Does anyone know where I can find the rest of this set? She looks really thin.
Does anyone know where I can find the rest of this set? She looks really thin.
And a massive breast reduction, apparently.
And a massive breast reduction, apparently.
Shame she quit the biz completely, I'd be interested to see her post reduction...
is she still on twitter? maybe someone could ask her for a picture?
Girls with big tits have issues. SO do girls with small tits. I don't really think you'd want to see what's left of her if she offered it. There's a lot of women out there who either have back pain because they are out of shape, or don't like their breasts and complain about such in order to have them removed or hacked up. Some do it because they don't like the attention their breasts give them and others do it because they have a mental disorder that makes them think their breasts (or some other body part) are unattractive and need to be removed. The good news id usually after people have whatever body part they dislike amputated that they feel fine afterwords and the problem is now resolved and it's over. Regardless, Dors's behavior reminds me of a girl who breaks up with a boyfriend and goes to a hair stylist to have her hair chopped off as some sort of revenge. It's petty, and I guarantee her much less impressive breasts now have vertical scars that travel from her nipples southward.