Does America HAVE to be a Force for Good (and Why)?


And at no point have you responded to anything at all. Your last post is nothing but a waste of space on a screen. I'm done with you, child. I've wasted enough time on armchair experts......and you're no expert.
Did they tell him not to otherwise he would face consequences?

There was nothing vague about the two statements I mentioned. They were explicit.

The US ambassador did not say "Please invade Kuwait", nor did she say "We approve an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait."

Ding dong Saddam used to getting his own way, never asked for clarity on the US position. Duh! If you're about to send tens of thousands of troops and commit to another war two years after fighting the last it would be kind of peachy to know what the one superpower thinks of a sudden invasion of another oil producing state would be.

Emceee me thinks you should pick up a real book instead of investing your time reading Islamo/Communist garbage.
"Does America HAVE to be a Force for Good (and Why)?"

Yes, because.. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. ;)

This motto should apply for other countries too, not just America. We should all set good examples for our Children and our future. :)
did they tell Saddam not to invade because there would be consequences if he did?

you're reaching

In so many words yes. Had Saddam asked for clarity he would've gotten a very undiplomatic "Hell no (don't invade)."
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I'm not swinging at you, just pointing out that I don't need anyone else to fuel my hatred for the Bush family. Georgy I blew it with Operation Deser t Storm, and he screwed every serviceman in the Gulf by turning down $1000 a month each, offered by the Saudi royal family. This was shit leadership by a shitty leader. And, as far as I'm concerned, the US lost Operation Deser t Storm. All thanx to a crappy president.

As far as his son goes.......well, the list just goes on and on and on.

Well, sounds like you have your reasons then.
I feel that this is a valid question, given the current landscape around here.

Who ever said that America has to be a force for good. And when/where was this meeting held?

America, like all countries, is merely a place to live. We have our Bill of Rights, which we haven't always followed. We have had, and still have, some pretty depressing issues with civil rights. Each Amendment in our Constitution has been stretched and snapped back while we continue to define who we are as a nation.

My point: The only "good" we are obligated to do, applies to the citizens who live within our borders.

My question: Who the fuck invited the rest of you?

America does not exist to make life easier for Aussies, Frenchies, Germans, South Africans or anyone else. Handle your own problems. If you need a babysitter or someone to call "Daddy", try Canada. See if Norway is up for the job. Better yet, let's just hand over the reigns entirely to the EU, seeing has how they did such a wonderful job with Bosnia.

Sitting on your ass, in your own country, blaming America for your lot in life is the definition of being a pussy and a douche-bag.

If you're that hot and bothered about a "Force for Good", become one. If you can't, quit your bitching about whoever else isn't also.

This what they mean when they say "ugly American" SMH