until the end of the next decade. Furthermore, what is John Hofmeister's answer to keep it from happening? Drill baby drill........namely in the Gulf of Mexico!!! Now who would benefit from that.....Hmmmmm.....certainly not Shell Oil (not that John Hofmeister owns stock or anything)! John Hofmeister is talking out his ass to try to scare ignorant Americans into panicing & pushing the issue to open the Gulf back up to drilling! He's just trying to scare people so he and his cronies at Shell can profit from it! Hell big oil learned a long time ago that they can charge whatever they want, and we will pay it! We can let them drill all they want.....they'll still charge us whatever they want for it!

The real solution isn't drill baby drill! It's moving us off fossil fuels, and the technology of the early 20th century......and moving to new fuel sources (not bio-fuels either.....they drive up the costs of food products....such as corn), and new technologies for the 21st century! The US needs to stop being spoiled.....we have been too long, and we need to stop living in the past! Why is it that high speed rail is very successful in Europe and Asia, yet we have barely even made any inroads in the area? Is it a coincidence that big oil (and even the car companies even) actually have been lobbying against public transportation initiatives in the United States for years? They want us all to each drive our own car (to Hell with carpooling too) and burning as much gas as possible!!! Guess that is to be expected in a land where they even stopped building sidewalks until recently! We need to stop allowing ourselves to be slaves to big oil.......and that doesn't mean we should become slaves to something else, such as big corn, either!!!

I agree with every other part of your post, except that part which I highlighted in red. Take a look at the links I posted on switchgrass. What we have to remember is that the U.S. government currently provides billions in farm subsidies (aka, "welfare") to farmers every year, to grow or NOT grow certain crops. Rather than do that, why not give farmers the option to grow a season of switchgrass if the field is going to go unplanted anyway? Additionally, at least in my area, one of the crops that would/could be replaced by switchgrass is tobacco. I fully agree with you that corn based ethanol is not a good solution. And that's why even past supporters of ethanol, like Al Gore, now realize their folly.

Again, I invite any of you who has a true interest in this topic to attend an American Le Mans Series race next season. Go into the paddock area and speak with the various industry representatives. You'll meet people from Audi, Porsche, Ferrari, GM, Jaguar, Honda, etc. And because all of their race cars run on bio fuels (diesel or ethanol), they can give you a complete run down on the benefits of these fuels over petrol. So don't get fooled by the red herring that Big Oil has floated about corn based ethanol being the ONLY type of ethanol that is viable. In fact, it is the lest viable. Switchgrass provides many times the energy output vs. input compared to corn, and it can be grown in areas where no food crop could be sustained.

Bio fuels are here and now. Some of these other technologies are years or decades off, like hydrogen. And unlike hydrogen, bio fuels would not require a brand new delivery infrastructure or Jetson like changes to automotive engineering and build technology. Maybe someday, hydrogen will be more prevalent. But we could be running a significant portion of the automobiles in North America on bio fuels in the next 5-10 years with almost no pain... and much less chance of geo-political concerns affecting our supply or prices.
Peak oil my friends...fossil fuels are not an infinite resource. Oil is never again going to get any cheaper. The only way for the price, is up...

very true, prices will sky rocket until the oil companies have control of the next source of energy that they can make their billions off of, because actually allowing everyone to have affordable or dare I say free renewable energy is quackery and only the elites of the world should have such a right, not us peasants
maybe you can advise all these young college graduates who cannot find jobs here in the US and in Europe to go back to school and study some more and maybe with a little more studying they will be able to find a job
I spent 18 years of my life there brother and I don't plan on going back, school cannot teach common sense

I think he was referring to the fact that global warming doesn't mean you can't have a cold winter. It means the average temperature of the oceans and air over the course of the year is rising in comparison to previous years/decades/centuries.
I think he was referring to the fact that global warming doesn't mean you can't have a cold winter. It means the average temperature of the oceans and air over the course of the year is rising in comparison to previous years/decades/centuries.

Global Warming is a fraud created to spark fear in hopes of rolling out new carbon taxes that average citizen will have to pay, the governator has already signed the bill in California

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
very true, prices will sky rocket until the oil companies have control of the next source of energy that they can make their billions off of, because actually allowing everyone to have affordable or dare I say free renewable energy is quackery and only the elites of the world should have such a right, not us peasants

I know you are given a "hard way to go" around here sometimes. But you're actually onto something right there! :thumbsup: In another thread (the one about cannabis), I asked this question: "So pot aside, what good reason is there to prohibit commercial hemp production???" Thus far, no one has even addressed the question. I'll go out on a limb and assume that one reason no one has addressed it is because there is no good reason. The only reason is that in the mid 1930's, the oil and pulp/paper interests in this country were successful in linking hemp to cannabis, and with the movie Reefer Madness, they sent the chattering masses into a frenzy to support prohibition against cannabis and hemp production. Think of it as a '30's version of "they's gonna unplug grandma!".

