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Fired Today, Career Over, Possibly Marriage Too ...

ProfV, canned for sexual harrasment, now cheating on your wife, we say ... ???

  • For years you've preached at us, and now you're just another hypocrite!

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Well, well, well, so you are weak after all! Humility has been served!

    Votes: 3 6.7%
  • It happens, we understand, hope you are forgiven, but learn from it!

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • No big deal, let it go, don't beat yourself up, you've already been punished.

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • I can't believe this is ProfV talking?! Did someone hack his account?

    Votes: 11 24.4%

  • Total voters
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The coincidence and irony of this is just the ultimate. I guess I lost myself in my own arrogance and belief that my values would guide me true. After this, all I can say is that I'm A) humbled because I'm just one selfish fuck up of a man and B) a man without direction after all, reversing everything I've believed for 2 decades now.

Today was just three strikes in a row, and I am honesty a man without anything at this point. I'll pick myself up and move on, but I honestly don't think I will be able to go forward for awhile. I can't even begin to self-reflect on this, so I'll just put it out there. Comment if you want, I'll actually read it, especially since I can't even remotely get upset at anyone for what they say.

- Today I was escorted out and, pending writing (currently verbal), fired for "promoting an unprofessional environment" and "violation of the client's 'sexual harassment policy'."

Today I was my same, positive self at my client. Another representative for another vendor was at the client today too for the first time. When I met her, I kept it eye-level, and treated her like I would any professional. All I could tell is that she had a pleasing profile from the neck up, she wasn't small and she filled her dress well. The first hour with her was fine.

Then there was lunch. The replay in my mind is really no different than many other times. She commented how she was dieting. I asked why. She said she was fat. I commented that I didn't notice her being overweight. She pointed at her mid-section, opening her dress coat. I looked down and, still with full professionalism, said she did not look like she had any celluite. And it was pretty innocent there while we were waiting to give our order at the counter.

There were 6 of us, so while the 4 other guys grabbed a table, she and I actually sat together. The conversation when we sat down was actually technical. We chatted a good 10 minutes before our food came out. We ate. We got up with the rest of the guys and we left. Again, nothing wrong yet.

Walking back to the building, the conversation started up again after she commented that she felt bloated, and was afraid she looked fat. At first I was like, "i don't want to hear it" rather playfully. But then it got deeper, and I didn't (not sure if she didn't) realize we were already back in the office and heading towards our cube.

Then it started on how she used to be a size 6, and then it moved to her figure, and then I started looking, pointing and telling her how her shape was a hourglass, and how extreme her hips and chest were to her smaller mid-section and waist. Nothing sexual by myself, in fact, when she commented that, "well, at least guys like my bust," I simply replied, "it's unfortunately that many men just focus on that not realizing that the female presence has so many pleasing attributes as a whole." No big deal, right?

Okay, "big deal" as I would find out.

About 30 minutes later, when she went off to one of our labs, my boss came over and told me to visit security. I figured it was for some new access or something so I didn't think anything at this point. I went into one of the offices at security and I was asked for my badge quite bluntly. And that's when I thought there was some vendor-client dispute going on and maybe people with my firm were being sent home or something.

No, I was being sent home. I was told that my company had been informed by the client that I violated their policies, and my contract was to be terminated immediately. I was shocked. I assumed I had violated some security protocol or something, by accident, but they were under SEC or some other regulatory laws to suspend me pending investigation until I was cleared. That's when I was told I was being terminated for "promoting an unprofessional environment" and most specifically "violation of their 'sexual harrassment policy."

Yeah, I had an instant epiphany. I then just became limp and speechless. I was escorted back to my cube by 2 men from security to collect my things. During my collection, a colleague of my company came over and inquired what was wrong, and I just turned to him and said, "I don't think I can talk about it." I was escorted out.

I didn't wait for any phone call, I immediately called my company's manager and informed him of the incident. He said he had just been informed himself. He said there was nothing he could do, of which I told him that I didn't expect him to, and we basically agreed that I would write an apology to the client and CC my company so there was a written record of my shock but truthfulness and integrity at the same time, etc...

As I discussed with my supervisor, given my position in the industry, the role I play in my company and in the market where I consult, this is basically one of those "never hire this guy" type of things that is now stapled to my resume. In other words, it's going to be a long time before I get any solid work anymore, and I'm going to either be fighting for rare scraps, or I may possibly have to switch fields for awhile and "remake myself." But he understood that I knew full well that I only had myself to blame for this.

