You're just as likely to get an std from a hooker as you are from a girl at a bar. The bottom line is that in todays day and age, you have to wrap it up. I'm a good looking guy, and have no problems hooking up with chicks, but I have to be honest and say that if you can afford it getting a hooker is simply easier. You can pick the flavor that you want, have them come to your place/room and do whatever you want. Whatever fantasy you want to live out, simply let them know ahead of time and they will do exactly what you want. When you pick up a girl at a bar chances are you've spent some $ on drinks. You can then take them back to your place in hopes of sex, and it;s a 50/50 chance. When you're done typically they'll want to spend the night and then you have that whole awkward mess in the morning. When you're done with a hooker, they'll go to the bathroom, and you just simply leave the money out. They'll gather their stuff and leave. If you want a relationship just find the girl you want and go after it. If you just want hot sex where you can live out your fantasies with no strings attached, get a hooker and let them know exactly what you want. The key is if you can afford it.