I noticed something a few minutes ago. I tend to turn cynical (while tired - hence, a drunk wake up) and talk to myself (once again, cynics mumble to themselves oh dear gawd that boozefart was awesome. ::sniffs again:: aww fuck that is awful. mmm.)
But also after a hard wake up.. when you realize last night you smoked 2 camel unfiltered, a menthol and drank way too much in the span of almost 2 hours... (you mumble to yourself s'more about what you do and do not remember, where is some food? Where is my drink? Did I leave it on the patio again? Oh shit son, it's on the OTHER guy's patio. ::tiptoes over:: MINE!
But I noticed. With a haggard throat, an empty stomach and anime-style hair (so I slept on styled hair and it restyled itself to fucking Yugioh blonde electric hair guy's hairdo. So what? ::downs some mango mojito:: Also, when waking in such a state, you tend to vocalize fewer words.. yet talk more.
To get to the point.. I sound like fucking Rorscach in the mornings. Throaty, rumbling, simple speech.