Does Religion Influence Your Life?


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I'm a scientist. Religious groups frequently oppose my work, so I suppose my job is to oppose religious views and replace them with scientific facts and theories, so yes, religion does play a large role in my life.
Well I try not to do no harm to others and help out when I can others in need.
Well it depends on what you mean. In terms of organized religion, it affects daily though I have no real creed or set of beliefs I adhere to. I think religion affects us in a peripheral manner in that our language, concepts of morality all seem to be derived from whatever local religion is part of our language group-even being against it has to come from something.
Religion affects everyone's in mostly negative ways. All the major wackos in the world are part of some religious movement(including my parents). Religious people are dangerous because they are delusional. If you aren't sure try reading what the Mormons and Scientologists believe, not that they are worse than any other faith-based bullshit.
Religion affects everyone's in mostly negative ways. All the major wackos in the world are part of some religious movement(including my parents). Religious people are dangerous because they are delusional. If you aren't sure try reading what the Mormons and Scientologists believe, not that they are worse than any other faith-based bullshit.



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I pray to the Lord that I will never be religious. I thank God every morning when I wake up that I am in no way, shape or form a religious person. Wait...does that make me a hypocrite? :wtf:

If I'm a hypocrite, then...

UH OH!!! I AM religious!!! :eek:

(Thank you, thank you...I'll be here all week.)
I would have to say yes.

I like some of the stories in the New Testament where Jesus goes around healing people and giving them food and doing all sorts of great things like that. I see those kinds of stories as moral compasses, giving us something to try and make us better and transcend our own sometimes petty selfish values.

It's sad that people try and use the Bible as an instrument to force others to think and live they way they do. That's something that drives me crazy.

Otherwise, I'm very interested in the Buddhist philosophy, I'm a big fan of Thich Nhat Hanh's writings...


Seeing as religion influences the whole world, I suppose I'd say yes. But for me personally? No.
Religion does influence my life. I'm not muslim, jew or christian. I need God's guidance, all three big religions and other major beliefs show different sides of God. I am not really religious in terms of the big three religion. I believe in Tengriism and it says "Live and let live" and "Have respect for everything that were created by God". This keeps me extremely peaceful. I love that.
Religion used to influence me as a child but about age 13 or 14 I came to my senses.
I believe this place was CREATED. It is no accident of a gang ban.. I mean Big Bang. :D
We have been lied to :mad:
zeitgiest dot com
Have a look. :eek:
Religion used to influence me as a child but about age 13 or 14 I came to my senses.

Like most normal logical people. Those who keep their faith must live in perpetual childhood, I mean how can you belive these bullshit childish stories that were only written to keep you inline and to stop you from growing into a well rounded human being and thinking for yourself.
Atheist here also, and yes religion (unfortunately) affects my life...

I am fairly vocally anti-religious, and it makes some moderate religious people uncomfortable (including my wife, a catholic). People also ask why I can't leave religion alone. Why can't I just let people believe their delusions and leave them alone? Well here is why: because these religious delusions ARE affecting my life. People are making laws, dictating education agendas and voting for Presidential candidates based on their delusions and those things affect me. I can't buy alcohol or a car in some states on a Sunday because of some insane religious law. Religious based laws dictate how I may and may not have sex. Religious based laws protect sacrificial animal killings.

Religion is probably the most dangerous thing in this world. Religion teaches people to accept ideas from authority and not question them. Religion teaches people to do things, not because it may be good for humanity, but because their religion tells them to do it. Religion teaches people to be racist, misogynistic, authoritarian and homophobic. Religion teaches people to be sheep. Religion teaches people that any criticism of their religion is a direct personal attack on themselves.

And I reject religion.
What effect does religion have on your life? Did it change over the years? Do you have any doubts?

I was always pretty neutral on it until a family member of mine became very religious. I've seen first hand how cruel some people in the church community can be, and the backstabbing that goes on, and it just really turned me off to organized religion.

I dated a girl for a little while who was super religious, and I tried going to her church a couple times with her. It was one of those big churches where they basically preach to you about how you need to tithe and give money to the church or else you're going to go to Hell. It was really sick and disgusting to me how many people bought into it and actually handed over 10% of their paychecks every week to the Church like they were brainwashed.

I have stayed away from Church most of my adult life. My belief is that religion was created by mankind to explain the unexplainable. Every human civilization has had some form of religion... whether it be the Greek Gods (Zeus, etc), or the native Americans who believed that the Sun and the Moon were spirits. I think humanity is coming to the point where we are starting to wake up, and realizing that don't need religion to explain the unexplainable any more... the purpose religion serves now is a security blanket, because the idea of death being permanent is so horrific to most people, that they'll believe outlandish things to avoid that feeling and fear.
Poor Atheists....lying there in the coffin...All dressed up and NOWHERE to go!!!

YES religion in a huge part of my life!!!

Please dont worry about us! You have allot in church to accomplish, in order to get to those pearly gates!

Really if it makes you happy, godspeed! You do it your way and I will do it mine.
