Again, you just go off on your own little tangents, don't you?
If you don't think the American government and it's military has any obligation to be decent to people outside it's own borders
Please point out when the hell I ever said that. And please point out where that is said in the thread title.
Only a depraved person would consider millions of deaths 'petty animus'.
I usually provide links for everything when I talk about this issue so you're on thin ice trying to pass it off as mere opinion.
I honestly don't recall you being any great source of links. But here's your chance to provide them. Please explain the "millions of deaths" thing and make sure to include your links.
I've already made it. Many times. The US has killed millions of people in it's quest to control the world. I don't think that's OK for other countries to do that.
OK, link-boy. Here's your chance to shine. "millions of people in it's quest to control the world" is going to need explaining. ALL of it.
If there was any truth to your claim, Saudi Arabia wouldn't be run by Arabians. Mexico wouldn't be run by Mexicans. Canada sure as hell wouldn't be run by Canadians (and they'd probably be better off). And European colonies in Africa and Asia would still be European colonies. The western world lost trillions when it handed the reigns back to the natives in a whole slew of these countries.
So please, explain this grandiose plan America has "to take over the world." (Que ominous yet dramatic music)
According to you and many other Americans this is just 'whining' or 'anti-Americanism'. You haven't challenged it on the grounds of historical accuracy.
You're right, I haven't. I've challenged it on the grounds of the petulance you accuse me of.
The historical accuracy of the fact is that there has not been one day on this planet when foreign relations hasn't been a nightmare. Hundreds of years before Ameica was first settled, people were dying by the thousands in one war after another. Colonialization, imperialism, domination, commercial interests and power grabbing are human traits, not American ones. Australia has it's own fine history of this in the way it deliberately tried to annihilate its Aborigines. How about an ongoing weep-fest for them?
The original question, seeing as how you seem to have missed it, while clicking on this thread, does America HAVE to be a force for good? And so far, you're the only one who hasn't answered.