Atheist here also, and yes religion (unfortunately) affects my life...
I am fairly vocally anti-religious, and it makes some moderate religious people uncomfortable (including my wife, a catholic). People also ask why I can't leave religion alone. Why can't I just let people believe their delusions and leave them alone? Well here is why: because these religious delusions ARE affecting my life. People are making laws, dictating education agendas and voting for Presidential candidates based on their delusions and those things affect me. I can't buy alcohol or a car in some states on a Sunday because of some insane religious law. Religious based laws dictate how I may and may not have sex. Religious based laws protect sacrificial animal killings.
Religion is probably the most dangerous thing in this world. Religion teaches people to accept ideas from authority and not question them. Religion teaches people to do things, not because it may be good for humanity, but because their religion tells them to do it. Religion teaches people to be racist, misogynistic, authoritarian and homophobic. Religion teaches people to be sheep. Religion teaches people that any criticism of their religion is a direct personal attack on themselves.
And I reject religion.