Facebook shutting down March 15 (or April 1) .


Torn & Frayed.
You know what's really funny? No one noticed that the story originated from the Weekly World News....a tabloid which makes the National Enquirer look like the New York Times.
You know what's really funny? No one noticed that the story originated from the Weekly World News....a tabloid which makes the National Enquirer look like the New York Times.

What is even funnier is if people actually clicked the link and read this:

Many will, no doubt, opine that the spreading of such a rumor shows how gullible people can be and how much damage can be done through the Web's stunning immediacy.

Some, however, might consider that the greater sadness lies in the fact that people seem incapable of distinguishing not between rumor and fact, but between the Weekly World News and the National Enquirer.

Just because both are seen at supermarket checkouts doesn't mean both espouse the same principles of subterfuge.

The Weekly World News has long peddled tales of nonsense, such as the idea that George Clooney will run for president (he's not that silly), or that Michael Jackson faked his own death (he wasn't that devious).

The Enquirer, on the other hand, is the publication that revealed John Edwards' relationship with Rielle Hunter.

If people can't distinguish between these two similarly shaped publications, how can we expect them to distinguish between the rumor that Facebook is shutting down and the rumor that it's now worth $50 billion?

Seems folks read the title and ran with it. Or kept it going in hilarious pursuit.

Social sites, no matter how big they get, will not go away any time soon. Especially if they are netting that kind of cash. They will simply hire more people to help run it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I just got facebook a couple months ago. It's great for sending a quick message to friends about plans for the weekend. Other than that it's pretty fuckin lame.


Postal Paranoiac
I'm not on Facebook, but I read the article. Did anybody actually READ the article? I can't believe these posts. The writer--albeit a staggering pseudointellectual with a penchant for bad poetry--made it sorta clear that this was a hoax.


Torn & Frayed.
I'm not on Facebook, but I read the article. Did anybody actually READ the article? I can't believe these posts. The writer--albeit a staggering pseudointellectual with a penchant for bad poetry--made it sorta clear that this was a hoax.

Just for the record; I did. :cool:
