Erica = the sum of all desires?
Hurts, don't it?
I mean, it really does, like she is the collection of all that is woman that is missing from every man?
I honestly (and this is not to be a complement at all) don't think any woman was supposed to be that broadly popular and enchanting to so many men.
I mean, everything on her, of her and by her is "just right" -- just nothing and I mean nothing seems ... how can I put this ... "imperfect?"
It's as if God Herself just forgot to put Erica through the normal process of adding imperfections, which is how God Herself keeps any woman from being directly in Her Own image.
I have been staring up and down at models for the past 20 years or so, very detailed with great study (as most will note in my posts).
Erica is a complete enigma to me, the only woman that is on this planet, it's very scary to look at her and note nothing is just "imperfect."
I like little imperfections on a woman, it's just what I like, and I can't find any on Erica.
So while she's not my favorite, she's just damn -- again, I don't even know how to put this --
the sum of all male desires?
Or at least as close to it as I have ever seen, and probably will ever see.