favorite college football teams..

Its got to be the best football program in the country, and the most winning program... yes the Michigan Wolverines. They have the best field, Michigan Stadium also known as The Big House. I've been there a couple times and was also at the Appalachain State game. GO BLUE!

How did that Appalachian State game work out? Do they teach spelling in that state up north?
Yea there are alot of ban wagon fans out there. As for me I am attending the university of florida right therefore I am a gator, but I grew up as an auburn fan. For some reason over the years I have like usc. I really like the school. they got a great band they always have a good team plus the college is beautiful and It is located in L.A.

Grew up an Auburn fan... well, we all have our crosses to bear, and at least you went to UF :) J/k, my Dad went to AU, but he's not rabid about it, we just have fun with the whole crazy rivalry thing. Some people take it wayyy too seriously though.

I have a BS and an MA from Alabama, so I guess my "loyalty" is good?
Grew up an Auburn fan... well, we all have our crosses to bear, and at least you went to UF :) J/k, my Dad went to AU, but he's not rabid about it, we just have fun with the whole crazy rivalry thing. Some people take it wayyy too seriously though.

I have a BS and an MA from Alabama, so I guess my "loyalty" is good?

ha ha.. Yea ur right, people do take the rivalry really serious. With my parents they took me to all the auburn games. They are really big fans. Like I went a long period where I didnt miss a game until I left of course. The first game I went to was when I was 7 days. crazy, I know. Where do u live now?
ha ha.. Yea ur right, people do take the rivalry really serious. With my parents they took me to all the auburn games. They are really big fans. Like I went a long period where I didnt miss a game until I left of course. The first game I went to was when I was 7 days. crazy, I know. Where do u live now?

I live inside the Beltway now... but I grew up close to Auburn, went to a bunch of games with my Dad, but didn't want to go to school there. Was down at the Bama-AU game last year, had fun expect for the heckling, but nothing too serious :)
ha ha. yea I was actually at that game. dont know if I should go to the fla/fsu game this year or the ala/aub game? Too bad they put the auburn/alabama rivalry game on thanksgiving weekend.