Fetish wiki

Hi !
I discovered the "Watch that video" section, and I just love it!

But I think as threads turn into 100-page long conversations, it becomes harder and harder to follow, with all the "thanks" and the "bumps", and the deleted links overtime...
So my idea is to create a wiki for all the different fetishes people have. Define a fetish, give links to samples, galleries, commercial sites, etc...
This would allow users to keep each subject nice and clean, avoid duplicates...

My intention is not to divert traffic from freeones, so how can I do that ?
I already know how to build up a wiki, but how to integrate it to freeones ?

Thanks and long live freeones !
Since no one replied, I went on and started the wiki so that every freeones user can benefit from it.
If you want to contribute and if you have ideas you'd like to see implemented, now is the time to let me know!
I'll keep you posted when the website it ready.
I'm glad you like the idea, but it's not ready yet. I already have the domain name, hosting and software up and running, but I still need to configure everything.
The site is an empty shell waiting to be filled!
That sounds interesting, as long as it really is in a much greater level of detail than the usual typical porn site categorizations. If you're using the fetish threads found here on FreeOnes as a guideline, then I think that you might be on to making something useful. There are several threads here containing fetishes or themes that are quite specific (which is very good) and thus very hard to find with those normal stupid porn search engines (askjolene etc.) that can barely distinguish between any two given keywords. Seriously, sometimes it seems that whatever you try to find with those, the result is approximately the one and the same goddamn list of galleries that contains a shitload of completely irrelevant results.
I'm still exploring the possibilities and I understand quite a few things.
1) I begin to sense it's going to be difficult to get people to contribute and CATEGORiZE stuff. Many threads are dupes because people are too lazy to search if it already exists.
2) Many websites are bullshit because they are made by affiliates who only care about getting commissions from their sponsors. Thus, they setup a TGP or review website, only talk about their sponsors and leave the rest out.

I am amazed at how good and eaily searchable Wikipedia is, and I'd like something like that for porn, but I am no experienced webmaster.
I don't think I'll be able to develop that website alone, so I'm considering opening a wordpress website instead.
I'd write the best lists about the fetishes I'm interested in. People can submit comments without having to be logged in. Editors and contributors can join in and write about their fetishes. Polls would be submitted to vote for best websites, new categories, and so on.

This whole project is still a mess in my head so you're welcome to give your ideas.
People can submit comments without having to be logged in.

Ouch. :eyeso: That's going to be a horrible spam magnet and a problem that you're going to have to deal with somehow. I currently don't have any good solutions to offer for that from the top of my head, other than requiring registration and having to check that everybody who registers is an actual human.

In any case, it's going to be an insane amount of work to get it organized and especially, keeping it organized just because of the fact that most people are extremely lazy with categorizations. You have to be prepared to deal with that or it's going to fall apart.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Shouldn't it be the Fetish Whipi?:D

Stupid puns aside, one thing that comes to mind is that I'd think you'd need to dedicate a lot of space for images.

I bet if you got a couple of known fetishists to come on board as genre overseers you'd soon find you had the foundations of a very interesting project.

Good luck.
@Automate: yes, I am aware of that, and I'm counting on blocking IPs and mail domain names to deal with it. I don't know if that will be sufficient, but I'd like to have as many contributions as possible.
As for organizing, the wordpress backend is not that bad. Ideally, fetishes would be sorted out by categories and tags. Only the administrator and the editors can change that order, and if contributors come along, they would be put in charge of one or more specific pages. This way, no one can mess it up. I'm only concerned as how to scale it up when it becomes more than a 100s-page website.
It would already be a good thing getting there.

Thank you @TheOrangeCat. As a matter of fact, I was thinking about inviting people like _Jill_ (who you don't necessarily share all your fetishes with ;-)).
I don't know yet what to do with the layout. Although galleries are something I want to implement, I for one prefer concise and organized lists. Just an example: I'm a fan of gloryhole videos, and there are dozens of websites and hundreds orphan videos out there. Displaying them in a gallery style would probably be very difficult. But I will probably add galleries for every single fetish so you can just click on thumbnails and go to a sample gallery.
@Automate: I also forgot to mention that wordpress comes with Akismet plugin, which is a spam filter for comments. So Akismet + IP blocking + mail blocking may be enough.
Sorry I'm writing so long after your last reply.
So no, I have tried a few things but I eventually gave up.
I realized there are some good websites that tried it like *************, but you probably never heard of it and the reason is most people don't care.
Forums are a good way to share stuff because it's simple and fast. When you start to try and categorize, it becomes a mess.

I still like the idea, but I am a little hopeless about it.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Wikiporno looks real nice, just needs a shit-ton more contributors!

(Maybe FO will acquire them, put a little orange in it, and get that sucker up to speed!)
Sorry I'm writing so long after your last reply.
So no, I have tried a few things but I eventually gave up.
I realized there are some good websites that tried it like *************, but you probably never heard of it and the reason is most people don't care.
Forums are a good way to share stuff because it's simple and fast. When you start to try and categorize, it becomes a mess.

I still like the idea, but I am a little hopeless about it.

Sorry to say, but I kind of expected this.. I've seen similar projects fall into disuse for the same kinds of reasons (like wikiporno that you mentioned, I have seen it before).

Since the online porn organization efforts don't seem to be taking off very well, I've been trying to find a good program to organize my own local porn collection. That's insanely work-intensive as well and no good solution exists yet. One possible candidate is this:

It is supposed to be used for building adult sites on the web, but it works locally too. Just needs the LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, Perl) stack installed.

There have been no new releases in over a year. It still seems to be slowly developed in the subversion repository though, the last commit there was only 5 weeks ago. Subversion isn't usable for the layman though, since it requires for the program to be compiled. Additionally, it's based on Linux. That is very good for people like me (computer scientist, very familiar with programming and Linux), but bad for others.

I tried some version of it and it seemed promising, but still pretty limited for my purposes. I tend to be very thorough when starting to categorize..
Actually, there's a guy called Talotaror who created a program intended to organize a porn collection. The program is called Bidwid. I never tried it yet, but it looks cool.

I think the future lies in those websites like porn.com or videobox. They're still pretty weak in fetishes, but eventually they'll get better. They allow for advanced search, you can create shorter clips from long videos within the website itself and share it with other members... I hope this will lead to more social interactions.
I also hope that as time passes by, producers will be interested in filling out more information for those platforms.