Donald Drumpf




Retired Mod
Bronze Member
John Oliver is not serious when he says the "Make Donald Drumpf Again" is gona bring Trump down. He's just trolling Trumpand trying to create some marketing buzz for his show at the same time.

OPne thing that is terribl about this video is that he said mant things that news channels never mention : the fact that Trump always thjreat to sue people but very rarely does, the fact that he says he never setteles while in fact he does, the fact that he lies about him worthing 10 billions, the many things he put his hname on or he invested on that failed and the fact that it caused many people to lose a huge amount of money, etc.
Why does the people have to rely on entertainment shows or online broadcast to be told this. This is not what entertainment show should be about. Sadly since serious news show and cable news TV are too sold out to politicians and coporations, they are too scared to tell all these things, to call out Trump as what he really is -a fraud- entertainment shows and online broacasts have to fill in.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
J.on Stewart born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz Changed his name to hide the fat that he's a Zionist?


Back on the jew roll again, Will? Is there a greater theory, maybe including Trump having german ancestors, and Stweart being jewish? And Trump being a fan of "breeding" perfect people? Hm?

Will E Worm

Back on the jew roll again, Will? Is there a greater theory, maybe including Trump having german ancestors, and Stweart being jewish? And Trump being a fan of "breeding" perfect people? Hm?

I never said "jews" anything.

Germans are lied about. It's time for the truth to finally be known.

No one is perfect.

Jesus is perfect. :angel1:
We all know that "zionist" is nothing but a code word used by anti-semitics to avoid the word "jew", to seem more politicaly correct.

The aim of zionism was to establish a jewish state in Palestine. It's been fullfilled in 1947. Rejecting zionism mean advocating for the destruction of Israel. That would make you on the same page of the Iranian Mollah's on that issue.
Now, will, let me ask you that : Are you anti-zionist ?
We all know that "zionist" is nothing but a code word used by anti-semitics to avoid the word "jew", to seem more politicaly correct.

The aim of zionism was to establish a jewish state in Palestine. It's been fullfilled in 1947. Rejecting zionism mean advocating for the destruction of Israel. That would make you on the same page of the Iranian Mollah's on that issue.
Now, will, let me ask you that : Are you anti-zionist ?

No group of people use the word " Zionists" more than Arabs and particularly Muslims.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
We all know that "zionist" is nothing but a code word used by anti-semitics to avoid the word "jew", to seem more politicaly correct.

The aim of zionism was to establish a jewish state in Palestine. It's been fullfilled in 1947. Rejecting zionism mean advocating for the destruction of Israel. That would make you on the same page of the Iranian Mollah's on that issue.
Now, will, let me ask you that : Are you anti-zionist ?

This is not 1947. I doubt that anyone on this board was even alive in 1947. We could just as easily be talking about the social conditions that existed in the American south after the Civil War. People like Spike Lee still want to talk about 40 acres and a mule. But people who want to focus on the future, and not the past, have moved on from that discussion. Is Israel still under threat? Yes. And so are a lot of other countries and people in the world. Am I (or is my country) obliged to give Israel a level of financial and political support over and above what the federal government does for the citizens of the various states in the United States? Not in my mind. There are no special or "chosen people" in my world. If Katrina had ravaged the occupied territories, it seems that the U.S. would have provided no questions asked, no debate in Congress, blanket $100,000 checks to each person who had so much as a shack there. We did that when the Israeli settlers were asked to abandon illegal settlements in the occupied territories a few years ago. People who'd put up plywood shacks got a $100K+/- check from Uncle Sam to compensate them for their "loss" when they were abandoned... then they cashed the checks and reoccupied the disputed land. Pretty dang slick, eh? I'd say that next shack was much nicer than the first one though. Why the hell am I compensating someone in Israel for putting up an illegal dwelling on land that isn't theirs??? :wtf: But parts of New Orleans still look like they did the day after Katrina hit. What's up with that?! I say that doing for others instead of your own is tantamount to treason.

Anyway, I've always found it extremely fascinating how when discussions about Israel and/or U.S. funded Israeli aid come up, people instantly play the ol' anti-semite card to muddy the discussion. The popular term for this cheap & easy tactic is Reductio ad Hitlerum (basically, playing the Hitler card). But in situations where there are people who rely on (or can be fooled by) lazy, emotion-based logic, it works. So especially in the PC dominated western world of today, it works. It shuts down the discussion so that both supporters and detractors do not have any sort logical, rational discourse. And when your argument has no logical or rational basis, nothing beats silence.

Your argument here is very interesting. Rather than bringing Uncle Adolf into it (right off the bat), you're linking anyone who is opposed to Zionism with radical Islam. You're still playing the anti-semtism card, but you're using the "new Nazis" (the Muslims) to sub for the "old Nazis". That's cute. I like that. So let's try it the other way, shall we? Some of the most ardent Zionists in the U.S. are hardcore, right-wing, evangelical Christians. That would make you on the same page as Pat Robertson and Michele Bachmann. Now, let me ask you: are you pro-Zionist? You agree with my girlfriend Michele on a lot of other issues, do you? What do you have against the gays? How many times a week do you watch Pat's 700 Club broadcasts? Since you are "on the same page" as him, and that's how this works, you must be sending Pat donations too, right??? I mean, they do support missions in Israel, so you need to tithe at least 10%. ;)

Bottom line: there is no hidden meaning in what I say. I am and have always been opposed to any social or political movement which seeks to put the interests of any nation, people or religion ahead of the interests of the republic where I live: the United States of America. And that includes Zionism. If you, or anyone else, doesn't like that or you're offended by my point of view, you have two options (and only two options): get over it... or don't. It matters not to me which option you choose. There are many Jews who are opposed to Zionism. So, in fact, it has nothing to do with anti-semitism (although pro-Zionists often refer to these Jews as "bad Jews" or "self-hating Jews": using Reductio ad Hitlerum against their own people). Much like with feminism and other whiny, divisive social movements, it seeks to create a category of "special people", which further separates and divides our society and requires others to support it (financially and politically) or be labeled bigots. I reject that pseudo logic. I oppose it. And anyone who cannot support their position, without resorting to intellectually cheap parlor tricks, has lost the argument, in my opinion.


American Jewish people have a strong political and financial influence in America.
42% of Jewish people live in Israel and 40% live in America.
That is probably the main reason Israel receives so much support.
Another influence is the religious ties between Christianity and Judaism.
Not sure what else might be an influence.

"Although Jews make up only 0.2 percent of the world's population, they win an astonishing 22 percent of Nobel Prizes."
Jewish people have been a benefit to the human race.

BoT, Trump is too unstable/dangerous to be president.
Trump could possibly win if Sanders won the democratic nomination, because there is still a lot of anti-semites, even among liberal voters.
Clinton will probably win against Trump, because she has the political experience, and most people don't want a repeat of the corrupt Cheney/Bush regime.
I wouldn't vote for Clinton or Trump, but Clinton is the lesser of the two evils.
I disagree.

Well aren't you just a fuzzy warm ball of racism and hate. So what you are saying is that the book of fairy tales that they brought us has never done anything good for the world either. I would agree on that point. We need to make room for everybody and for everybody to have a voice. That even goes for you racist hillbillies.
Well aren't you just a fuzzy warm ball of racism and hate. So what you are saying is that the book of fairy tales that they brought us has never done anything good for the world either. I would agree on that point.

Never? done anything? Other than being the major influence if not the outright foundation of western civilization and it's laws, then yeah, it's never done anything good for the world.

Your sig is ironic.
Never? done anything? Other than being the major influence if not the outright foundation of western civilization and it's laws, then yeah, it's never done anything good for the world.

Your sig is ironic.

Please show how it was the foundation of western civilization. Do you mean how we still can own slaves and stone disobedient children to death? There are only three "commandments" that you can even cite that have anything to do with civil law and those were laws in civilizations long before the bible. U.S. law is based on English common law which was based on Roman common law. It has nothing to do with a bronze age book of fictional tales.