Executive order on guns

Will E Worm

Biden: Obama Might Use Executive Order to Deal With Guns

Vice President Joe Biden revealed that President Barack Obama might use an executive order to deal with guns.

"The president is going to act," said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. "There are executives orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."

Biden said that this is a moral issue and that "it's critically important that we act."

Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly."

Biden, as he himself noted, helped write the Brady bill.

Eric Holder was scheduled to be at the meeting that's currently take place at the White House.



Shall not be infringed.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I would prefer to see data based legislation that is more likely to get broader public buy-in, rather than narrowly written, emotion based legislation that is focused on "just saving one life". While it sounds nice to say, "if we can just save one life, it's worth the effort," the most successful corrective action measures typically focus on being effective by delivering the biggest bang for the buck.

In the media, I continue to see this fascination with so called "assault weapons"... even though that weapons class is not actually/factually a primary contributor to the issue of firearms related violence in the U.S. IMO, to be successful in reducing firearms related violence, the focus should be on gun possession by criminals and legally defective persons. How do they get their weapons? How can that supply chain be successfully defeated? What should be the sanctions on those who supply weapons to criminals and what should be the sanctions on those who fund various smuggling schemes? But I guess that's not very sexy. Holding up an AK or AR on TV, I guess that's sexy and gets ratings. :dunno:

Oh well... just like the healthcare debate, I'm sure the pooch will get thoroughly screwed on this one too. Seems like all Americans can do these days is put on meaningless dog & pony shows. :facepalm:
That pretty much signals the beginning of the end, Hungerford style.

I'm going to pick up a couple more thousand rounds at Walmart before they ban those too...

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Well, we all knew they would get their way...they were going to commit treason one way or another. Hopefully they will be charged with the crime, and tried in a military tribunal for their crimes.

Anyone that supports this, should not be allowed the freedoms that guns have earned them. I hope they are meet with resistance, and civil disobedience at every step.

It sickens me how they use the Constitution for toilet paper.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

Try again. If that were a real gun, the kid wouldn't be able to lift it, let alone hold it up on his own. Post the original pic, without any writing, and/or cropping or editing of any kind.
Who said it is a real gun ?
A mom letting her baby use a gun as a pacifier shouldn't be allowed to own a gun (and she also shouldn't be allowed to raise a kid).

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Who said it is a real gun ?
A mom letting her baby use a gun as a pacifier shouldn't be allowed to own a gun (and she also shouldn't be allowed to raise a kid).

Who in the fuck are you to judge! Maybe their staunch supporters of the 2nd Amendment. And don't fucking lie, you were trying to pawn that off as an unfit mother letting her child play with a REAL gun. Likely, her older child, was playing with his toy gun, got tired of it, and it ended up in moms lap, while she was holding baby, and as most children do, he put it in his mouth. Your bullshit's getting fucking old. You don't live here, you have no rights here, and remember those fucking guns that bailed your pussy ass country out TWICE! You know how Hitler decimated a continent? Gun registration! Under the guise of safety and security, all Germans had to register guns, then when the time came, he went after them first, eliminated a threat, and slaughtered how many people....BECAUSE HE FELT THEY DESERVED IT!! You don't get it, and you never will, because you and your people have always had people fight their fucking battles.
Who in the fuck are you to judge! Maybe their staunch supporters of the 2nd Amendment. And don't fucking lie, you were trying to pawn that off as an unfit mother letting her child play with a REAL gun. Likely, her older child, was playing with his toy gun, got tired of it, and it ended up in moms lap, while she was holding baby, and as most children do, he put it in his mouth.
That's a good story you have here but, as right as the fact I can't prove it's a real gun, you can't prove that story, you have no idea !
Anyway, real or fake, ababy playing with a gun is just wrong. The younger you aren, the more things you brain can lear (wether it learns consciouly or vwithout even knowing). So, when a baby plays with a gun, he learns that guns are toys.
and remember those fucking guns that bailed your pussy ass country out TWICE!
I'm not sure but I think they were in the end of militaries, trained to know how to use'em...
You know how Hitler decimated a continent? Gun registration! Under the guise of safety and security, all Germans had to register guns, then when the time came, he went after them first, eliminated a threat, and slaughtered how many people....BECAUSE HE FELT THEY DESERVED IT!!
On this, you're wrong. : Hitler's main tool wasn't gun registration, it was propaganda.
1) Convince you people that some particully group of people is the reason of everything that goes wrong in th country, that the are traitors to their country, everyone of them
2) Train some fanatic brutal militias (The S.S.)
3) Wipe the -so called- traitors out

