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Faux "News" Bill O'Reilly Supreme Pinhead Busted Again!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Well I think that congress should utilize the power of the purse. That also includes shutting down the government like Gingrich et all were willing to do.

Here is where I am coming from, it seems that the candidates that I would like to see elected have the backbone to stand up to the weak leadership in the republican party. It also just so happens that a couple of them are firebrands with controversial social issue stances and that is unfortunate because the only thing I give a damn about right now is getting this economy rolling again and tackling the debt.

If I were a republican candidate, I would introduce comprehensive plans for immigration reform and stop opposing same sex marriage. Get the issues cleared from the table and introduce a workable alternative to Obamacare instead of saying that they will repeal it.

There is one Democrat waiting in the wings that I will support and that is Jim Webb. In fact he speaks to me more than any repub does at the moment.

We gotta tackle this debt and I think Webb is the one Democrat that would get the repubs to work with him . He basically is fiscally where I want to see the repubs be without all the social issue baggage. He made an ill advised comment about women don't fight but I think he could overcome that.

Give me a candidate that's not on a religious social crusade and is willing to look at the fiscal challenges facing this country from all angles and I'll call him another Ross Perot and work to get that person elected. I'm looking at Jim Webb's website right now, there's definitely some promise there, I might vote for him over Bernie Sanders.

We can't freaking afford a single payer system. I know it is the libs wet dream but we absolutely cannot.

Yes we can, and we can fix a whole host of other issues in the process! This is still a great Nation and we can get it back on the right track.
If Jim Webb announces I am sending him a check. He may be a liberal on some issues but the most important issues to me he is solid. And his name isn't Bush or Clinton. And I don't have to worry about him alienating a large portion of the electorate with social issue and religious nonsense.
As for Hillary, I'm not inclined to vote for her, I was hoping she wouldn't run, but now I'm reduced to hoping she won't win the primary (which she will), and unfortunately, I don't foresee a palatable Republican alternative.

I find myself in this same fix.
And like you and Blue I'd also like to see Jim Webb get the dem nomination.

The Carter years were the most depressing years of a presidency of my lifetime

They weren't pretty, but the Bush years easily trumped them on my depression meter.

I can't believe you keep bringing up the spending and deficit myth under Obama.

Question for you and xfire: What is one to make of Dick Cheney's comment that "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter"?


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... Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly was accused during a custody battle of having physically abused his ex-wife, court documents published by Gawker show.

In 2014, a court-appointed psychologist named Larry Cohen testified that O'Reilly's daughter had witnessed an incident in which, according to the transcript, the Fox News anchor choked his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy and dragged her down the stairs.

Cohen told the court that O'Reilly's daughter had seen "an incident where I believe she said her dad was choking her mom or had his hands around her neck and dragged her down some stairs," according to the transcript.

O'Reilly and McPhilmy were engaged in a three-year custody battle stemming from their divorce in 2011. The dispute ended three weeks ago, with McPhilmy winning custody of their two minor children.

Gawker's J.K. Trotter reported Monday that O'Reilly had been accused of domestic violence during the course of the court proceedings, but only cited "a source familiar with the facts of the case."

In a statement to the On Media blog that day, O'Reilly said that the allegations against him were false, though he did not specify whether he was referring to the allegations of domestic abuse or the report stating that he had been accused of domestic abuse.

"All allegations against me in these circumstances are 100% false," O'Reilly said in his statement, which was issued through his personal attorney. "I am going to respect the court-mandated confidentiality put in place to protect my children and will not comment any further."

On Wednesday, Trotter published a second report, which included a partial transcript of Cohen's exchange with the court.

The On Media blog reached out to Fox News shortly after Trotter's second report was published to request comment from O'Reilly. Twenty-four hours later, the Fox News host has yet to respond.

In an interview on Thursday, Trotter acknowledged that an accusation of domestic abuse did not prove O'Reilly was guilty of domestic abuse. But he added, "I think that if O'Reilly thinks he did not drag his wife by her neck down a staircase, he should explain why his daughter told a court-appointed forensic examiner that she saw him do that."


