Mayhem are an isolationist. The international community cannot let genocide happen in the modern world. They've the military and financial muscle to stop genocides from countries like Rwanda, Sudan, and Cambodia.
Well, guilty. I'm not a total isolationist, but I lean in that direction.
If I'm wrong tell me, but aren't you the one that's a former officer in one of the services? You mention Cambodia, so I assume you mean the Khmer Rouge thing. Please explain to the class the logistical realities of taking on Cambodia, especially considering that we had just gotten punted out of Vietnam. And while you're at it, explain how you were going to get the public to back you in so doing.
Same thing with Rwanda. Where exactly were we going to base ourselves out of? And what exit strategy would we have had.
The Sudan, I agree with you BTW. I would have liked to see engagement there. And if you had mentioned Bosnia, I probably would have let you slide. I will spend my life being ashamed that our response there was so weak-assed and chickenshit.