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Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

You're missing the point, I'm not saying that we control anything that she does. I'm saying that maybe the best thing for HER is TOTAL disconnect. That's what her faith teaches, to leave the old person behind and walk forward new, never looking back. Not an easy task for anyone.
Of course she makes the decisions as to what she wants to do, or should do. I'm just telling you what she MAY be thinking when she doesn't come in here to say "Hi." She is her own person and owes us nothing, even those of us who wish her the best in life.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

Could be, but why insist so much that she will not abandon her fans? She repeats that five times in her final message. In what way she will not abandon them? I even wrote an email the day after her decission and I haven't get an answer. I respect her decision of not talking, but in her final message she gives her email address, so she seemed interested to keep in touch with her fans...
I don't understand that.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

I wonder about that as well. Maybe she feels the best way to not abandon her fans is to pray for them or something? I don't know. It could be something as simple as she's not around much anymore. Maybe she's away on business or even church functions. Who knows? We'll find out when and if we find out. If not, my best still goes to her.
Her alleged "temptation" has never been the problem ...

A lot of you (but not some of you) miss the concept that she (and only she) defines how she has not abandoned her "fans." The answer is in her own words, like many others.

I have regularly commented on this board how people need to find "contentment" not only "with," but "in" their lives. So many people contact these models and give them sob stories, talking about how if they could only find a "girl like you" and countless other "if" type statements. She's been the target of a lot of intense, narrow desires and I can easily see how many women wonder how such could happen. It leads many to spiritual quests for the answers, and often the blame towards themselves for it.

One of those answers that many find is not to indulge the lack of contentment that many men have. Many of you wonder why she doesn't answer you? Although I cannot speak for her, based on her own words, I think that has a lot to do with it. In that case, it has nothing to do with her being "tempted," but continuing to respond and seeing men not be content with their lives another day. Again, I've seen such women take on that responsibility.

In reality, I believe -- and strongly feel -- she's never been the problem. Men (and women) must be responsible for their own lust when it is taken to the point of envy and unhappiness. I don't think lust itself is wrong, and even many spiritual books state it is not wrong, as long as it does not lead to envy and lack of contentment with the choices and outcomes of our lives. I guess I live in a different world than most, but the world is what we make it.

People claim they are lonely and yet there are so many opportunities at happiness that pass them every day. Maybe we Americans have seen too many movies about "getting the girl." Maybe we've been told that there is just "one person" for you, and not given any direction on where that is. And maybe, just maybe, we put our faith way too much into a single entity for our happiness, not realizing that we ourselves are a far greater part of that equation before we can even involve someone else in it.

Too many religions try to shift the blame for lust and the envy and lack of contentment that results on women. I do not. In fact, I see it as a male-drive arrogance and irresponsibility to even teach such. Yes, we're programmed -- by instinct -- to want to spear a woman with our manhood right at and deep into her apex, and I don't deny that. But we men also must, as an absolute, seek consent when we do that, and consent every day, hour and moment was are so blessed by such a woman.

And that means we must seek not only consent in our mind, but content with the reality that we are limited in what lovers will grant us consent. We must look past the "buffet" of life and recognize that only some select women (or one woman, depending on the values involved) will be our ultimate pleasure to experience personally. I think far too many people make this far more complex than it needs to be, and far too many people make this about "only if."

I've seen people take the "only if" to an extreme level of depression and self-pity. I've seen others totally miss lovers that would have deserved them for eternity. Again, I re-iterate the need to find happiness with oneself, or you will not find it in another person by, for and with yourself either. Those allegedly "societal" issue are not the responsibility or burden of women. They are the responsibility of the individuals by, of and to themselves -- something a male-dominated human history -- in my strongest opinion -- has failed to install into many religions.

I do not like any religion that burdens women for merely being women, however they decide to choose themselves. If all men would limit their desires to consent and content, then we wouldn't need religion. We'd find ourselves amidst a spiritual journey that not only offers far more answers, not only a far more simple path, but a far more content life. How people mix their desire with the lack of contentment is how they make their own lives miserable.

There are far too many female companions and lovers in this world to make you whole than to stop and find yourself lacking in completeness and confiding in models that you cannot be made complete without them. ERC is beyond beautiful. I've even theorized that, given her broad appeal, she is as close as to God Herself you can find in a woman on this planet. Maybe that's a stretch. Maybe it's not.

And maybe she (or any other woman you have asked "only if?" to yourself, or even her, about) provides an unintended, indirect, self-questioning desire for many men. What will satisfy me? For all that wonder if her lack of responding to you is about her temptation, one should ask yourself what temptation is really all about? I've long argued that nudity, pornography, masterbation, etc... is not a sin, depending on how you approach it. And I've talked about the relative value of what a sin is, as I strongly believe it's a per-individual value, not absolute.