Reagan was a job killer. He ran being pro-union then after elected he turned on the unions. He took away regulations that allowed companies to do whatever they want including treatment of employees. He also encouraged outsourcing American jobs overseas and went so far as to give tax credits to the companies that did it. He ran up HUGE debt and after he lowered taxes he raised them a dozen times. He disregarded environmental issues and he brought the evangelicals into government which you think was good but a majority of the country thinks is bad. He was corrupt to the point of being arrogant about it.

Reagan sucked and he is the one who did the most damage to the middle class. His economics sucked. His trickle down shit was a massive failure yet your party continues to beg to return to it. Yes it makes the rich richer so that's ALL you care about.
You're right, we can't afford a single payer system because we spend waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much on defense. We also can't afford the post office or a rail system or to repair roads and bridges, but somehow we can afford farm subsidies and to continue building planes and tanks the military will NEVER use? The defense budget could be reduced by 40% and we would still outspend every other country 5 to 1. We currently spend more than the next 10 countries combined.

The 2 wars we were in for 12 years could have funded a single payer system for years. At least we would have had something to show for that money. What do we have now other than more terrorists who hate us, ISIS, instability in the region worse than it's been in hundreds of years?

We could pay for it easily. 800k people file bk every year in the US because of medical debt. That means they can't get credit, or affordable credit anyway, to buy homes and cars etc which hurts the economy. A healthy society is a productive society.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Any update on the Bill O'Reilly No Spin Factor Zone Irish wifebeating bonanza and other festivities? I watch factor boy mainly to see his face turn purple and grandstand his ego. It must be difficult for anyone to live with someone like that. I have no idea what happened with his wife and daughter's claims. He's a powerful and influential enough of a person that I'd be interested in the truth. Problem is it seems difficult to find the truth. Who do you trust? On one side you have his adversaries who would enjoy taking him down. On the other side are the supporters many who are dug in enough that they might support him no matter what. You also have Bill with his money and power that seems to do a good job keeping things quiet. I admit it took me time, a regular viewer, to get wind of any of this. I'd also be interested in finding the actual truth about what happened with that gal awhile back who he supposedly was making late night calls to. I remember him putting it to bed and getting angry on the air vowing to never mention it again.
This is a HUGE story ;). Can O'Reilly be so powerful that he can silence the peeps at MSNBC and CNN from bringing him down? No way would they want to see him go, and so they decided to not dig or investigate more. lol

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
This is a HUGE story ;). Can O'Reilly be so powerful that he can silence the peeps at MSNBC and CNN from bringing him down? No way would they want to see him go, and so they decided to not dig or investigate more. lol

Good point there, Blue. Where's MSNBC and their attacks? To be honest if MSNBC was attacking anyone I wouldn't have a clue as I can't figure out how to find them on my TV dial. Are they UHF or some shit?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
When I tune into MSNBC or CNN, I feel like I just crossed over the equator on a navy ship

I can find CNN with a Thomas Guide. I don't think I can get within 20 channels on the DirecTV dial of guessing where the MSNBC is. I admit to not watching but I heard it leans left something fierce unless I heard wrong.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Well, a few lefties on this board like Rachel Maddow and thought Rev. Al had a good show.

I don't have much knowledge about or issue with Rachel Maddow but I don't understand why anyone would respect the opinion of a man like Al Sharpton. Really degrades any network giving him a prime time soapbox. I'm aware that I'm posting this in a Bill O'Reilly thread too.
You have no clue as to how child custody matters are decided. The fact that the child is a minor carries considerable weight in a family court or judges decision. Looks like O'Reilly will be around for a while, kicking Rachel's little lesbo ass. O'Reilly will at least speak out against Republicans. Maddow is a DNC hack.
Really? I have no idea how child custody laws work? How about the fact that I spent 8 years in family court and had one of the top family law attorney's in Los Angeeles? Does that qualify me to have some clue how it works counselor?

O'Reilly is a big mouth who says everything his mindless following wants to hear. He caters to the base and every once in a while he'll say some shit that will keep him able to claim to be an independent, but he is about 98% republican hack. Maddow may not have the ratings but she's a million times sharper than Bill. You seem to hold intelligence in high regard, right?

and I meant due to his daughter being a minor she cannot be pressed for statements yet.
California courts have long been a joke to the rest of the country. So yeah, you don't know how they work.