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Faux "News" Bill O'Reilly Supreme Pinhead Busted Again!

watch the documentary the world according to Dick Cheney, he admits in the documentary that the war was for the biggest purpose to get reelected. He said he learned during the Nixon administration that during wartime sitting presidents do not get voted out

wdoall, unless you can provide a direct quote that sounds dubious to me. As I recall Bush's popularity level was pretty high prior to the invasion, and there weren't any Democrat all stars gearing up to run against him. On the contrary, eventually Kerry was more or less settled on as the best of a pretty uninspiring lot.

But if you can provide such a quote I'd be interested to read it.
Obama was handed a credit card bill for the shit Bush didnt have to pay for such as 2 FUCKING WARS not one cent of those wars was paid for by Bush.

if you don't think O'Reilly is a conservative then you must be so far right extreme that you're in a fucking militia living in the woods preparing to go to war against the invasion of immigrants. That's how you sound. O'Reilly does nothing but bash liberal ideas and the president and everything he does.

Have you ever seen the interviews with Richard Clark? He said that the day after 9/11 all Bush did was ask everyone how to tie Sadam to it. He wanted it to be Sadam from day one. He lied about WMD, he lied about Iraq being affiliated with 9/11 and he lied that the war would be paid for by oil. None of it was true. The only thing that Iraq needs today is Sadam. Bush created Isis
Obama was handed a credit card bill for the shit Bush didnt have to pay for such as 2 FUCKING WARS not one cent of those wars was paid for by Bush.

if you don't think O'Reilly is a conservative then you must be so far right extreme that you're in a fucking militia living in the woods preparing to go to war against the invasion of immigrants. That's how you sound. O'Reilly does nothing but bash liberal ideas and the president and everything he does.

Have you ever seen the interviews with Richard Clark? He said that the day after 9/11 all Bush did was ask everyone how to tie Sadam to it. He wanted it to be Sadam from day one. He lied about WMD, he lied about Iraq being affiliated with 9/11 and he lied that the war would be paid for by oil. None of it was true. The only thing that Iraq needs today is Sadam. Bush created Isis
You are a nut, and will no longer be responded to. That probably should have been the remedy all along.

Seriously, you are Rosie O'Donnell crazy.
Ok You are so full of yourself that you cannot handle someone returning the argument with actual facts. Bsuh wasn't on the hook for paying for the 2 wars. Obama was also saddled with Bush's tax cuts and the stimulus to bail out our fucking economy that YOUR boy destroyed. That alone cost 1.9 trillion. Do you deny that Obama inherited the largest deficit in US history? So on day one he jumped into a sinking ship. Thanks to Bush and the republicans the incoming revenue for the government is also at an all-time low. So Obama raised taxes to where they were under clinton but should have gone higher for the top 5% to like 50%

That shit fell onto Obamas stats. You denying that? Let's play a little game of look it up shall we?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
We don't see you bringing up the fact that the debt has nearly doubled again under Obama with 2 years left to go. So basically he will be responsible for equalling the debt that all presidents before him accumulated.

Republicans have guaranteed a huge ass deficit since 1980, the Nation is reaping what a bunch of idiot voodoo economists sowed 35 years ago. Taxes have gone up marginally, but nowhere near what they should be and you don't get to blame Obama for the mess created by Republicans, be it in Iraq or the economy.

As for your pre-posting forethought, you wouldn't know your a priori from a hole in the ground. So you are an example of the process? Hahaha You are not even using the two terms in the proper context. It is quite evident that you do a lot of posting a priori. At least in your mind anyway. lol I bet you are a real hoot at family gatherings.

And you obviously are out of your depth on the use of terms that aren't exclusive to the legal field, surprise, Latin is used universally and what it may mean in one context isn't necessarily how it's used in all contexts. And speaking of context, you seem to have trouble discerning the parallel being drawn between your Hillary/Benghazi attacks and Bush/911/Iraq, of which I am both surprised and disappointed because an ubermensa attorney such as yourself with x-ray vision and clairvoyance should know everyone's posts a priori.