We concluded the call with his verbal notice that my company was terminating me with cause, but should anyone persue civil or criminal action against myself (not likely, but still a possibility), no one in my company would come forward of their own free will (i.e., unless they were subpoenaed),

- It got worse, I called my wife, and this time, she wasn't consoling, and she basically said she was already having "issues" with how I "treated" her anyway

My wife and I have a very honest relationship, so I don't lie, not even slightly. I told her what happened. She was beyond horrified, pissed and totally on my ass. I had never seen her react this way to me. In my prior, darkest hours, she had always stood by me, and even understood my views. But this time, she totally went off. And she was screaming, while at work, so it's safe to say her colleagues know as well.

She asked me question after question, and then commented after commented. There was no recourse I had, and I dared not hang up. I took it. I know I deserved it. And I wasn't going to insult her intelligence by trying to say "I love you" like it's supposed to many anything better. The D-word flew left and right, not sure if she would stick to it afterwards, but it was clear she meant it at those moments because she was so pissed off.

She reminded me that I had fucked both myself and her at the same time pretty hard. And just when I thought it was over, she was just getting started.

She started talking about this past weekend, and the other weekends, when we made love. She said I was too rough and not caring for her comfort. She said I had become too aggressive and was reading her wrong in the last year or so. She said I had been bruising her too much, and I actually pulled out some of her hair at times.

I was utterly shocked. I thought she had told me to be more aggressive. She admitted she asked me to be more aggressive, but that I was so forceful with her, she couldn't stop me at times. She said she tried to play with it, and maybe she sent the wrong signal, but she said it was, and I quote, "like fucking a rapist." She said I showed no respect for her comfort and just wanted to get myself off. She also made a comment, I'm sure to hurt me, about how I don't get hard enough anymore, and maybe that's why I'm always focusing on myself in bed, because I'm afraid I won't get off without a lot of prolonged effort, which is causing me to ignore her until I've finally gone (and it's too late for her).

I think what really did it is that she was pissed that I've been cumming in her mouth without warning her, and I've been very rough. A few times prior she had said she was "surprised" and said it was "okay" to do that on occasion, but she said everytime I do it she's thinking it's basically like I'm saying, "take it bitch, I don't respect you to ask if you want to take it or not before I do it." Again, I was shocked.

She said she has been shocked that I just don't care for her in bed anymore. She said she was shocked that I just seem to be concerned with getting myself off. She said I've been extremely arrogant in "fucking her because I'm a man," I guess I've said that one too many times. And she said that in bed, she felt like she didn't know me anymore, and I was definitely not the man she fell in love with.

But that didn't bother her enough to leave me she said. She said anyone can work through sexual issues. She said that even though she didn't think she knew me in bed anymore, and the only reason why she was sleeping with me was out of "marital obligation," she still thought she knew me outside the bedroom, and that was enough.

Enough until today. And now she said she didn't know me at all. And in the pause, she hung up on me. Yeah, talk about epiphany strike 2.

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(cont.) Fired Today, Career Over, Possibly Marriage Too


- And then I really showed myself (and the woman) how bad and inconsiderate I can be

Okay, enough fuck-ups and epiphanies that I've fucked up in one day by now, right? Wrong! Yeah, the day wasn't over yet.

My wife didn't call me back. I wasn't going to call her because I know what that would get me. For nearly the past 15 years, my wife was my "best friend" and someone who I could call. And now that was gone. Even if we will eventually make this through this (assuming we do, which is probably slim, but there is a chance), now was not a time she was going to be there for me, and it would be wrong for me to do so.

I thought of calling my parents, but what would I say? Unfortunately, I didn't have to, they started calling me. In other words, my wife made good on the claim that if I ever "fucked up," she would let me parents know. Well, my parents now know. Yeah, I pretty much managed to screw every aspect of my life today, but I guess I've been building up this "Dogma-Karma" for awhile now based on everything my wife told me. I guess I've lied to myself, adopted some really fucked up values and just don't have a good grasp on how to approach the world. I am just too selfish for the world, let alone just anyone around me.

And just before you actually try to say all not is bad, let me tell you what I did next.