We are now slaves to big oil only because we have allowed ourselves to become slaves to big oil.

You mentioned Ron Paul earlier. He supports hemp production. Between switchgrass and hemp, I believe we could effect the most massive (and positive) paradigm shift in the U.S. economy in less than a decade. But instead, I figure we'll still be sitting in our own filth, whining about it, in ten years. Oh well...
excellent points Rey C. ,the US government won't make Hemp legal because the CIA is making too much money off of it being illegal IMO, think about it, you make Hemp legal over night in the US and petty drug dealers cannot profit and this limits some of the CIA money (hemp being shipped into the country) which they use to fund their illegal operations, this is one of the reasons prohibition was tried and failed because the CIA could not control it and make huge profit from it, no heaven forbid that we made Hemp legal in the US and started massive manufacturing of it right here in our own country, heaven forbid that we create sustainable jobs as as result of a natural resource right here in the US, heaven forbid that we create these US Hemp farming operations and ship our product out to the rest of the world and make them dependent on us for something, no no no that's crazy talk ;)


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Ah, gas prices. Oil consumption! The American way. I've quoted loads for this post, so I do apologize if my overall post lacks some coherence...

Get real! The big pickup truck is as American as baseball, apple pie & Chevy!
Are you freaking kidding me?
We're a nation of people who prefer diversity of choice, get over it!
Sadly, America is a nation of people who prefer excessive waste and overabundance in pretty much all facets of life.

America is much less densely populated than the European countries and as a consequence people generally have much greater distance to travel between home and office. 32 to 50 km distance in each direction are not in the least bit unusual . . . . do you still hate us? :D
I can't really blame individuals for getting themselves into situations where they have to go that far to get to work, as that's been the mindset for generations. Billions and billions of dollars have been pumped into this idea over decades. Much like I have sympathy for people who died from lung cancer before smoking was known to cause it.

That said, it's a very close parallel. This whole idea of suburbia and living far from work - it's not sustainable. Let me repeat: suburbia is not sustainable. People with any kind of mobility today should be well aware of this, and plan accordingly.

The real solution isn't drill baby drill! It's moving us off fossil fuels, and the technology of the early 20th century......and moving to new fuel sources (not bio-fuels either.....they drive up the costs of food products....such as corn), and new technologies for the 21st century! The US needs to stop being spoiled.....we have been too long, and we need to stop living in the past! Why is it that high speed rail is very successful in Europe and Asia, yet we have barely even made any inroads in the area? Is it a coincidence that big oil (and even the car companies even) actually have been lobbying against public transportation initiatives in the United States for years? They want us all to each drive our own car (to Hell with carpooling too) and burning as much gas as possible!!! Guess that is to be expected in a land where they even stopped building sidewalks until recently! We need to stop allowing ourselves to be slaves to big oil.......and that doesn't mean we should become slaves to something else, such as big corn, either!!!
Walk. Ride a bike. Use public transit. It might help the seppos lose some weight for once.
@ Andrew39:
My wife and I both have a car otherwise we can't get to work but when we're @ home we seldom use them, we do almost everything by bike. It doesn't cost a thing and we stay in shape :)
And ultimately, here's what it comes down to: while it's possible that some miracle technology will allow us to maintain our consumption, the best solution is simply to use less. Drive less, breed less, eat closer to home, use less energy in the home. The western way of life is almost entirely based on overabundance affordable only because of cheap oil - and even should a new technology arise that allows the same level of consumption, I highly doubt it'll be anywhere near as cheap.

While America takes a lot of flak for being the nation of drivers, I should be fair in saying that Europe is the nations of flyers; I've never seen such heavily subsidized airfare travel, and as such people fly everywhere all the time. Hell, from one side of the UK to the other (and the country just isn't big enough to justify that). Flying is incredibly wasteful.

Of course, in saying this, I know society at large will not change until there is no choice. So enjoy the ride.
The Ozone Depletion by CFCs is another fraud that has been disproven which is why you don't here anything about it anymore, lies upon lies, after a while you start to get sick of the lies

The first link is just about a guy being corrupt?

CFCs contribute to ozone depletion. If there was no evidence for it, they wouldn't have been phased out.

Almost makes me want to buy into the Gaia hypothesis...