You are a nut, and will no longer be responded to. That probably should have been the remedy all along. Seriously, you are Rosie O'Donnell crazy.

Considering the hard on you have for Hillary don't you find this a tad bit hypocritical?
Maybe from a philosophical standpoint. You are quite the philosopher aren't you. I do tend to get wrapped up in the legal definition of terms and took your smarmy comment to mean that your posts do not have to be subjected to evidence whereas mine and others do.

Which judging by your history, it was a reasonable conclusion to come to.

Supply side economics works every time it is tried. Hopefully, we will get to try it again in the near future.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Maybe from a philosophical standpoint. You are quite the philosopher aren't you.

One of my undergrad majors was Philosophy, so I might not go so far as to call myself a philosopher, but I certainly have more than a passing layman's grasp of the topic.

I do tend to get wrapped up in the legal definition of terms and took your smarmy comment to mean that your posts do not have to be subjected to evidence whereas mine and others do. Which judging by your history, it was a reasonable conclusion to come to.

I didn't consider the legal context until you took issue, your conclusion isn't reasonable because I consistently provide evidence to back up my assertions. Pardon me if I came across as smarmy, that's often the case in miscommunications.

Supply side economics works every time it is tried. Hopefully, we will get to try it again in the near future.

Supply side has been an abject failure, we've "tried it" for over thirty years and have nothing to show for it but a mountain of debt, the paper trail is there and has been posted many times in the past. The income gap keeps growing, those with plenty have more now than ever before but the thought of giving back to society never crosses the minds of the entitled elite. Those with the most want more from those with the least, it's ridiculous particularly when the difference can be life shattering to someone that's poor but the wealthy don't even feel it. The GOP and true Christianity are not compatible, but boy, oh boy, have the charlatans of the Republican party sold it to them, hook, line, and sinker. Just keep telling them the same feel-good lies while fleecing them to death, problem with that, and we're seeing it electorally, is that the GOP can't sustain their current business model, the crash isn't without casualty, unfortunately.
I disagree. The only time it was really implemented without throwing wrenches into the cogs were during Reagan's term. Bush 41 and 43 dabbled and tinkered with it. Especially 41 who was never a enthusiastic proponent to put it mildly.

I may be wrong but I think HW coined the term " Voodoo Economics"


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I disagree. The only time it was really implemented without throwing wrenches into the cogs were during Reagan's term. Bush 41 and 43 dabbled and tinkered with it. Especially 41 who was never a enthusiastic proponent to put it mildly.

I may be wrong but I think HW coined the term " Voodoo Economics"

Indeed, George H.W. Bush was an opponent and used the term in the 1980 GOP primary. What do you envision as the ideal environment for supply-side economics? Pure capitalism with no taxes, regulations, or restraints? That's destined to fail, greed would rule the day.

Returning to some earlier themes, George W. Bush saw a doubling of the National Debt, not exactly the "pretty damn good times before 2008" that you claim. There's been an expansion of the National Debt under Obama, as well, but as I previously mentioned, it's built into the system thanks to thirty-five years of tax breaks for people who don't really need it. You don't build America on the broken backs of the poor and that's exactly what Supply-Side economics tries to do. As for Hillary, I'm not inclined to vote for her, I was hoping she wouldn't run, but now I'm reduced to hoping she won't win the primary (which she will), and unfortunately, I don't foresee a palatable Republican alternative. Benghazi conspiracy isn't a winning tactic for the GOP, Swiftboating died with John Kerry, and these Benghazi/Hillary attacks are nothing more than an extension of that kind of dirty politics. You'd think the GOP would have learned something from 2008 and 2012, but no, stubborn, petulant, and simplistic, they're going to go down kicking, screaming, and clinging to their pet issues. Change is hard, but undeniable, you either adapt and evolve or go extinct.
Built on the backs of the poor? Jesus H. Christ. Was it not Bill Clinton that introduced Workfare? He did it because the 2 previous Republican administrations were so anti poor that they eliminated all publc assistance...wait!

