Thats what I don't get. If god is all knowing,,,didn't he know I'd be damned to hell before he created me? Who would create someone to damn to everlasting torture? What fucked up ideas we are indoctrinated into are very hard to shake!
That's why
all forms of religion are complete

, IMO.
knows everything. God
created everything. God created
Ok, if that is so, then God has also taken everything out of my control because he has already set in stone what my life is going to be. So, if I murder 300 innocent people for no reason, then it's not
my fault. It's
God's fault for making me do that. Yet, I'll still go to prison for the rest of my life.
Becoming religious is a person's last resort in finding a "meaning" of it all. Believing in God and the afterlife does nothing but give you something to look forward to when you die. IMHO, I find most,
not all, but
most religious people to be some of the most mentally unstable people on the face of the earth. They begin to lose comprehension of reality and replace their sanity with a system of beliefs that worships something that is completely make believe.
I don't get it. I really, really don't get it.