Do you belive in ghost?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Yes I believe in ghost. RIP Patrick Swayze, you are gone but not forgotten.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit


Closed Account
hell no. i don't believe in santa claus either.

Same here. And oddly enough most people on both sides of my family do, but I've never had the guts to tell them that I more or less have some faith as far as why I think we are here on Earth and such. Just never believed in Ghosts and all of that stuff personally. Just as how I grew up and don't believe in Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy, ect. Even still I'm a big time horror genre lover, and I do think some of them make for fairly good genre films. But yeah, just enjoy them as works of fiction.

Just always thought it was funny that many in my family believe in the negative presence of supposedly bag Ghosts and all of that. To each they're own, respectfully.
I used to not to but in all seriousness, I have been seeing some freaky shit around where I live. Mainly reflections in random things like TVs and microwaves where I have to turn around quickly and there's nothing there so I don't know what to believe anymore!!!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The house my family lived in when I was born was haunted.

My sister woke up from a nap and her bedroom had changed from contemporary to Victorian and a disembodied voice told her that a woman hung herself there.

My Mom swears to this day that someone shoved her off a ladder when she was the only person in the house.

When I was five I woke up to see a smiling, bald man in my bedroom. He told me that everything was going to be alright and that he was watching over me. I ran to my Mom and Dad's room and told them what I saw and heard. Years later my Mom told me she believes it was her father who died fourteen years before I was born.

Several other things happened in that house that led my Mother to believe that there was a malevolent presence there that couldn't be explained. We had Fr. Jim Tiegs bless the house in 1976 and everything stopped.

Interesting side note, one of my Mom's professors at Creighton University was one of the inspirations for the priest in "The Exorcist."

So I'll go on record and say yes I believe in the afterlife.
About a month after my Mom died back in 2003 I had to get up early to go help my Dad out. It was a Saturday morning and I got home about 9:30 am so I decided to take a little nap. I crashed for about an hour and just as I was getting up there was a knock on my bedroom door and a women told me to get a move on. Now the only other person in the house was my 83 year old Grandma. I didn't think too much of it until I got downstairs about two minutes later. Grandma was in the kitchen baking bread and I knew that she didn't have time to get down the stairs in that amount of time. I never told her what happened because she is really hard of hearing.

I forgot about it until about three weeks later when Grandma told me that she had seen my mother a couple of days before, knock on my door and tell me to get a move on. Like I said I had never told Grandma anything about what happened to me. Then she tells me the story in the exact same words?

Ghost? Maybe, maybe not, but still kind of eerie. Of course the entire family jokingly blames my Mom for the black out that year too. It did happen on the day of her funeral.


Hiliary 2020
I used to not to but in all seriousness, I have been seeing some freaky shit around where I live. Mainly reflections in random things like TVs and microwaves where I have to turn around quickly and there's nothing there so I don't know what to believe anymore!!!

are you having phantom smellings? like sulpher?

kidding, i believe ghosts are possible.
growing up in southern new jersey there are alot of old areas and houses.
ive sensed some things at times, especially in autumn
i think the house i grew up in, an old gothic/victorian, may have had something going on, they actually considered using it for the amityville horror movie, but chose a house nearby on the river instead.
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Postal Paranoiac
I don't believe in ghosts, the easter bunny, bigfoot, or conservatives.