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Dr. Ben Carson preparing to announce his candidacy for POTUS

Jeez, between you, Ace and Sabrina; Selective Quote Patrol is a 24 hour a day job. First of all, the quote had absolutely nothing with running for office. Second, "God's spirit" is a far cry from, "God walked into my house, grabbed a Perrier from the fridge and told me to run for President because, after millions of years, he's highly invested in the next 4. ....And he left the toilet seat up..." And third, no the Left will not vapor lock if a candidate talks about his/her religeous faith. We vapor lock when a candidate makes it clear that strict adherence to the Bible is how he/she is going to be President.

When did someone get elected as president that made that statement. I am not talking about zealots that ran unsuccessfully, but when exactly has someone been elected that made that exact comment?
Pool hustler I wrote and thought I posted a rather lengthy response to your question about Black Liberation Theology but somewhere it got lost in trying to multi quote and logging back in. I'll repost in the morning.
I will not vote for someone because of their religion or lack of one. If they don't force it on me, I will not hold it against them. People have the right to believe what they wish and showing some restraint in how they handle and inject their beliefs (either religious or otherwise) can be telling. If religion or lack of it is a badge or is a "reason" for the candidate to do things, I think it is a good reason to drop support for the candidate.

Hearing someone is a a devote Jew or a devote Atheist strikes me with equal apathy.
I have no problems with people being sincerely religious. But I want our leaders to base their decisions on facts, not beliefs


Interesting perspective. I was not aware of this letter that he sent to GWB until recently.

I believe he was right.
He SAYS he wrote the letter. Now, I want GWB to confirm that. 'cause this is the only way to fact-check this.

Apart from being a pediatric neurosurgeon, what exactly are Doctor Carson's qualifications?
You do know that qualificatons doesn't matter to republicans, don't you ? Faith and ideology are important, not qualifications.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You do know that qualificatons doesn't matter to republicans, don't you ? Faith and ideology are important, not qualifications.

You don't need many qualifications to become President. Age and citizenship are all that I know of. Get a few signatures and you get on the ballot. There is no prep school to become a President nor should there be. If the citizens want a Bible thumping wingnut or banking tycoon or ninja then the people will decide. I'm not afraid of the intellect of the general masses. I may disagree but that's why we get another shot at correcting things every 4 years.
You don't need many qualifications to become President. Age and citizenship are all that I know of.
That may be true to become president. But being president requires some qualifications in law, economy, geo-politics, etc.

I'm not afraid of the intellect of the general masses.
The (absence of) intellect of the general masses brought Louis Gohmert in congress. And maintained him there by re-electing him 4 times.
That may be true to become president. But being president requires some qualifications in law, economy, geo-politics, etc.

Obama only met one of those qualifications.

The (absence of) intellect of the general masses brought Louis Gohmert in congress. And maintained him there by re-electing him 4 times.

That was a district, not the masses. Please stop commenting on our form of government. You obviously have no grasp or concept of how it works.
Not at all. He's talking about a part of his personal path to Christianity. He certainly wasn't born into it, as we all know. He followed that up by saying his decision to be baptized "came about as a choice and not an epiphany; the questions I had did not magically disappear." That's quite a humble departure from those who claim God is telling them to run for president, or invade sovereign nations.

Do you understand at all the concept of the Holy Trinity? If you did then you would understand that some people felt lead by God not through some audible voice or a conference call but what they refer to as the Holy Spirit. And is the driving force that Obama speaks of. How each individual politician articulates that experience is of no importance to me. Some express it more passionately and succinctly than others.

What was it about black liberation theology that really concerned you?

I can start with that the religion is rooted in Marxism. And that James Cone (one of the men that brought Black Liberation Theology to the United States) advocated the use of more aggressive and radical implementation of the religion that started with the intentional and deliberate misinterpretation of the Bible that justified the use of violence much like the way radical Muslims twist the Qur'an to say what they want it to say and to justify their use of violence. Jeremiah Wright was a disciple of Cone and his teachings. And Obama sat and listened to this garbage for 20 years or more. It wasn't until Wright's ideology and comments could possibly derail his chance at the presidency did Obama renounce him. So that is why I have a problem with it.


Jeremiah Wright was a disciple of Cone and his teachings. And Obama sat and listened to this garbage for 20 years or more. It wasn't until Wright's ideology and comments could possibly derail his chance at the presidency did Obama renounce him. So that is why I have a problem with it.