Reagan was a job creator, the poor benefited. If you dont want to work you don't benefit. The Carter years were the most depressing years of a presidency of my lifetime and Reagan turned it that around . republicans don't want tax breaks for the sake of tax breaks we want them to stimulate investment. But you can't have a two tiered plan. Tax and spend doesn't work and tax cut and spend is even worse which is what the Bushes practiced. The economy was pretty damned good up until around 2007 but mainly because the ramifications of funding 2 wars and wiping out the surplus hadn't caught up with us.

The housing bubble burst was going to happen short of Ross Perot being president who would have at least leveled with is and tried to head it off at the pass. This country including myself made a grave mistake by not electing Perot I would love to see one of his televised talks with America about the 3 trillion dollar debt and see how prescient he was.

Expound please on exactly how supply side economics especially Reaganomics was breaking the backs of the poor. I want details and not revisionist talking points.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Built on the backs of the poor? Jesus H. Christ. Was it not Bill Clinton that introduced Workfare? He did it because the 2 previous Republican administrations were so anti poor that they eliminated all publc assistance...wait!

Reagan was a job creator, the poor benefited. If you dont want to work you don't benefit. The Carter years were the most depressing years of a presidency of my lifetime and Reagan turned it that around . republicans don't want tax breaks for the sake of tax breaks we want them to stimulate investment. But you can't have a two tiered plan. Tax and spend doesn't work and tax cut and spend is even worse which is what the Bushes practiced. The economy was pretty damned good up until around 2007 but mainly because the ramifications of funding 2 wars and wiping out the surplus hadn't caught up with us.

The housing bubble burst was going to happen short of Ross Perot being president who would have at least leveled with is and tried to head it off at the pass. This country including myself made a grave mistake by not electing Perot I would love to see one of his televised talks with America about the 3 trillion dollar debt and see how prescient he was.

Expound please on exactly how supply side economics especially Reaganomics was breaking the backs of the poor. I want details and not revisionist talking points.

I'm busy today, but I will address all of your post. For right now, you might want to peruse this Perot campaign video, which refutes your contention that Reagan was a job creator, and pretty much everything else you claim about Reagan the Great.

That was Perot trying to get elected. I still think he should have been given the chance to prove his theories. Even Kennedy tried it and it worked. Back then it was called Go Go Sixties economics. The problem is that neither Bush or Obama have used any sound economic policies. Bush was cutting taxes but spending like a fool. If you tax the richest 1 percent to the point of closing their businesses then they just find ways around it. With Obama it is even worse because not only is he taxing more he is spending like this country has never seen. There is only so much time that a president gets to blame his predecessor and Obama had exceeded that by about 4 years. Reagan oversaw the greatest peacetime expansion in our history and increased revenues while lowering taxes. I will say it again and again because it is the damn truth. To be honest we are going to pay a price in the very near future with Obama's smoke and mirrors economy. We are in an employment bubble and when that fucker bursts it is going to make 2008 look like the 500 point correction of 1987. We cannot sustain this massive debt even for 10 more years. Until responsible politicians address this and tackle it we have a very bleak future indeed. If Obama ran his household like he runs the country Michelle would be lucky to buy her sweaters from Salvation Army.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Expound please on exactly how supply side economics especially Reaganomics was breaking the backs of the poor. I want details and not revisionist talking points.

Making tax cuts a priority shifts the burden to state and other local governments to make up the shortfall in revenue. The idea that the rich will reinvest is a myth, they have merely been sticking their extra income in off-shore accounts. None of this is new ground, we've gone over the pitfalls of trickle-down economics ad nauseum, and it's one of the big hits that republicans have been taking over the last two election cycles. As long as the GOP does everything in their power to protect the pocket of the wealthy they will never truly be able say they fight for the average American.