I know my sins. I know what harms myself. I know what keeps me from doing my job, being responsible, being content and happy. Do you? I don't say this to be arrogant. I don't say this to piss anyone off. I only say it in the hope of explaining things, and asking yourselves to take that self-reflection. For your own contentment and happiness.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

No she isn't cheating her faith...it's not about us and her, it's about Her and God. She needs to do what is right for HER, not what we think she should do for us. Christianity isn't about religion, it's about a PERSONAL relationship to God, not a public relationship. What I'm saying is that she might not want to forsake her fans but to her, that is the old life she's trying to leave behind. She can't have it both ways or she will fall back into the old lifestyle she's trying to get away from. That's called temptation...hers.
Whether you agree or not, that's the choice she's made and we all have to live with it, but most importantly, SHE has to live with it.

Agreed 100%
A lot of you (but not some of you) miss the concept that she (and only she) defines how she has not abandoned her "fans." The answer is in her own words, like many others.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who noticed that in this thread.

In reality, I believe -- and strongly feel -- she's never been the problem. Men (and women) must be responsible for their own lust when it is taken to the point of envy and unhappiness. I don't think lust itself is wrong, and even many spiritual books state it is not wrong, as long as it does not lead to envy and lack of contentment with the choices and outcomes of our lives. I guess I live in a different world than most, but the world is what we make it.

Amen, brother.

Someone said that they sent her an e-mail. I sent her one yesterday with a long letter attached to it, asking a lot of questions. I wonder if I'll ever get an answer... If anyone wants to see that letter, let me know. I'll post it to my website and provide the link.

Also, did you guys know that she created a Facebook profile on June 1st?


I posted a few things on her wall and a few picture comments but, I haven't got any response yet.

Oh, one more thing...

Erica, I support your decision, whatever you decide to do. Your happiness is far more important than anyone's entertainment. I'm praying for you, dear...
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Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

Good for Erica! I think it's great that she's doing something she feels is right. And while I will keep her tushy as my avatar in memory of a sexy, sweet girl! :thumbsup:
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

I don't think the facebook profile is real. The photos were in her old site, and you can read the comments of the photos...

Well, then I guess I don't have to worry about that profile anymore...
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

Since it's unlikely Erica will read (or respond to) that e-mail I sent her on Monday, I'll just summarize here. She might be more likely to read my concerns that way.

Erica, if any of this seems insensitive, I sincerely apologize in advance. I'm not the most emotional person in the world. I just had to let you know how I feel about some of the things in your goodbye letter.

1.) It seems like you want to believe you're a bad person. Erica, you are a very good person. The fact that you help so many people and animals proves that to me beyond any shadow of doubt. There's no reason for you to beat up on yourself.

2.) You we're right to think what you were doing wasn't porn. There was never any (realistic) sexual act performed in your work so, there's no porn. Occasionally masturbating or pretending to have lesbian sex with other girls doesn't really count in my opinion. I think of your work as erotic art, and I think you should you.

3.) I'm not comfortable with how you characterize your work and yourself as a ‘Sinful Band-Aid.' You're much more than just some lonely stranger's fantasy.

4.) There was a passage that caught my attention. 'I have been looking so long and so hard for someone to love me. Love ME for ME. Fill that hole in my soul. Complete me.'

That speaks volumes. This makes me think that you're trying to use faith to substitute for a boyfriend. I know that sounds insensitive but, I'm not sure how else to explain my thoughts here. I've known people who tried to use faith to solve their problems in life. It never worked for any of them. Hopefully, you'll be an exception to that rule. Also, I find it hard to believe that anyone would find it difficult to love you for you. How is that even possible?

5.) Did you notice how you mentioned your family more than God or Jesus? I certainly did. I also suspect that someone has undue influence over your decision-making process. I hope that's not the case.

6.) Another phrase that caught my attention was Sin isn't ugly....it's beautiful.

What was that supposed to mean? It seems to be an incomplete thought.

7.) You say you want us to feel God's peace. Well, I became a Christian when I was 9. I don't feel any more or less peaceful than I did before that day 17 years ago.

8.) You also say you won't desert us fans. Does that mean you'll eventually rejoin the discussion on this board? A new site for the fans and your friends?

Also, I understand your silence as of late. You've had a tremendous paradigm shift and it's going to take some time to adapt. I've had one as of late myself but, not because of your retirement. My best friend's wedding on May 4th beat you to the punch on that one. ;) However, you did make me think about a lot of things and reminded me what it means to feel empathy. For that, I am eternally grateful to you.

9.) Christianity is great. I'm very fond of it for it's very open-minded philosophy. Unfortunately many so-called Christians (especially TV Preachers) aren't so open-minded. They often say things like 'There's only one way.' Please don't be like them. You are much better than that and deserve better too.

And finally...

10.) Well, whatever happens, I really do wish you well. You're one of the most beautiful people (inside and out) that I've ever heard of or experienced. I really hope I was helpful here because, that letter just screamed loneliness. You obviously needed a friend and I am here (and praying) for you as that friend. The real you is much more interesting than the model ever could have been anyway...

Admiring you always,

Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

Erica Probably doesn't bother responding here anymore because,while most people are very supportive of her and do realize what a true loving soul she is,they also keep posting sets of her that she would probably want off the net if she could do so.So they don't truly have her in their best interest.We've all seen these sets many times.We all know how beautiful she is.Let it end for her.
Re: Erica Campbell / Erica Rose Campbell

Also, if I didn't have her best interest at heart, I wouldn't have even bothered to try and contact her.