New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Well I think that congress should utilize the power of the purse. That also includes shutting down the government like Gingrich et all were willing to do.
Here is where I am coming from, it seems that the candidates that I would like to see elected have the backbone to stand up to the weak leadership in the republican party. It also just so happens that a couple of them are firebrands with controversial social issue stances and that is unfortunate because the only thing I give a damn about right now is getting this economy rolling again and tackling the debt.
If I were a republican candidate, I would introduce comprehensive plans for immigration reform and stop opposing same sex marriage. Get the issues cleared from the table and introduce a workable alternative to Obamacare instead of saying that they will repeal it.
There is one Democrat waiting in the wings that I will support and that is Jim Webb. In fact he speaks to me more than any repub does at the moment.
We gotta tackle this debt and I think Webb is the one Democrat that would get the repubs to work with him . He basically is fiscally where I want to see the repubs be without all the social issue baggage. He made an ill advised comment about women don't fight but I think he could overcome that.
Give me a candidate that's not on a religious social crusade and is willing to look at the fiscal challenges facing this country from all angles and I'll call him another Ross Perot and work to get that person elected. I'm looking at Jim Webb's website right now, there's definitely some promise there, I might vote for him over Bernie Sanders.
We can't freaking afford a single payer system. I know it is the libs wet dream but we absolutely cannot.
Yes we can, and we can fix a whole host of other issues in the process! This is still a great Nation and we can get it back on the right track.