Name one thing that Obama has done as President that reminds you, makes you think of, or demonstrates the influence of Jeremiah Wright.
I always get lost on the part where god sent himself to Earth, to sacrifice himself, to himself, to save us from himself.
Yeah it is confusing, and great minds have gone insane trying to explain it. Not sure that the evil and sin that he was trying to save us from was "himself" though.

Although Satan was his creation. Or so the story goes. I was only expressing an opinion in the context that some believers feel that they are being "spoken to". And it is not necessarily meant as an actual live conversation.
Hopefully this election will inspire better porn then the last one did, I supposed Lisa Ann's Palin work set an unreasonably high bar what with her taking on the Soviets, Obama, Joe the plumber and getting work for some fugly second stringers. Well I'm really hoping there's someone worth jerking off to this time around.
Apparently you didn't watch the video, nothing there for the anti-religious to get worked up about. Funny, you're characterizing Obama as "deeply religious", many on your side disagree, at least with which religion he's deeply devoted to. I don't care about a candidates religion, nor their depth of devotion to it, as long as they don't make an issue of it I won't.

From the video, Obama's position is very similar to Carson's. I think they have differences on what the Supreme Court can or can't do, but maybe that is more political expediency or alignment.

I respect how Carson states his personal religious belief when asked, but I haven't seen him yet say that his policy is based on that. This Obama example parallels to the recent quotes from Carson on the topic.

I'm often amused as much as I am discouraged when people don't actually listen to what someone states. I'm sure that some of that is an honest mistake (half of us have below average intelligence, right?), but I suspect that more times than not it is not an honest mistake.


Ben Carson: Prison inmates prove being gay is 'absolutely' a choice


On the same day Ben Carson launched an exploratory committee to run for president in 2016, he also began making controversial comments that could follow him into the campaign.

In an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP hopeful, said that prison inmates provided proof that being gay is a choice.

"Absolutely," he said when Cuomo asked if he thought being gay was a choice, adding:

"A lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight and when they come out, they're gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question."

Carson said this "thwarts" the idea that being gay is not a choice, which is the prevailing opinion of the medical community. The American Psychological Association writes, "most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation."

Carson said that it was beside the point though, because what gay couples really want is the same rights that straight couples have. He said the word "marriage" need not apply.

"Why do gay people want to get married?" Carson asked Cuomo. "Because they want to have various rights -- property rights, visitation rights. Why can't any two human beings, I don't care what their sexual orientation is, why can't they have the legal right to do those things? That does not require changing the definition of marriage."

He said these rights and restrictions on same-sex marriage should be decided by individual states.

Carson is no stranger to controversial comments, particularly regarding his views on gay people and same-sex marriage. In 2013, he compared gay marriage to pedophilia and bestiality during an interview with Sean Hannity, Politico reported.

"It's a well-established, fundamental pillar of society and no group, be they gays, be they NAMBLA, be they people who believe in bestiality," he said at the time. "It doesn't matter what they are. They don't get to change the definition."

Outrage over the comments led him to withdraw from giving a commencement speech at Johns Hopkins University

At the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2014, he echoed that remark, saying "gay people should have the same rights as everyone else...But they don't get extra rights. They don't get to redefine marriage."

Carson formally launched his exploratory committee for the 2016 elections on Wednesday.

He gained political prominence after criticizing President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act in 2013, and comparing it to slavery and the Nazi government.

"I see myself as a member of 'we the people,'" he explained to The Associated Press in a past interview. "I see myself as a logical American who has common sense, and I think that's going to resonate with a lot of Americans, regardless of their political party or where they fit in that party."

Well, I guess this wingnut just dug his own grave. It'll be fun to see how much donor money he manages to siphon off the eventual nominee.
Yeah, being gay is a choice.
These people choosed to have their lives more complicated than they already were, they choosed to be demonised by right-wing nuts, they choosed not to be able to procreate, they choosed not to have the right to get married with the person they love...


Closed Account
Never thought I'd say this but if I was American I'd vote for him...Carson actually has some good political views particularly tithing...
Never thought I'd say this but if I was American I'd vote for him...Carson actually has some good political views particularly tithing...

That's more of a religious view than a political one. I like Ben Carson too and would vote for him were he the nominee but not gonna happen.