That was Perot trying to get elected. I still think he should have been given the chance to prove his theories. Even Kennedy tried it and it worked. Back then it was called Go Go Sixties economics. The problem is that neither Bush or Obama have used any sound economic policies. Bush was cutting taxes but spending like a fool. If you tax the richest 1 percent to the point of closing their businesses then they just find ways around it. With Obama it is even worse because not only is he taxing more he is spending like this country has never seen. There is only so much time that a president gets to blame his predecessor and Obama had exceeded that by about 4 years. Reagan oversaw the greatest peacetime expansion in our history and increased revenues while lowering taxes. I will say it again and again because it is the damn truth. To be honest we are going to pay a price in the very near future with Obama's smoke and mirrors economy. We are in an employment bubble and when that fucker bursts it is going to make 2008 look like the 500 point correction of 1987. We cannot sustain this massive debt even for 10 more years. Until responsible politicians address this and tackle it we have a very bleak future indeed. If Obama ran his household like he runs the country Michelle would be lucky to buy her sweaters from Salvation Army.

The greatest peace-time expansion in American history happened during the Clinton administration. Spending and deficits have gone down under the Obama administration. You're obviously not getting accurate information. I will reiterate, GOP economics over the last thirty five years have guaranteed annual deficits, you can't give massive tax breaks to the wealthy and expect the economy to rebound, particularly in light of the fact that the wealthy are merely sticking in off shore accounts and not investing back into the economy. Hey, at least you've got a believer in A-Fox, throw out enough spin and you can convince a few, particularly those that want to believe.
I can't believe you keep bringing up the spending and deficit myth under Obama. If I have a 500 thousand dollar gambling habit and cut it to 300 thousand a year but I only make 100 thousand I have either put myself in debt or stolen the money. It doesn't make me fiscally responsible. Now you are worried about the burden on the states? I don't see you lamenting the burden that the states have to bear by expanding Medicaid

This is hopeless.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I can't believe you keep bringing up the spending and deficit myth under Obama. If I have a 500 thousand dollar gambling habit and cut it to 300 thousand a year but I only make 100 thousand I have either put myself in debt or stolen the money. It doesn't make me fiscally responsible. Now you are worried about the burden on the states? I don't see you lamenting the burden that the states have to bear by expanding Medicaid

This is hopeless.

What do you suggest Obama do about the deficit and debt? Fair warning, that's a loaded question, Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution would be a good place to go looking for a clue, it comes back to Congress and tax policy and who advocates for what. We're stuck with the tax rates we've got until congress makes a change, nothing Obama can do about it, Congress is currently gridlocked, I'm sure republicans would cut taxes even further, despite thirty five years of proof that lower tax rates haven't worked. Democrats would be too fucking scared of the Republicans to stick to principles and raise the rates to more fiscally responsible and reasonable level. So again, what would you have Obama do and just how the fuck do you justify blaming him for something not in the scope of the power of presidency?
Well I think that congress should utilize the power of the purse. That also includes shutting down the government like Gingrich et all were willing to do.

Here is where I am coming from, it seems that the candidates that I would like to see elected have the backbone to stand up to the weak leadership in the republican party. It also just so happens that a couple of them are firebrands with controversial social issue stances and that is unfortunate because the only thing I give a damn about right now is getting this economy rolling again and tackling the debt.

If I were a republican candidate, I would introduce comprehensive plans for immigration reform and stop opposing same sex marriage. Get the issues cleared from the table and introduce a workable alternative to Obamacare instead of saying that they will repeal it.

There is one Democrat waiting in the wings that I will support and that is Jim Webb. In fact he speaks to me more than any repub does at the moment.

We gotta tackle this debt and I think Webb is the one Democrat that would get the repubs to work with him . He basically is fiscally where I want to see the repubs be without all the social issue baggage. He made an ill advised comment about women don't fight but I think he could overcome that.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I can't believe you keep bringing up the spending and deficit myth under Obama. If I have a 500 thousand dollar gambling habit and cut it to 300 thousand a year but I only make 100 thousand I have either put myself in debt or stolen the money. It doesn't make me fiscally responsible. Now you are worried about the burden on the states? I don't see you lamenting the burden that the states have to bear by expanding Medicaid

This is hopeless.

It would be extremely easy to fix SS/Medicare/Obamacare; roll them all into one universal single payer program, medical, dental, and vision for life, lift the caps, and they would be perpetually solvent and solve a whole lot of other budgetary issues at both the state and federal levels.

