I feel that this is a valid question, given the current landscape around here.
Who ever said that America has to be a force for good. And when/where was this meeting held?
America, like all countries, is merely a place to live. We have our Bill of Rights, which we haven't always followed. We have had, and still have, some pretty depressing issues with civil rights. Each Amendment in our Constitution has been stretched and snapped back while we continue to define who we are as a nation.
My point: The only "good" we are obligated to do, applies to the citizens who live within our borders.
My question: Who the fuck invited the rest of you?
America does not exist to make life easier for Aussies, Frenchies, Germans, South Africans or anyone else. Handle your own problems. If you need a babysitter or someone to call "Daddy", try Canada. See if Norway is up for the job. Better yet, let's just hand over the reigns entirely to the EU, seeing has how they did such a wonderful job with Bosnia.
Sitting on your ass, in your own country, blaming America for your lot in life is the definition of being a pussy and a douche-bag.
If you're that hot and bothered about a "Force for Good", become one. If you can't, quit your bitching about whoever else isn't also.