Ember Reigns Thought of the day!!

This is a pretty big board but I think a majority of the 44,500 active users probably use the favorite babes and the ID section more than the talk section.

Oh, and if you want people to reply, putting up a hot picture for them to drool over doesn't hurt (though at that point, intelligent conversation is pointless :1orglaugh)

Petra: How many come to freeones a day? (Approximately)
Can you say?
this forum is awesome, I used to just read and not post but than decided to.
..... so the docter says, "Rectum? Damn near killed 'em."
i read almost every thread but i never pass up one started by an ocsm
So as I woke up this morning, I began to wonder to myself just how many people really read these threads. I know that I try to be on every day to see what is going on in the world, but feel like sometimes that I am the only one. If you happen to see this thread, post a reply and lets see how many people really are reading in here...LOL................:nanner::nanner::nanner::thefinger

I mainly like looking at the pictures. And yes I do reed and can spel good
I try to read them all, but sometimes I won't be on for a day and it gets all backed up. Sometimes I ignore the polls, and usually I never pass up a thread started by an OSCM!
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/ember-reigns said:
Ember Reigns[/URL][/B], post: 3448021, member: 297859"]ha ha ha ha. I have to be honest. I just look at all the porn....... :)

'Mega's "Thought of the day!!" Ember Reigns is hot! :hatsoff:


I red a good majorty of them and post on the nes that intregue me

Ember Reigns

Official Checked Star Member
Okay, I am going to do something for you guys. I am going to actually post a NEW thought of the day for you all. Let me start off with this one.

Yesterday, I did a promo interview with this guy. He was asking me these questions and just recording my answers, well today, one of those questions is still sticking in my mind.......

Why DOESN'T glue stick to the inside of the bottle. Who can answer that one for me?

Ember Reigns

Official Checked Star Member
Well, Baill. You answered that question like you have been asked it before....LOL Alright, I have another one for you.......

When they kill someone via Lethal Injection, why do they sterilize that needle they use?

Because glue needs to dry to stick. The H2O in the glue can't evaporate in the bottle as long as the top is on.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/ember-reigns said:
Ember Reigns[/URL][/B], post: 3459107, member: 297859"]When they kill someone via Lethal Injection, why do they sterilize that needle they use?

Ah, another imponderable. I suppose it wouldn't matter if the needle was sterilized. It's not like tetanus is a real concern if you're dead. Also, here's a huge list of similar questions:

My favorite:
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest also have to drown?

Ember Reigns

Official Checked Star Member
WOW!!! That is a cool list!!!! I am going to read over ALL these and let you know...LOL:nanner::nanner::nanner:

Ah, another imponderable. I suppose it wouldn't matter if the needle was sterilized. It's not like tetanus is a real concern if you're dead. Also, here's a huge list of similar questions:

My favorite:
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest also have to drown?