Here's an article that's extremely relevant even though it's over ten years old, I would like to just plagerize it but I've got more integrity than that-

Trickle-Down Pain
February 19, 2003

Even as the administration prepares for war in Iraq, Bush has revived trickle-down economics with an audacity that's leaving old supply-side fanatics breathless. He's pushing new tax-exempt savings accounts, more tax-favored retirement accounts, tax-free dividends, accelerated income-tax cuts and an end to inheritance taxes. Every reputable analysis shows that these provisions overwhelmingly benefit the very rich -- the same top 1 percent who are already flying higher than ever before. By the administration's own admission, these initiatives will generate $1 trillion in total deficits over the next five years. That's not counting the cost of going to war, occupying Iraq and defending the homeland from further terrorist attacks.

Parroting Reagan supply-siders, Bush argues that these windfalls for the rich help everyone because they encourage rich people to save and invest more of their incomes, which will grow the economy. A more likely outcome is that the rich will shift existing savings from taxable to nontaxable accounts. Whatever extra money they invest is as likely to go outside the United States as inside -- trickling out, as it were.

The only thing that's actually trickling down -- and will become a ******* in the future -- is the pain of severe cuts in social services that working people and the poor rely on. The pain is avoided at the top but grows larger every step down the income ladder.

Much of the pain is hidden from public view. To be sure, the new Bush budget squeezes domestic discretionary spending, which houses many of these services. But the cuts are proportionately larger at the state level, and larger still in the towns and cities where most working-class and poor families are clustered.

State governments, faced with sharply declining tax revenues, are already deep in the hole to the tune of some $58 billion. Rather than help them -- a logical way to stimulate the economy -- the Bushies explicitly decided to let the states go under. Tax breaks to the wealthy were deemed more important. Because almost no state has the constitutional authority to run a deficit, the direct consequence of this White House insouciance is that state budgets all across the country are being slashed.

Who gets hurt? Take a guess. State budgets are composed largely of social services. The cuts will disproportionately hit working families and the poor. States pay up to half the costs of Medicaid, most of the costs of health care for lower-income people who don't qualify for Medicaid, more than half the costs of special education, and most of the costs of prisons and law enforcement -- as well as the costs of homeless shelters, youth services, elderly services, mental-health services, K-12 education, community colleges and state colleges. All these are now on the chopping block. Not surprisingly, it's the most populous states with the largest cities and most concentrated populations of working poor -- New York, California, Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohio -- that have to cut the most.

The real burden is shifting to the cities and towns themselves. It's here that the trickle-down pain is most apparent but also least visible to the national media. The Bushies know Americans are becoming ever more segregated by income. That means relatively wealthy suburban townships will get by unscathed. They are less reliant on social services to begin with than poorer locales and they'll be able to raise property taxes to fill the funding gap for their schools, police officers and the few social services their inhabitants need. But poorer towns and cities, with growing needs and tiny tax bases, are getting clobbered. Cuts in school aid and health services are already taking a huge toll. Boston's school budget of $650 million is being chopped by $100 million, which means fewer teachers and more kids crowded into each classroom.

Trickle-down pain is amplified by the lousy economy and soaring costs of housing and health care. The U.S. Conference of Mayors reported in December that demand for food aid increased by 19 percent last year, with working families topping the list of the most needy. Nearly two-thirds of 25 cities surveyed indicated that they had had to cut the amount of food provided to the poor, rationing meals and food donations. Demands for homeless shelters also have soared. Cities report that people remained homeless for an average of six months.

In a time of peace and prosperity, further tax breaks for the wealthy (whose after-tax incomes skyrocketed 120 percent over the last two decades) would be grossly unfair, and trickle-down cuts in social services simply cruel. In a time of terrorism, war and economic hardship, these distorted policies are shameful. Bush preaches we're-all-in-this-together patriotism but practices scathing divisiveness. That the Bushies are getting away with all of this by focusing the nation's attention on external threats to America is the cruel irony of our time.