Do you support BELLE KNOX???

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I wish she had taken the free ride at Vanderbilt, gone to school for four years, graduated, then if she still felt strongly about going into porn, she could have gone in with far less negative consequences. She would have been more mature, wiser, AND smart. And she wouldnt have had to deal with the negative backlash from the campus. She could have marketed herself as a Vanderbilt graduate.

I totally agree with this post.

I think it will still work well for her. Clinton received blowjobs in the oval office and today he is god's fuckin gift to humanity in America!!!!

I'm not sure what an already accomplished, middle aged, sitting President getting a blowjob has to do with an 18-19 year old kid who is still warm out of the oven.

In the rush to defend her, I think some people are taking observations and criticisms of her words or actions too much to heart. Yes, she can certainly still "make it" (whatever that might mean to her). But it's just a realistic truth that the things that you do early on *can* affect you later on down the road and they usually do influence the options that are open to you. IMO, there's nothing wrong with doing porn. But not everyone feels that way. And while her fame might seem cool to her now, that same fame will be with her when she goes job shopping in a few years... when her porn career is probably in her past.

My main criticism of her now is the same as it was when this thread first got going: don't whine about having to do porn to cover the cost of your education when you turned down a full scholarship to a very fine school, just so you could attend another very fine school (which just got its ass kicked in the ACC tournament by an even finer school :D).
wtf are you talking about man? I know plenty of porn girls who have put themselves thru school or are currently in school while working in porn. I've never heard a producer promise "I will pay for your tuition" umm they don't care what we do with our money.

I think every stripper I've ever met say's they are only dancing to pay for college. Why can't they just be honest and say it's to support their drug habit? Or say they do it to support their loser bf who hasn't left the couch in 2 years?


I could give 2 fucks what she does with her life as long as she keeps fucking and sucking.

Your eloquence is only surpassed by your deep thoughts.

I think every stripper I've ever met say's they are only dancing to pay for college. Why can't they just be honest and say it's to support their drug habit? Or say they do it to support their loser bf who hasn't left the couch in 2 years?

I'm not surprised to hear you confess to being a stalker...
So, ALL those strippers (we aren't discussing strippers here, at all, but pass that by for a bit) you followed for days just NEVER went to school, but stayed high and hung around with guys you didn't approve of?

Wow. Good may have missed a few strippers here and there, a few million or so, but as long as you stalked those 5 or six...:pacing:
But lots of porn actresses, cam girls, and models do go to school and work. have a long and dusty road ahead of you stalking the heavily armed girls of the Adult Entertainment industry...keep us posted on your findings.
Hurry up and leave the site, you have a long way to go. Git...
Your eloquence is only surpassed by your deep thoughts.

I'm not surprised to hear you confess to being a stalker...
So, ALL those strippers (we aren't discussing strippers here, at all, but pass that by for a bit) you followed for days just NEVER went to school, but stayed high and hung around with guys you didn't approve of?

Wow. Good may have missed a few strippers here and there, a few million or so, but as long as you stalked those 5 or six...:pacing:
But lots of porn actresses, cam girls, and models do go to school and work. have a long and dusty road ahead of you stalking the heavily armed girls of the Adult Entertainment industry...keep us posted on your findings.
Hurry up and leave the site, you have a long way to go. Git...
You don't get out much do you? Strippers, Escorts, Models, Porn Sluts= all the same thing. It's called the adult industry. 99.999% will tell you they are doing it to better themselves by going to college or some other bullshit. But I would hope your not that stupid to believe that. I know very few women in such careers that end up well to do after quitting the sex thingy. Most just graduate a mother of 2 kids hating life.


You don't get out much do you? Strippers, Escorts, Models, Porn Sluts= all the same thing. It's called the adult industry. 99.999% will tell you they are doing it to better themselves by going to college or some other bullshit. But I would hope your not that stupid to believe that. I know very few women in such careers that end up well to do after quitting the sex thingy. Most just graduate a mother of 2 kids hating life.

So...what are the stage names of those you know personally that are "well to do"?

Although, having just read a post of yours, I can see where someone might begin hating life just by being around you.
Debbie Downer brings shits 'n' giggles into a room compared to your dreary take on things (that you don't actually know much about).



Next post from Phil...........................a long winded rant with fiction and smileys on me!
Sorry Phil, I would quoted the post, but some here have you on ignore because they can give a rat ass about on all your angry posts!`


Sorry Phil, I would quoted the post, but some here have you on ignore because they can give a rat ass about on all your angry posts!`
Besides being really stupid (you really believe people in Colorado smoke "Blunts" as a normal thing) you have nothing to say.
You have actually become the top troll on FOs, and #1 thread hijacker.
Congratulations, asshat!
I could make fun of you on so many levels, but you do such a good job of making a fool of yourself sucking up to folks like Lickingdick, and posting the lamest made-up bullshit ($200 blunts? really?:rofl:), that I can just let you act stupid often enough that I am done without posting hardly at all.
You are a really creepy guy...arguing politics on a porn board.:flaccid:



Absolutely. And even more then that. Part of the internet you know... However, when people discuss something they need to make sure they are indeed discussing about the same subject. An OP like "I've listened to her interview and find her attitude of porn being fun and natural refreshing!" is as vague as the queen's tits. ANY article I can find about her could refer to that. Or not, since he's talking about an interview he LISTENED too and there was no such thing to be found. In other words: if the OP provides all the information he can avoid my stupid questions and stupid remarks like "Don't you have Google?"

Don't talk about your mom like that, you silly.

I have a feeling it's your Mom, but who cares?

Your lame non-ability to pay attention is awful...CNN interviewed a Porn Star going to Duke U...been all over the news outlets, FOs, and how could the interview NOT be on the net?
The story has been on here and around the Media for a week or more before you joined the discussion and started crying...:crybaby:
Major bullshit again from the Holy Abortion.:facepalm:
I don't support her one bit. Plus she's stopped shooting porn scenes now that she has all this new found fame going from one mainstream talk show to the next. She is likely getting paid way more to be an attention whore on mainstream media than she was making per scene doing porn. If she wants to be a pornstar she should get back to fucking and stop trying to play politics.


I don't support her one bit. Plus she's stopped shooting porn scenes now that she has all this new found fame going from one mainstream talk show to the next. She is likely getting paid way more to be an attention whore on mainstream media than she was making per scene doing porn. If she wants to be a pornstar she should get back to fucking and stop trying to play politics.

It's entirely possible she's doing all this for herself, and isn't thinking about you at all.

More money, just talking on National News shows, no pain and all gain...hmmmmmm.

Which one should I hard, have a bit of pain for several scenes and get pounded for hours;
OR...get "More money, just talking on National News shows, no pain and all gain...".

That's a tough, wait, it isn't! I'll take national exposure and more money.

Maybe she'll open a chain of Taco stands all around the Duke Campus...
Strippers, Escorts, Models, Porn Sluts= all the same thing. It's called the adult industry. 99.999% will tell you they are doing it to better themselves by going to college or some other bullshit. But I would hope your not that stupid to believe that.

I would hope you're (not your) not too stupid to ignore when an actual pornstar tells you that she knows plenty of girls using the money for school as opposed to a drug habit/supporting a loser boyfriend, that you believe her. But you've already proven that you are.

I don't support her one bit. Plus she's stopped shooting porn scenes now that she has all this new found fame going from one mainstream talk show to the next. She is likely getting paid way more to be an attention whore on mainstream media than she was making per scene doing porn. If she wants to be a pornstar she should get back to fucking and stop trying to play politics.

Absolutely. Why should a porn performer try to show the world she's anything other than a piece of meat, that she might have something to contribute to the world other than as a willing cum receptacle? And why she she talk the opportunity to be paid "way more" than the porn was providing, if it presents it? FUCK HER! Sluts should stay sluts forever, and never let anyone think they're anything else, amirite bro? Last thing we want is dem womens getting all uppity thinking they've got brains, opinions and shit. They'll be wanting the vote next.

In case that was too subtle, while I fully support all the porn performers for committing their naked bodies and/or sexual performances to film for the pleasure of we the viewer, any attempt to use "the biz" as a platform for other ventures, success and financial gain/future security surely must be applauded. Porn's a short career for most, not everyone gets to still be making dollar into their forties and fifties, take whatever breaks come your way.



Next post from Phil...........................a long winded rant with fiction and smileys on me!
Sorry Phil, I would quoted the post, but some here have you on ignore because they can give a rat ass about on all your angry posts!`
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Philbert again.

I strongly suggest if you post in this thread again, you make it on-topic rather than just trolling Philbert.

Aaliyah Love

Official Checked Star Member
I think every stripper I've ever met say's they are only dancing to pay for college. Why can't they just be honest and say it's to support their drug habit? Or say they do it to support their loser bf who hasn't left the couch in 2 years?

Yeah because everyone who gets naked for money is on drugs and supporting a loser boyfriend, is that it? Nice to know what you think of me, and the women you jerk off to, and spend so much time on these forums discussing. I think this statement says more about you than the women you are putting these labels on.


Aaliyah...this thread has attracted some mud-bug level intelligence...I wouldn't give a lot of credence to what a lot of slow-witted trolls post.

Actually, since:
A) there are Beaucoup non-AdInd women on drugs out there, so what?
B) Supporting your man (or not) is a choice, not a disease. Freedom is a bitch to the unfree.
C) Some people might feel leaving a career in Adult as a Mom is not a bad thing...just as Belle might leave the performer status and become a celeb spokeswoman for Adult Performers...or she might just miss the "Old In and Out" scenes and making immortal Porn Videos that will endure for...ok, maybe Porn is not a great art form, but it's a real occupation.
I know some performers are dumb as dirt, some are mean as Habeneros are hot, and some are great people I enjoy chatting with. KNOW you in da latter group...I like your posts a lot.

People in Adult Entertainment are just like people in the world outside ...but much more varied IMO.