large plastic penis and handed it back to...
nothingandless Feb 13, 2006 #122 ...the car full of clowns on their way to the circus. the tight-rope walker...
Rastagir Feb 13, 2006 #123 ...stopped in the middle of the show and asked for his mummy a rolling stone.......
nothingandless Feb 13, 2006 #125 ...won the argument, much to the trapeez artist's dismay. after riding the ferris wheel...
Rastagir Feb 14, 2006 #127 ...did a backflip while playing the banjo As I was trying to suck golf balls through a straw.....
D D-rock Feb 16, 2006 #133 ...which it won't because smoke by its very nature isn't clear. Reaching in back of the refrigerator...
...which it won't because smoke by its very nature isn't clear. Reaching in back of the refrigerator...
nothingandless Feb 16, 2006 #134 hand got stuck in an old casserole. the woman across the street from me...
nothingandless Feb 16, 2006 #136 ...i was shocked to have slipped on a banana peel. when making a stew...
D D-rock Feb 16, 2006 #137 ...don't toss in an entire squirrel Blood started coming out of the shower...
nothingandless Feb 16, 2006 #138 ...the showerhead from upstairs at the bates motel. don't forget to tune...