Eurozone crisis could rip EU apart

Will E Worm

Eurozone crisis could rip EU apart: officials

The eurozone crisis could wreck the European Union, top EU officials warned on Wednesday as the leaders of Germany and France held talks with Greece to avoid a default and widespread chaos.

The pressure rose on all fronts with United States again expressing great concern, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying European states "now recognise they are going to have to do more" to resolve to the crisis.

Highlighting the threat to the global economy, Geithner is to exceptionally attend talks between European Union finance ministers and central bankers in Poland on Friday.


Good. Go back to being independent sovereign nations.
Yes cause going back is easy...
Won't happen. The EU is an excellent thing.

Not in my book. Instead of calling it the EU you should call it the EUSSR. They want to create a superstate and expand their control over countries in the EU. They won't be happy until they've robbed every European citizen of their national indentity and culture and we all bow to our masters in Brussels. After WWII queen Juliana already warned of the dangers of a EU that's too powerfull and if things continue like they do she will be proven right. I can't wait for the EU to collapse like a house of cards so the Netherlands can reclaim it's former position in the world. We were one of the strongest European countries and for decades the Dutch Guilder was one of the strongest currencies in the world. We were a country of importance, when we spoke others listened and our goverment has trown everything away and reduced us to France/German lapdog.
Not in my book. Instead of calling it the EU you should call it the EUSSR. They want to create a superstate and expand their control over countries in the EU. They won't be happy until they've robbed every European citizen of their national indentity and culture and we all bow to our masters in Brussels. After WWII queen Juliana already warned of the dangers of a EU that's too powerfull and if things continue like they do she will be proven right. I can't wait for the EU to collapse like a house of cards so the Netherlands can reclaim it's former position in the world. We were one of the strongest European countries and for decades the Dutch Guilder was one of the strongest currencies in the world. We were a country of importance, when we spoke others listened and our goverment has trown everything away and reduced us to France/German lapdog.

I certainly see what you are saying, but there are flaws in your argument. This is a financial organisation that makes good sense. They aren't making amalgamations of nations, as the USSR did. This just makes good sense for domestic and foreign financial policy in an area like Europe.
Very unlikely. Germany and France are far too economically invested at this point to allow it to get to the stage where the EU splits. Dropping the Euro as a singular currency is a little more likely, I would say. But again, with the two most economically powerful states so invested in seeing it prosper, it's difficult to see that occurring either.
lurkingdirk said:
They aren't making amalgamations of nations, as the USSR did.

Not yet but they will, mark my words. I also predict that within the next 15 years a European army will be deployed against a member state that defies Brussels and wants to leave the EU.
Not in my book. Instead of calling it the EU you should call it the EUSSR. They want to create a superstate and expand their control over countries in the EU. They won't be happy until they've robbed every European citizen of their national indentity and culture and we all bow to our masters in Brussels. After WWII queen Juliana already warned of the dangers of a EU that's too powerfull and if things continue like they do she will be proven right. I can't wait for the EU to collapse like a house of cards so the Netherlands can reclaim it's former position in the world. We were one of the strongest European countries and for decades the Dutch Guilder was one of the strongest currencies in the world. We were a country of importance, when we spoke others listened and our goverment has trown everything away and reduced us to France/German lapdog.

Not yet but they will, mark my words. I also predict that within the next 15 years a European army will be deployed against a member state that defies Brussels and wants to leave the EU.

more fucking ecb shenanigans today:bs: -- injecting liquidity (as ubs fucks up -- coincidence ? ) adds a pop to the euro and fucks those who were short euro ! fuck u Trichet. Greece will fucking be dead before my euro shorts expire worthless! I Promise u !:thefinger:thefinger:thefinger: