Ember Reigns Thought of the day!!

Re: New Ember Reigns Thought of the day!!

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/ember-reigns said:
Ember Reigns[/URL][/B], post: 3557188, member: 297859"]Who can answer me this question, is a Tomato a Fruit or a Vegetable?

It's a vegetable....

I'd love to hear this question coming out of your cute mouth....
Re: New Ember Reigns Thought of the day!!

[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/ember-reigns said:
Ember Reigns[/URL][/B], post: 3557188, member: 297859"]Who can answer me this question, is a Tomato a Fruit or a Vegetable?

It's whatever the hell you say it is, my dear! :D

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
My thought of the day is that Ember needs to come back to this thread, and post a pic for us as she asks questions. I believe that'll make people have to think harder.

Ember Reigns

Official Checked Star Member
Wow, I miss this thread!!! Okay, so now that we have heard the answers about the Tomato....lol...I was laying in bed this morning wondering to myself, what the heck is antimatter?? I don't get it!! I watch the movie Angels and Demons last night and it is all about the Antimatter and I even googled it this morning. I don't understand it...what is antimatter???
Antimatter is the most powerful energy source known to man. It releases energy with 100 percent efficiency (nuclear fission is 1.5 percent efficient). Antimatter creates no pollution or radiation, and a droplet could power New York City for a full day. There is, however, one catch... Antimatter is highly unstable. It ignites when it comes in contact with obsoletely anything... even air. A single gram of antimatter contains the energy of a 20-kiloton nuclear bomb—the size of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. — (Dan Brown, Angels & Demons)

In particle physics, antimatter is the extension of the concept of the antiparticle to matter, where antimatter is composed of antiparticles in the same way that normal matter is composed of particles. For example, an antielectron (a positron, an electron with a positive charge) and an antiproton (a proton with a negative charge) could form an antihydrogen atom in the same way that an electron and a proton form a normal matter hydrogen atom. Furthermore, mixing matter and antimatter would lead to the annihilation of both in the same way that mixing antiparticles and particles does, thus giving rise to high-energy photons (gamma rays) or other particle–antiparticle pairs.

There is considerable speculation as to why the observable universe is apparently almost entirely matter, whether there exist other places that are almost entirely antimatter instead, and what might be possible if antimatter could be harnessed, but at this time the apparent asymmetry of matter and antimatter in the visible universe is one of the greatest unsolved problems in physics. The process by which this asymmetry between particles and antiparticles developed is called baryogenesis.
It is also a metal rock band.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I think most of what I know about anti-matter I heard on Star Trek when I was little. Maybe not the best source of information.

But going by what was on Star Trek and what Georges said, remember how you said you wanted to sleep with yourself? Well, if one was you as you are (matter) and the other Ember was made of anti-matter, when you two kissed for the first time: KA-BOOM!!! :eek:

We gotta keep you away from any "anti-Embers" for the good of the universe. :1orglaugh

Ember Reigns

Official Checked Star Member
he he he he, that is HILARIOUS!!! ...Okay, todays thought......

So I have to explain todays Thought of the Day..... So last night, I was looking through things on the internet and I found this preview video of a girl taking on like 10 guys at one time...... It looked like she was ENJOYING herself...so it made me wonder..... Do those videos with girls who take 100 loads of cum get to fuck all those guys???? HOT!!!!!
hi ember, i posted on your thread, so maybe you can consider posting on my thread.
it's called "I love hearing women talk about blowjobs!!!!"
he he he he, that is HILARIOUS!!! ...Okay, todays thought......

So I have to explain todays Thought of the Day..... So last night, I was looking through things on the internet and I found this preview video of a girl taking on like 10 guys at one time...... It looked like she was ENJOYING herself...so it made me wonder..... Do those videos with girls who take 100 loads of cum get to fuck all those guys???? HOT!!!!!

Hi Ember.
Well, tbh, until you arrived on FreeOnes, i just looked at the pics.
But now i read the forums as well, or at least yours.
Alot becuse you post yourself in them.
That allways makes it more interesting. ^.^

On this tought of the day.
I think you actualy mix up two things.
Bukkake & Gangbang.

Bukkake is when a group of guys blow thier loads over a woman, usaly her face.
But they usaly dont actualy fuck her
Its mostly jerking off, and maybe she sucks them a bit.
But its not to fuck thats the object of those videos.
The goal is to see a bunch of guys cover a girl in sperm.

Then you have Gangbang.
Thats when actual fucking is involved.
Normaly its 1 girl taking on a number of men.
You have smaller once like the once you saw, with like 10 guys.
Then you have larger once where its 100s of guys fucking 1 girl.
Altho, usaly they use the slightly vague term: Sexual Acts....
Other times its more specific, like 1 girl taking 60-70 guys in her Ass.

If the girl actualy enoy it ?
I dunno.
There's probabaly a high degree of fame of having had sex with the most guys involved.
I am sure some Do Like it.
But i gues, what would You say fucking 100 guys?
Taking some in your pussy and some in your ass, and all of them shooting thier loads inside you ?


Mr. Nice gallery
Ember you are great and its great that we as fans can ask you ask questions thanx fro answering our questions and keep up the great work you are doing