Favorite national anthems


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Was your great great great grandfather Benedict Arnold?

Arnold switched over to the British side. The only thing he had to do with Canada was failing to invade it. :nono:


Lost at Birth
La Marseillaise is a very powerful song to listen to when a crowd sings it. hell, i'm not french and i want to shout out viva la france when i hear it, and yes i'm from USA but i can recognize a great tune when i hear one. i don't think that's unpatriotic.

as far as the Star Spangled Banner, i prefer America the Beautiful simply because it's WAY easier to sing and derives from a more peaceful origin. the story behind the Star Spangled Banner is pretty impressive though despite the fact that Fort McHenry got the shit bombed out of it.

La Marseillaise sung by the crowd

and of course one of the greatest scenes from one of the greatest movies:
Casablanca - La Marseillaise
I think japan's is pretty cool. What do you think?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

The Swedish anthem is a beautiful piece.
APART FROM YOUR OWN COUNTRY, wich National Anthem do you like the most

Apart from your country's National Anthem, wich National Anthem do you like the most.

I like the one from Italy : Fratelli Di Italia (= Brothers of Italy)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: APART FROM YOUR OWN COUNTRY, wich National Anthem do you like the most

Apart from your country's National Anthem, wich National Anthem do you like the most.

I like the one from Italy : Fratelli Di Italia (= Brothers of Italy)

Other than the U.S.'s, Italy. Back when I was a Ferrari fan, I always loved to hear the Italian anthem being played for the Constructors when Ferrari won.