You don't get it, and you never will, because you and your people have always had people fight their fucking battles.
I don't think we had other people fighting our battles in 1777 when we came to help your people get rid of the English.
I don't think we had othe people fighting our battles in 1791 when, after we decapitated our king, we had Austrians and Prussians monarchies trying to crush us because they feared their people might start a revolution
I don't think we had other people fighting our battles when, in 1830 we overthroew another king

What I know about my country's history is that, during the Revolution, our people didn't gained its rights from Louis XVIth with guns. Guns were used only to keep these right from other counties, other kings who wanted to take them back from us.
Our National day may be the aniversary of the fall of the Bastille prison but it's only a symbol 'cause the Bastille was a prison for political prisoners. The rights were gained on the 4th of August 1789 (Abandon of the Privileges) and on August 24th (writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen)


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Yeah. I knew he wouldn't actually watch this. It's a very good bit, Will. Too bad you aren't interested in an actual discussion. You just want to come on and tell us what to think. Shame on you.
It's an excellent clip.

Will E Worm

Jew Stewart "Destroys" The Right On Gun Control: We Can’t Do Anything Because You Fear ‘Imaginary Hitler’


No, we don't want another Zionist/ Jewish Bolshevism.

Zionist's Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia Link
Jew Stewart "Destroys" The Right On Gun Control: We Can’t Do Anything Because You Fear ‘Imaginary Hitler’


No, we don't want another Zionist/ Jewish Bolshevism.

Zionist's Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia Link

Not actually a response to anything he said.

But thanks for being predictable.
1) Convince you people that some particully group of people is the reason of everything that goes wrong in th country, that the are traitors to their country, everyone of them
2) Train some fanatic brutal militias (The S.S.)
3) Wipe the -so called- traitors out

here you are absolutely right.
even if those people had guns they were not going to defeat hitler and the ss
Some of the crap posted in this thread is complete garbage. I guess I'll post my disgust and that is it.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
That's a good story you have here but, as right as the fact I can't prove it's a real gun, you can't prove that story, you have no idea !
Anyway, real or fake, ababy playing with a gun is just wrong. The younger you aren, the more things you brain can lear (wether it learns consciouly or vwithout even knowing). So, when a baby plays with a gun, he learns that guns are toys. I'm not sure but I think they were in the end of militaries, trained to know how to use'em... On this, you're wrong. : Hitler's main tool wasn't gun registration, it was propaganda.
1) Convince you people that some particully group of people is the reason of everything that goes wrong in th country, that the are traitors to their country, everyone of them
2) Train some fanatic brutal militias (The S.S.)
3) Wipe the -so called- traitors out

I don't think we had other people fighting our battles in 1777 when we came to help your people get rid of the English.
I don't think we had othe people fighting our battles in 1791 when, after we decapitated our king, we had Austrians and Prussians monarchies trying to crush us because they feared their people might start a revolution
I don't think we had other people fighting our battles when, in 1830 we overthroew another king

What I know about my country's history is that, during the Revolution, our people didn't gained its rights from Louis XVIth with guns. Guns were used only to keep these right from other counties, other kings who wanted to take them back from us.
Our National day may be the aniversary of the fall of the Bastille prison but it's only a symbol 'cause the Bastille was a prison for political prisoners. The rights were gained on the 4th of August 1789 (Abandon of the Privileges) and on August 24th (writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen)

Do you know about your country's history, right before WW2 where they rounded up everyone that owned personal firearms and if they didn't give them up, your government shot them?