Since I didn't know who to call, I had a really stupid idea. I had the woman's business card with her cell number. I decided to call and apologize to her, and tell her I would write her and her company a letter of apology for how I treated her. And this is where my logic, values and everything else go beyond just wrong, beyond just selfish, but I now must admit is even "self destructive" for myself (before even considering others).

When I called her, she wasn't in any good spirits, in fact, she sounded like myself. Apparently she was escorted out of the building as well. Women's rights and all, she was discharged and she had her contract terminated. I was at my client for weeks, she was only one day. My actions had resulted in this. My selfish actions and selfish arrogance took her down with me. About the only good is that her company told her she would not be fired, and they were going to do their own investigation and the worst thing she may receive, unless she somehow broke the law, is a reprimand and some "sensitivity training" -- per her company's policies, they don't have a "zero tolerance" rule like both the client and my company (thank God for her). And they were also confident that since I initiated the "offensive action" that she may be allowed to return to the client, after the client completed their investigation, although I'm not sure she may given the embarrasment.

And the amazing thing is that she wasn't mad at me. A little disappointed, but she also took a bit of credit of being disappointed in herself that she didn't stop me when we were talking and point out that maybe it wasn't a good idea to talk. The most she said is that while she appreciated how I was making her feel good, she could completely understand how I made other people -- especially other women -- feel uncomfortable by pointing at her figure, and describing how "perfect" (in my words) it was for the female form. As she pointed out, and she was correct, sometimes flattering one woman insults so many others.

Well, at this point, and I still don't know what I was thinking, I found her even more attractive. She had the calm, clarity and consideration, in addition to all that technical ability, intelligence and physical beauty plus sexual enticement in her figure. I honestly don't know what I was thinking. I asked her if we could meet, and she agreed.

It was completely innocent. We met at a bar at a local restaurant. We started going back through what I did, and we spoke softly in the murmur to minimize listeners, and we just kinda replayed it like we were still in shock, but we know what I did, and what I did wrong for a professional environment. And no matter how much I tried to keep it eye-level, I betrayed everything I've said before, I was oolging her F cups on and off. And I was really finding it hard not to think she was hot, and leading myself into -- what I have to now admit -- treating her like a sexual object with my eyes.

So what I did next, I still can't explain. I am the man who bitches about spouses who complain about their spouses to the opposite sex. I never go around complaining about my wife to anyone, not even my mother -- even after my worst fights with my wife. So guess what I did today? That's right, I complained about my wife and my conversation with her to this woman. I could see it in her eyes all while I refused to stop (why I don't know), she was not interested, she knew it was wrong for a husband to do this and, other than out of just being a "good person" and listening to someone who was down, it was not something she felt she should hear at all. And yet I continued, and she smiled, while definitely looking like she wanted out of the room like it was going to be blown up at any second.

At some point I finally realized that I was babbling. I turned to her, apologized, said I abused her willingness to met to talk about the incident only to spew off about my marriage and demonize my wife, and I was wrong to do that, so it was time for her to go. She smiled and stated she was glad I realized that, that she understood that I'm down and that sometimes brings out the worst in people, especially after they've done something that is not them, and yet, still came out, and there was no hard feelings at this point.

What happened next, of everything, I can't explain. I can't explain except for the fact that maybe it's a combination of the fact that I have A) utterly lack respect for the personal space of women, and oogle them without their permission and just treat them like sexual objects to a point that is beyond unhealthy, and B) I have grown accustomed to having my wife, and having her how I want her, and have not always considered how I act towards her, including doing things at a moment or feeling that she may not enjoy. Why do I say all this? Because when she wanted to "give me a motherly like hug" out of the kindness of her heart before she left, I snapped. I didn't just grab her, I grabbed her like I do my wife sometimes, I grabbed her back with my left hand, I stuck my tongue in her mouth, and I cupped her left breast (her right breast viewing her from myself) with my right hand.

It wasn't even a half second before she shouved me off. And I couldn't even apologize. In fact, I chuckled like I was some kid sitting there saying, "I don't know why I did that" without any explanation. Oh yeah, everyone saw, and I must have been the most hated man in the room by everyone. In fact, one guy behind me said, and I'll never forget this because it sounds like something I'd say to another guy, "you're the reason why women hate men."

And you know what's even more sad yet? That cup and kiss, even if interrupted almost as much as it began, was good. And I keep treating her like a sex object in my mind, or at least she's in there and I can't get her out. I haven't "jacked off" to the thought, just out of pure self-control. But the fact that I want to is bothering me right now. Boy I'm beyond fucked up.

I guess there is a reason why some people told me my views are dangerous. Dangerous to me, and everyone around me. A 3 strike ephihany in a matter of only 8 hours or so. I don't think anyone could fuck up this bad so quickly, destroying their future and hurting everyone around them, especially people who care for him most, so quickly. And on top of that, I can't stop thinking about tit-fucking her and having her mounted atop of my manhood.

I've always said I'd never kill myself, but at this moment, it feels like the best escape from this nightmare -- and I don't mean I'm feeling sorry for myself, but I don't know if I want to deal with the hard truth and reality of the next few years to rebuild my life, my marriage (if that is even a possibility), my relationship with my parents (of which my mother will always say, "I told you so, you should have listened to me"), and everyone else around me. I don't think I'm that strong. And I don't think I can deal with the uncontrolled lust that I've let ruin my life, that still wants to ruin my future even now going forward.

...Dude.. I... I'm shocked. And... my sympathies. I hope the best for you to rebuild.

Don't give up on life. Things are never bad enough to go that far.
No sympathies, no "feeling sorry" for myself ...

...Dude.. I... I'm shocked. And... my sympathies.
No, no sympathies!
I am responsible for what I do, and I'm not looking for it.
Heck, I still haven't told my wife what I did after our phone call yet!
Yeah, that's going to go well when I fly home late tonight, yeah.

Some people may say I shouldn't tell my wife.
Frankly, since the woman has my business card, she'll find out one way or another from her anyway.
But that's not why I'm going to tell my wife, it's just she deserves the whole story.
And if she divorces me for it, that's on me, not her, she needs to know.

I hope the best for you to rebuild.
Don't give up on life.
Things are never bad enough to go that far.
I won't, I honestly won't, I'll rebuild.
I'm just not even remotely looking forward to it, not fucking at all.
But I'm only getting what I put upon myself.
I have to go through it, because I created it for myself.

I never realized before why some people want to kill themselves at points in their life.
At least not before tonight, now I know.
They don't want to face the next few years of their life.
Now I know, now I honestly know, but I'll just have to deal with it.

I won't give up, I will only deal with what I created for myself, and for others sadly enough (through no fault of their own).
Hell, what scares me the most is that I kept spiraling down and I only made it worse.
Am I going to continue doing that, shrugging my shoulders, and utterly not knowing how to stop it?
It's like I've reached a "tipping point," and I don't know what to do.

But I will go on, somehow, some way.
How ironic... Isn't the name of your post pretty close to what one of the messages under your name is after a certain number of posts? Don't mean to make light of it, but just thought it was too funny not to point it out.

I'm kind of cold when it come to this shit and maybe it's because i've been hurt in the past, but to be honest, your wife seems like a bitch, the client is a bitch, the cunt that ratted you out is, well, a bitch and I'll explain why.

1) The Wife - instead of comforting you and trying to help you through this trying time, she decides to dump on you. WTF is up with that? She needs to stop being so fucking selfish and realize that you're going through some shit right now. From the sound of your story, you did nothing wrong but try to make a fat bitch feel good about herself.

2) The Client - She seemed to be setting you up all along and I don't even mean purposely. But it seems from your time with her that she kept putting herself in a situation where this can happen; almost like she was looking for it. I mean, why did she decide to meet with you? You gave that heiffer a little nudge to her self-esteem and she repays you like that? That's fucked!

3) The Rat - Plain and simple... Mind your own fucking business people. I find it hard to believe that people actually get offended by behavior like this. It's not a big deal. We're just as offended by having to look at your Crisco ass parading up and down the hallways looking like you're about to knock shit over. Do everyone a favor, including yourself - take the Twinkie out of your mouth and hit the gym for God's sake. Oh yeah, and again, shut the fuck up and keep walking.

You'll be alright. You seem like a smart guy. You'll pick up the pieces and figure something out. And if you don't, you always have FreeOnes.
Wow, Prof! When it rains, it pours!
In any event, I voted for: "It happens, we understand, hope you are forgiven, but learn from it!"

Basically, I think your best shot is to reconcile with your wife and try to attune yourself to her signals a little better. Fortunately, it seems most of her problems with you have to do with the bedroom. This aspect should be relatively easy to change. You can change your style in the bedroom without really changing who you are, IMO. Reconciliation will take time, to be sure, but if your wife sees you are trying, she will likely cut you some slack.

As for the work situation. Yikes! Wherever you end up working, you will have to curtail your discussions with women about their figures. (easy to say in hindsight) It's ok to size up women in your mind, but you'll have to keep your comments more vague rather than pointing out specifics. It is unfortunate that this incident may follow you, as you mentioned.

As far as meeting with the other woman. You know that was wrong. IMO it was grossly wrong to even call her. I know you wanted to apologize, but it was just not the right way to do it. Then, as you may well agree, you kept sliding down that slippery slope and it really got bad. IMO, this is the strike you screwed up on the most. You went totally out of character and lost all restraint. Not to preach, but let this be a lesson on how not to act around women.

Lastly, please do NOT kill yourself. It is scary to hear you even mention it. It is good that you came to the board to get this off your chest, and I think you know better than us that with everything collapsing around you, you acted very out of character at times today. The watchword for you in the future will be restraint. Restraint in the bedroom with your wife and restraint with females in general. Be the intelligent guy you are and think through your actions. Impulsiveness can be deadly, I know that firsthand.

I really hope things start looking up for you. I realize much of what I've said you've probably figured out already. I know you'll get lots of good advice on this thread. All is not lost, my friend. ;)
Honestly ...

How ironic... Isn't the name of your post pretty close to what one of the messages under your name is after a certain number of posts? Don't mean to make light of it, but just thought it was too funny not to point it out.
That's the first laugh I've had in about 15 hours. Thanx. At least I still have somewhat of a sense of humor that isn't borderline sadistic (like the chuckle I made after the kiss-cup combo).
I'm kind of cold when it come to this shit and maybe it's because i've been hurt in the past, but to be honest, your wife seems like a bitch, the client is a bitch, the cunt that ratted you out is, well, a bitch and I'll explain why.
1) The Wife - instead of comforting you and trying to help you through this trying time, she decides to dump on you. WTF is up with that? She needs to stop being so fucking selfish and realize that you're going through some shit right now. From the sound of your story, you did nothing wrong but try to make a fat bitch feel good about herself.
In all honesty, she always has been there for me, more than any woman could or should expect me to be.
But she's honestly right about many things, and she finally just said them.
I guess she was trying to say that how I've been acting is not serving anyone but myself, and even that is not even serving myself in the end.

2) The Client - She seemed to be setting you up all along and I don't even mean purposely. But it seems from your time with her that she kept putting herself in a situation where this can happen; almost like she was looking for it. I mean, why did she decide to meet with you? You gave that heiffer a little nudge to her self-esteem and she repays you like that? That's fucked!
Just a clarification.
Both myself and the woman are with vendors at the client.
Not a big deal, but wanted to point that out.

3) The Rat - Plain and simple... Mind your own fucking business people. I find it hard to believe that people actually get offended by behavior like this. It's not a big deal. We're just as offended by having to look at your Crisco ass parading up and down the hallways looking like you're about to knock shit over. Do everyone a favor, including yourself - take the Twinkie out of your mouth and hit the gym for God's sake. Oh yeah, and again, shut the fuck up and keep walking.
In all honesty, I can get pretty "explicit" no matter what terms I put it in.
Like pointing out the size of her bust, chest-to-waist-to-hip ratio, to the point that some women and men can be uncomfortable.
No matter how "tame" the terms I use are, it's in a very, very professional environment in a very, very traditional financial industry (suits and all).

You'll be alright. You seem like a smart guy. You'll pick up the pieces and figure something out.
I'll be alright, but it's going to be a fucking bitch for awhile.
And I have no one to blame but myself.

And if you don't, you always have FreeOnes.
I don't know about that, and maybe I should have been listening to McRocket's words all this time.
I'm not blaming FreeOnes, what I'm saying is that I've used FreeOnes as not only an outlet for my lust, but I've been an advocate for it.
I'm not sure if I should be so lustful anymore like I've previously stated all over this board there is nothing wrong with it.

I'll probably still be around, asking for advice, but I'm already moving to changing how I approach women.
I think McRocket was right, how I treat women is showing itself, including his fears for my wife and her feelings before she finally "spoke up" today.
I didn't stop to consider, I just assumed everything, and now I'm realizing I was pretty inconsiderate, over-assuming and hurt people.
I think it time for a marriage counselor. They are not like the ones on TV. A good counselor would not give you the “answers” but help you and your wife to communicate better to find the answers already in you. It sure sounds like you two are not on the same wave length at this time. Good luck on the next chapter of your life.
Not so sure on the wife ...

Basically, I think your best shot is to reconcile with your wife and try to attune yourself to her signals a little better. Fortunately, it seems most of her problems with you have to do with the bedroom. This aspect should be relatively easy to change. You can change your style in the bedroom without really changing who you are, IMO.
Unfortunately, I got the idea that my wife now realized that how I was acting in the bedroom is how I act outside of it too.
Before, she just assumed it was the bedroom only, and that could be solved.
But now she realizes it's beyond that, and I'm sure after I tell her what happened at the bar, she'll realize it's something wrong at my core.

I think McRocket pegged it correctly (not what he said, but my post-analysis), that I basically wouldn't realize that I'm doing something wrong because I was so arrogant that there was nothing wrong and I was fine and righteous.

It is unfortunate that this incident may follow you, as you mentioned.
It will. I've been working on and off with this company for years, before I came on-board.
You have something like this happen in the financial industry, it not only follows the resume, but your background checks.
If it was another industry than defense or finance, that may be different, but not those two industries where you have to be "cleared" as a non-risk.

As far as meeting with the other woman. You know that was wrong. IMO it was grossly wrong to even call her. I know you wanted to apologize, but it was just not the right way to do it. Then, as you may well agree, you kept sliding down that slippery slope and it really got bad. IMO, this is the strike you screwed up on the most. You went totally out of character and lost all restraint. Not to preach, but let this be a lesson on how not to act around women.
Yeah, but you know what scares me even more?
I still think she's a sex object, and I can't stop myself from thinking that way.
In all honesty, I don't think I'd ever actually touch a woman like that again.

I honestly believe, when I was so vunerable and so thinking about my wife, wanted the comfort of holding my wife with a kiss and cup of her figure.
And I just made a really stupid snap judgment, because I met with another woman, when I was so vunerable.
The fact that I was talking about my marriage should have been the sign that I was doing something wrong, and I should have left.

I trust myself, I honestly do, but I don't trust my mind, and its approach to "women" anymore.
That's what I need to work on, and I think that's what McRocket has been trying to tell me in many threads now.
I guess I was just too prideful to stop and consider the fact that my lustful nature, which I thought was healthy under my values, is nothing of the sort.

Lastly, please do NOT kill yourself. It is scary to hear you even mention it. It is good that you came to the board to get this off your chest, and I think you know better than us that with everything collapsing around you, you acted very out of character at times today. The watchword for you in the future will be restraint. Restraint in the bedroom with your wife and restraint with females in general. Be the intelligent guy you are and think through your actions. Impulsiveness can be deadly, I know that firsthand.
I'm not "ending it."
I'm too happy of an individual to do that.
But I do feel like crawling behind a rock for a good 7 years.

I really hope things start looking up for you. I realize much of what I've said you've probably figured out already. I know you'll get lots of good advice on this thread. All is not lost, my friend. ;)
No, not all is lost, just everything I value right now and for some time to come.
It would be one thing if I lost it because of no fault, or even just limited fault or mistake of my own.
But what bothers me most is that it was virtually 100% of my fault or, at the very least, 100% of my own choices and attitudes that caused it.
In all honesty ...

I think it time for a marriage counselor. They are not like the ones on TV. A good counselor would not give you the “answers” but help you and your wife to communicate better to find the answers already in you. It sure sounds like you two are not on the same wave length at this time. Good luck on the next chapter of your life.
In all honesty, and maybe some of the women on the board can answer this instead of just men ...

"If you were my wife, knowing all this, would you want to stay with me?"

I mean, even if I manage to never pull even just one of these whole sequence of three huge, combinational strikes ever again, doesn't it bother you that I may still think, view and act no different in my mind?
I think that's what my wife has really "keyed in on," that all of this lust that she thought was just "healthy male life" and "tolerable" is actually hurting everyone, especially her as well as myself, and it's very likely that I won't ever change in how my mind/hormones work.
Prof you just go on and on with the same attitude. Forget the marriage counseling because you are not going to change. Look into psychiatric counseling.
Know thyself ...

Prof you just go on and on with the same attitude. Forget the marriage counseling because you are not going to change. Look into psychiatric counseling.
Hey, I'm just being honest and "know thyself," which is why I want to do it since it gives me the best chance to actually change myself.
Even if I honestly feel I'd never do any of this again, ever, it bothers me that I may have to fight how I've programmed my mind for the rest of my life.
OK. Did you really just say that you cupped her breast and shoved your tongue in a stranger's mouth without permission? Dude. I mean. Dude.
When she came to hug me, I just snapped.

I guess after almost 15 years of the comfort of one woman, the only woman I ever embrace, I just snapped.
I treated her like she was my wife, and dove into that comfort without thinking.

I honestly don't know how else to explain it, because she is a stranger, and I didn't have any right to do that, and I know that.

I'm a big fan of honesty but if I were you I would very definitely NOT tell your wife that you cupped and kissed a stranger (that woman, no less), and while trying to save your marriage, also assess yourself and go over everything you did, and try and figure out a way to understand it, change a few things in your head, and make sure you never do anything like that again. Because you won't just lose your wife and job for things like that - you'll lose your freedom. I hope she doesn't press charges.
Trust me, I understand all this.
But I don't think she'll press charges, I think she just wants to forget it even happened.
I think she wants to forget she'd even go to hug a stranger like myself and move on.
What is strange to me is that all this has happened today and you are here, on Freeones, making polls, long posts, and writing with great volume. It looks as though it didn't sink in yet but you really seem to be getting on with your online life. I know if I'd had a day like that, which I doubt I've ever had in my life (not that bad, not yet, godwilling), I wouldn't have the energy or sanity left to come and start a poll. I don't know whether to commend you for getting on with life, or to worry more.
I wanted to get it out there, just to document it, for myself, and for advice.
Because I'm really fucked up right now, at the same time, I know everything I did wrong.
And I honestly can't slow down that last bit slow enough to stop and realize how I couldn't not stop myself and realize she wasn't my comforting wife.

The only thing I can come up with is "lack of sleep," because I haven't slept much this week.
Worked a lot of hours, less than 3 hours/night of sleep all week.
My judgment is impaired after about 3 straight days of less than 4+ hours/night of sleep.
Over 150 views, 15 responses, but only 5 votes?

I'm surprised so few votes.
Heck, take my posts away and I still think there are more responses than votes!


thats the longest post ive ever seen. and ive been on internet forums for 2 months now. geez, get a therapist. :D
No excuse, just trying to figure it out ...

But drawing lines for yourself, self-control, and balancing what you want with what someone else wants
This is the first time I have ever, in my life, even remotely crossed that.
I'm utterly dumbfounded, and can only explain it as the utter limp state I was in after my professional ordeal, combined with lack of sleep.
No excuse, just trying to figure out WTF happened with my judgment.


Closed Account
Prof you just go on and on with the same attitude. Forget the marriage counseling because you are not going to change. Look into psychiatric counseling.
I agree with YMIHERE: look into counseling ASAP, if you really desire to change. Find out the difference between a psychologist and psychiatrist, and consider which one would fit your needs better. I recommend against seeking out a counselor before you have some kind of income, though.

If you're feeling adventurous, then I suggest using the Internet to research this subject. There's a wealth of information available, so challenge yourself to use your time and your skills to discover and learn. That's more productive than fapping to porn, at least. Just keep in mind that sources with known credentials should be sought.

Here's a good, relevant article to start with from the American Journal of Psychiatry:
Re: No sympathies, no "feeling sorry" for myself ...

No, no sympathies!
I am responsible for what I do, and I'm not looking for it.

Well don't worry your not going to get any.

Because I can't believe someone of your intelligence actually posted this on here.

That is if it is true :dunno:

Heck, I still haven't told my wife what I did after our phone call yet!
Yeah, that's going to go well when I fly home late tonight, yeah.

Now as most know here know. I usually stay completely out of this type of thread. Because 90% of the time I don't believe they are true. Just like this could not be or could be.

But if you did cheat on the your wife. The person you are supposed to love so much you was willing to give up the rest of your life too. Then you in my book deserve everything you get. As does anyone who is married and gets caught cheating.

I don't vote on these things. But my comment would be...

I believe that things come to those who deserve it evenually.

Maybe this is yours coming home to rest!
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