Final Presidential Debate


what the fuck you lookin at?
Now just think. You have no control over how the Phillies will do against the Dodgers, but you have control over whether or not you will make a decision for yourself, or let other's make it for you.
Now just think. You have no control over how the Phillies will do against the Dodgers, but you have control over whether or not you will make a decision for yourself, or let other's make it for you.

nice.. Great post! This debate 2nite decides everything.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Now just think. You have no control over how the Phillies will do against the Dodgers, but you have control over whether or not you will make a decision for yourself, or let other's make it for you.

I guess I'd be pulling for Obama, but whatever. I can't be bothered by it.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I like how this happened...

Obama: "100% of your ads...100% of your ads have been negative."
McCain: "That's not true."
Obama: " is true."

Ahh, no argument for that.
Now just think. You have no control over how the Phillies will do against the Dodgers, but you have control over whether or not you will make a decision for yourself, or let other's make it for you.

Unfortunately that's the attitude with a lot of people and a lot of those people won't vote. From what I've seen it's usually these same people that are the most vocal about political issues. I've always supported the belief that if you don't take an active interest in elections (i.e. vote) then you have absolutely no right to complain about any of the issues. You don't have to like the candidates but you should at least listen to them because ultimately they will be deciding on issues that will affect you personally. There have been elections that have been decided by one vote, don't you want that one vote to be yours? I know I would.:dunno:


Closed Account
You heard it here first folks. If any of you watched the final Presidential debate tonight, you noticed that while Obama was speaking, McCain was writing on a piece of paper. I can bet you that on tomorrows show (10/16) of Jay Leno, he will show the clip and say "can we move in closer to what he is writing" and it will of McCain writing something funny.

I'm guessing either a coloring book or a drawing of Obama being stabbed.
McCain who I know was never known as a great speaker looked much worse last night then I have ever seen.He kept having trouble even getting a coherent sentence out without fumbling the words and having to correct them or pausing etc.He really looked like age and the wear and tear of the campaign have taken its toll on him I thought.The debate was no contest IMO as to who had the better message and answers and who was able to give them.McCain and his "class warfare" and "spread the wealth" attacks as well as the old republican "I will cut everybodys taxes" and can "balance the budget in 4 years" (which given the current situation is laughable) lines was as one TV analyst said a campaign that is about 20 years out of date now.The young bright guy clobbered the dottering old fool.And in this current situation with the economy and everything else we need the energetic bright guy who can stay up into the night working while grandpa needs his sleep.
I thought McCain looked anemic and thought of the Nixon / Kennedy debate.

He just looks like old politics as you say. Promise everything with no plan. It's like saying, "When I'm Miss America, I plan to bring peace and happiness to all the world". I rather skip that "plan", for one perfect or not, that shows some careful deliberation of the steps needed to reach a more realistic goal.

I watch the news all the time. I know McCain had nothing to say about anything and suddenly started developing his whole policy since about the time he was asked how many houses he owns. There aren't enough cheering fans or Joe Sixpacks in his audience to persuade me, nor enough times he can call himself the Maverick or use patriotism to hide that fact.

On McCain's point that U.S. Corporations pay the second highest tax in the world. I know that's not true in practice, why doesn't John McCain?
Facial King had a good link here;

Should Obama have run against President Bush in 2004? No, John McCain is the next best copy to run against in 2008.

So I guess the Phillies won. :)
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Yep this proved to me that Obama is nothing but a smart ass and that McCain's age has mellowed him out that he does not put this young presidential candidate wannabe in his proper place, back to his junior senator seat.

I am an independent who did not went crazy and scared and voted for Bush because he was better able to handle the war on terrorism/Iraq than Kerry. Most thought it that way Bush got elected and for four years they bitched and moaned about it.

The majority of those that fell for Bush fear tactics are the same ones that are running crazy once again and are voting for Obama, because he can handle the economy better. Like Bush, Obama is not getting my vote. There's no way that this two year old junior senator from Chicago (yep I am saying that, because he's got that city's mentallity) has any clue on how to run this economy and this country. Plus he failed his background check.

I managed to go through four additional maddening years with bullshit from Bush and I sure can handle four more with this Barack trying to dig into my pocket so that he can finance those who are in welfare, I just keep telling to myself "fuck the Goverment".

I think he offered a job to McCain, because he sure does admire Barrack and even tells him at the end of the debate "good job!"...meanwhile Pallin is the one carrying his campaing suddenly this seems more like a PALIN/mccain ticket.

I could tell the Repubes (I meant the Repubes) that McCain and even Bush are working for the dems as manchurian candidates, where one of them admires and won't play dirty politics with Obama the other one gets the goverment bigger and ready for Obama. Way to go! death to capitalism as we now it happened in 2008 under a repube.
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I do not discriminate against anyone, but McCain if he wins!!!! Will be taking on one of the most stressful jobs on earth at 72! He seems incoherent at times and could not even look Obama in the eye the first 2 debates. He's bumbling around all the time. Pleeeease!

Palin is an airhead too, but I'd grab my strap on and..........:sex:....maybe! Angry sex. Ha hahaha!