Yet another positive step in the right direction! GOD DAMN I hope this shit gets legalized soon! Then I can smoke it without worrying about having to take a fucking drug test!
^I don't have a problem with people who smoke pot casually and don't obsess over it, and I can respect anyone who does, but I think the whole concept behind this demand for the legalization of weed is kind of ridiculous, IMO. It seems to be motivated not for the good of the country, but for the sole fact that some people, especially teens who get so fascinated with the party life/fad and think they're doing something oh so badass or risque, want to blaze up in front of everybody. If the primary reasons for people wanting it legalized is for selfish reasons, then I could care less about any potential money it could bring.
Do I think weed should be legalized in some way? Yeah, I do. I think it should be allowed in a more responsible and controlled public environment only though, like what you see with hookah bars, or smoking only sections etc. I don't want to see people who can't handle the high or abuse the fact that they can be under the influence of marijuana freely coming into their jobs or classes stoned, and so on.
Again, I'm not badmouthing the supporters of marijuana usage, I just think the majority of the users I've met don't present their argument in the best way, and tend to conform with the stereotype that all pot smokers are dead beat stoners.
That's just me though.