First the wall, then Obamacare, now climate change...

There might not be any wall, just a fence

Obamacare is not gonna be repealed

Climate change is real, it's man-made and the US may not repeal the Paris 2015 agreement

Hillary will not be prosecuted

Only 2 weeks after election he already back-pedaled on 4 major campaign promises. What's next ?
I figured a lot of it was bluster
he is mostly democratic and on your side- if you complained of those things RELAX he is for you
he might grab at your dick though rather than a near by loved ones vagina- sinse he does the reverse now--johan


Hiliary 2020
There might not be any wall, just a fence

Obamacare is not gonna be repealed

Climate change is real, it's man-made and the US may not repeal the Paris 2015 agreement

Hillary will not be prosecuted

Only 2 weeks after election he already back-pedaled on 4 major campaign promises. What's next ?

He pulls off his Donald Trump mask to reveal he's none other than Ross Perot out for vengence?
Hillary Clinton is drinking vodka martinis in Chappaqua and not picking her administration.

I'm good.

Will E Worm

Trump will overhaul healthcare and keep a few items from obamacare.

Like pre-exsiting conditions.

Climate change is not real.

Hillary should just drop dead.

If Trump doesn't keep enough of his promises and doesn't do enough. He might as well not run again.

I'm already not happy with Romney and Nikki Haley. :facepalm:

Maybe a plane crash... :stir: