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Do the Climate Deniers Also Deny Our Role in Destroying the Ecology?

What do we know ?

1) Global warming, is a fact, it has been proved and measured, numerous times. I think we can all agree on that ? What we disagree on is wether it is man-made or not, right ?
2) Athmospheric concentration of CO[SUP]2[/SUP] is rising, it has been, proved and measured, numerous times.
3) Greenhouse effet is a fact, it has been proved and measured, numerous times.


Closed Account
And I'm not taking a denier's position. You are believing this to a 98-2% with no room for inconclusive. Why should my inconclusive be lumped into the 2%?

My bad. I was under the impression you always seemed to criticize human-made-global-warming-pro-thingy-something. I haven't read all the contributions of everyone in this section to grasp who's pro, contra or inconclusive. My apologies.

For the rest of you fuckers, I'll answer some of your comments tomorrow. For now I'm happy Belgium won 5-0 against Cyprus in the Euro 2016 qualifying rounds, I'm getting way to drunk and I'm still expected in the pub. Now fuck off.
Bob yes those things are paid for with taxes. But think about what our current taxes could be paying for if our defense budget wasn't the bloated pig that it is. Our defense budget is a subsidy and a jobs program. We buy planes and tanks that the military says "Stop! We don't need them!" but they keep building them and they go directly from the assembly line to a parking lot where they sit unused until they rust. We're talking BILLIONS of dollars here. Money that could provide health care for everyone, an actual power grid that is up to current real world standards which our is not etc.

And ok Bob let me ask you this and I would like an honest answer not a talking point or a thought. I want an honest answer based on YOU entirely..... if you had to pay more in taxes but actually saw and felt that difference with better roads, a more productive society, your health care was not only included but better than your current health care, you got 6 weeks of paid vacation every year, you knew if you got sick and couldn't go to work that you wouldn't lose your house and your livelihood and the same was true for your neighbors and friends, that you wouldn't appreciate that? And how can argue with people happy with their lives? lol yes they pay more but they actually get more!
And for those comments about the ice ages. yes we have had natural climate changes throughout the history of the earth. But....a wheel might spin naturally but if you take your hand and give it a push it's gonna speed up right?

again I ask you to deny that the fallout of our massive pollution that settles on the ice caps as a black coating, therefore causing sunlight that should be reflected to be absorbed melting the ice and causing sea levels to rise. There are countries right now such as Bangladesh that are experiencing the effects of it. There is water now where coastal villages used to be. The entire city of Venice is knee deep in water more than 50 days a year which is more than any other time in history. I have been there when the water is up to the doorways. How can you deny that reality when they have it on film? its basic science. I know a lot of you deny scientific fact and rely more on fairy tales but for the rest of you that is sad if you cannot admit that this alone should be alarming.

And if the man made climate believers are wrong then that's great right? We at least cleaned up the air and made it cleaner to breath and passed along a better earth. But what if you're wrong and we did nothing but continue to over pollute and pump tons of pollution into the atmosphere? Then what?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Sure I'd pay more to see more. Then again, what good are better roads if I can't afford a car. Cheaper rent is good but the tradeoff is that I can't afford to go out and do anything. I'm not being snarky here, look at the numbers. And mind you that these are the costs after the government yanks 70% of your gross pay.


I'm not denying anyone's happiness. God bless them for how they feel. Would I be happy living in their society? I have my reservations about that. I like to hustle for extra bucks to splurge with. These efforts would get squashed with the taxes and higher cost of doing these things.

Let me toss it back to you and not to make it personal. Given all of your work and perseverance, would you be able to have what you have if it all started in Denmark? Every project with a 70% rake not just for you but everyone else working with you. 70% on your profits. 70% rake on your customer's income to afford your product. VAT. Cost of everything higher personal and professional throughout the decades. Not an environment for such opportunity in Denmark. And I'm not using you as an example of your industry. It's the same matrix for any entrepreneurship.
I think that with 300 million people we could very easily have a thriving, healthy, happy population but one side would never allow it. They want there to be a class above all others without any chance of those "others" from having a voice in matters. Its no different than Jesse Jackson being the mouthpiece of the african american community continuously reminding them of how oppressed they are and how unfair the world is to them. If they didn't feel that way he would be out of a very lucrative job. I'm all for being rewarded for success and don't believe that everyone should have the same amount of wealth and all that bullshit. However I do feel that if you have $20 million dollars you should certainly be paying a larger % of your income than the guy who cuts your grass. I also think that if you are fortunate then its in your best interest to help make the world around you better. I'm not saying anything more than the way this country was run up until the Nixon era. The wealthiest paid a lot more and the less-fortunate were looked after. No one bought them a house, but making sure people are educated, fed and have a roof over their heads and medicine when they need it makes for a better more productive society.

We have a serious problem in this country that is getting worse every election. We have special interests buying legislation, buying elections and steering the direction of the laws. That isn't how the constitution was written and the very reason that it was written the way it was. To protect our government from corruption, but here we are, with the Koch brothers declaring they will put $900 MILLION into the 2016 election. Now why would anyone do that unless it was to own that party's allegiance indefinitely?

My son graduates high school this year and is going to college on a basketball scholarship. I am seriously considering moving to France after he leaves for school this fall. The southern French countryside is about as beautiful as it gets. I'd live in Denmark but it's too fucking cold there but I LOVE Copenhagen. There isn't a more beautiful city that I know of.

I think it would be best if you did leave. Perhaps you are part of the problem? It isn't that I disagree with everything you say. I do disagree with your thought process, assuming that what you post here is reflective of your thought process.
Just one small example - You obviously posted a reply to my reply. You're reply has nothing to do with my posting.

So, I wish you a happy and healthy journey.


Closed Account
[...] I wanted to bring to light that there is a motivation of scientists as to what they study and the publishing of results. There is competition amongst the scientific community to get published. We don't see all of the research because if it is not popular, it doesn't get published or the findings are thrown away.

Let me put it this way. Science isn't a fairytale where the noble white suited scientist is only out to save the world and only exists for the benefit of mankind. Some will research new medicine that will help people to get rid of a desease. Others will research a new chemical weapon to eredicate men. Like in everything on Earth there is competition. Universities will push scientists to get results fast, since it will attract more research funds, and some scientists might (unconsciously or not) interpret the data in a way it benefits a hypothesis or not. It's not different from companies trying to get a cell phone out before the competition, etc. So far you are correct there's competition to get published.

It's completely irrelevant if something is popular or not. Science is, for whatever reason, driven by knowledge and the understanding of what happens around us. But research needs to be paid for, if not you're out of business. And here's the difference of what you are saying. Unpopular findings are not thrown away because that's throwing away research funds. Secondly, before it can be published, other scientists will do peer-review to make sure the research has been done correct. Scientific papers must pass the scrutiny of critical, expert colleagues, and they must be supported by sufficient evidence to convince others who know the subject well. If a scientist turns out to not do proper research and or he's findings are incorrect or corrupted, he's career is basically over. Scientist will indeed try to get a name for themselves, but if it's a bad name... If a research centre turns out to publish corrupt scientific findings, there research funds dry up and they're out of business or they can not be trusted anymore, meaning everything will be checked thoroughly. Even in the few cases these falsified scientific papers do get published, they will be filtered out eventually because if you have corrupted data it will only lead to corrupted data. Published data will be used for other scientists to discuss about, scientists will try to replicate it, and so on.

A fact can be reproduced every time under the same conditions. That answers all 3 questions.

[...] Even if 100% of the scientists are in agreement, but there isn't refutable evidence, then is it really a fact? I've had Ph D.'s in Physics and Biology explain to me the scientific definition of a fact and it still sounds like what a theory would be in Economics. [...]

I have a feeling of misunderstanding here. It's like debating religion where people will say "oh, but evolution is just a theory". The daily use of the word theory is something different than a scientific use of the word theory. In daily use of these words people see the word fact as something stronger, an undeniable truth, and a theory as something that is an interpretation, an opinion, an idea... In science it's the complete opposite. In science the word fact is as good as a synonym of 'to observe' (I observe the temperature to be 20°C in here). The next step is a hypothesis where someone will try to formulate an idea to explain observations. This must be testable otherwise you can not verify or refute it. It's followed by a 'law' that is based on the observation of a lot of facts and in some way it's still a hypothesis, but it's used to describes what happens without explaining it. Final step is a theory. Basically it's the same as a hypothesis that has witstood all attempts to falsify it. It's more than a hypothesis or a law because it describes the observations and the mechanics behind it. A theory cannot be false.

Please bear with me, I'm just a simpleton on a porn board.
There were ice ages in earth's history right? So to come out of an ice age would mean a dramatic warming of the earth's surface temperature correct? And there were multiple ice ages right? So cooling and warming have been cyclical throughout earth's history correct? So in the last hundred or so years since official records have been kept how do we know that the current warming trend data (when it's not being fudged) is not part of a cycle that goes back billions of years? Given such a miniscule sample size in time how can anyone be certain that this trend is somehow abnormal and even more certain that it's human-caused?

You're not a simpleton, that's a fair question. The Earth has periodical warmed and cooled in the past leading to warm periods and ice ages. That's a natural cycle. These were a result related to Milankovitch cycles. A Milankovitch cycle is a periodical oscilation of the earth's tilt, the precession of the tilt, and stretching and squishing of the Earth's orbit. We know the present global warming is not because of a Milankovitch cycle, proven by radiation levels.

You can read about it here: source

Or you can watch (somewhere starting from 4:35

Another thing that raises a red flag with me (being a simpleton, mind you) is the way those who express any skepticism are treated as heretics, as if they were offending someone's religious beliefs. Ace posted a graphic a while back and one of the points was that science welcomes criticism, it doesn't shout it down or attempt to suppress it. You have people in the global warming crowd (Robert Kennedy Jr.) who have called for deniers to be arrested. If human-caused climate change is a rock solid fact why isn't it just universally accepted the same as there are 24 hrs (give or take a few seconds) in a day? Or that water freezes at 32 f or boils at 212 f? Why aren't deniers immediately and outright discredited?

I'm going to give you an honest and personal answer although I probably will offend some people. I am not a scientist but I do LOVE science. From the moment I could read I basically was a nerd with my nose in a book reading about science, history, tech, nature, you name it. I remember being a 9-year old kid explaining how a nuclear reactor worked to my teacher in full detail and I can still remember her WTF-face. Whenever I didn't know something, I opened a book and tried to figure it out, or I asked. With the internet it's even easier now. The internet is more then a unlimited source of porn you know.

Skepticism is not the same as stupidity. i don't mind people having questions, being skeptic, having another opinion. I believe it was you who posted the thread "Greenpeace Co-Founder: "Why I am a climate skeptic.", right? Here's the part where I'm going to offend you, but it's nothing personal. That article was not skepticism, but stupidity. It took me 2 minutes to find out he was not co-founder of Greenpeace and he didn't have more then 40 years expertise of environmentalism. It took me 10 more minutes to check what he was talking about and to discover he was talking out of his ass.

Why didn't YOU do that? Are you skeptical, but not that skeptical towards information that is supposed to be skeptical?
And that's nothing personal but it's something I see a lot. People being skeptic, asking questions, saying stuff but they rarely took the time to actually read a fucking book, search the internet, or take the time to learn. Only reading a blog and shouting out "You see?!" is not skepticism, but stupidity and if I see that stupidity I will break it down. I STILL have to see the first scientific article that refutes it. The best so called evidence skeptics have provided so far is always from some kind of blog with no credits or sources, with mistakes, or with a link to poluting industries as funders and so on. I mean, look at the discussion we're having here... Why is this 98% value important, why are people mean to deniers, how do you know the majority is right, I don't know the difference between a fact and an opinion, etc. Really?

If human-caused climate change is a rock solid fact why isn't it just universally accepted the same as there are 24 hrs (give or take a few seconds) in a day? Or that water freezes at 32 f or boils at 212 f? Why aren't deniers immediately and outright discredited?

Politics, power and money.

And this 98% to 2% thing. Assuming those numbers are true (and haven't been fudged) what does that actually prove? What percentage of scientists in Galileo's day believed the sun revolved around the earth? Or his predecessor Copernicus?

They actually said the same thing the first time scientists provided the idea about humans being responsable for climate change...

The number is important in the discussion about climate change. There are still a lot of people believing that scientists are arguing among each other whether humans are responsible. The funny thing is that the word consensus is partly responsable for that since people think that scientist are trying to agree with eachother by making a consensus, while the consensus is actually based on the scientific evidence: there is no more reason to discuss it!

The consensus is based on millions of scientific papers about climate change. From what I can remember from an article they analyzed the scientific papers in a database searching on phrases in the articles like those explicitly endoring human influence, those talking about natural causes, etc. About 98% of the articles showed that man is more than likely responsible. The other 2% are talking about the influence of natural causes, or new methods on how to measure or predict things, etc.

“I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

“Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.

“There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.”

"Finally, I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E = mc². Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way.

-Michael Crichton

In bold, the point I was making. But he said it better than I ever could.

That's not what (scientific) consensus means. See previous answer.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
So this 98-2% thing was the results of some machine doing key word searches? No person or team actually read all of those papers? Interesting.
I have a feeling of misunderstanding here. It's like debating religion where people will say "oh, but evolution is just a theory". The daily use of the word theory is something different than a scientific use of the word theory. In daily use of these words people see the word fact as something stronger, an undeniable truth, and a theory as something that is an interpretation, an opinion, an idea... In science it's the complete opposite. In science the word fact is as good as a synonym of 'to observe' (I observe the temperature to be 20°C in here). The next step is a hypothesis where someone will try to formulate an idea to explain observations. This must be testable otherwise you can not verify or refute it. It's followed by a 'law' that is based on the observation of a lot of facts and in some way it's still a hypothesis, but it's used to describes what happens without explaining it. Final step is a theory. Basically it's the same as a hypothesis that has witstood all attempts to falsify it. It's more than a hypothesis or a law because it describes the observations and the mechanics behind it. A theory cannot be false.
Perhaps you do, coffee hasn't set in while I'm typing this, so I don't know. I'm many things and sarcastic is one of them. I'm not going to say we were saying the same thing, but I don't think we're in conflict.
Bob their income is much higher than it is here. Perfect example: The average fast foods employee in the US is around $9 hourly (1 of the lowest paying industry in the US btw) but in Denmark the minimum wage for a fast food employee is $20 hourly yet their Big Mac is only 80 cents more than the Big Mac in the US. yes they are taxed more but again think of what they get for their taxes. Great schools, great health care, retirement (everyone gets retirement no matter their career), great roads and infrastructure, They are also unionized so they get sick pay, 6 weeks of PAID vacation, overtime pay,

This is from business insider.com "in Denmark, McDonald's employees, along with all other fast food workers, make twice as much as they do in the US, and the Big Mac costs just 80 cents more, according to the The New York Times.

Fast food workers make a minimum of $20 hourly in Denmark, while in the US, their average hourly wage is $8.90, according to the Times report.

Many economists say a direct comparison between the US and Denmark is unfair because Denmark has a much higher cost of living.

But "In interviews, Danish employees of McDonald’s, Burger King and Starbucks said that even though Denmark had one of the world’s highest costs of living — about 30% higher than in the United States — their $20 wage made life affordable," the Times' Liz Alderman and Steven Greenhouse write.

Thanks to unionization, workers in Denmark also get paid sick leave and overtime pay.

The Big Mac costs about $4.80 in the US and $5.60 in Denmark, according to the Times report.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/denmark-mcdonalds-pays-20-hourly-wages-2014-10#ixzz3Vs3SuwBQ

So you see Bob, higher cost of living but MUCH higher wages. They actually get a living wage which is required by law in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Austria and others.
No Bob there was a consortium of the world's leading climatologists and out of 850 of them there, only 2 said they weren't 100% sold on it being "entirely man made" they believed man was helping it along, but not completely sold on it.

The IPCC did not release stats based on reports never read. That is absurd. They still state that more than 97% of the scientists who study climate say that our burning of fossil fuels and deforestation are causing the increase in temperatures causing ice and snow melting, increases in sea levels and temperatures.

NASA is on the side of it being effected by man. They have done the research and not just based an opinion on stats that were quoted above


We are destroying forests which as most of us know take carbon dioxide and in and expel oxygen. 75% of the world's reefs are dead or dying.


Closed Account
The IPCC did not release stats based on reports never read. That is absurd.

Nah, Bob is just playing dumb.

Bob (and others), are you willing to give a decent argumentation why you are not convinced and what the things are you are sceptic about? Or are we continuing this game where deniers and so called skeptics basically say "meh, I don't believe it" and beat around the bush while people give them information.

Respect for Animus Fox though, at least he's saying what's on his mind.
Yes I don't get it. There is such an overwhelming amount of PROOF yet people say "Well I'm not a scientist so I don't really know...." Yet they refuse to believe the actual people who study climate science. Why? Because they don't understand it?

Here are just a few FACTS:

We destroy the natural resources which are not endless. As our population booms we take more and more from the earth.

We cut down the forests that process CO2 and turn it into oxygen

We are depleting our food supply

We pollute the air with poisons

We pollute the oceans with trash

We pollute the oceans with oil and chemicals

We destroy vital ecosystems like the everglades by expanding human habitation

This is just off the top of my head. Now please, tell me how you think that those things don't damage the atmosphere as well as the balance that is needed to maintain the earth in such a manor that is needed for our existence? Gravity is real I hope you'll agree at least, so all that pollution from burning coal and exhaust and farting cows goes up but then comes back down into drinking water, on the ice caps, into our lungs, etc.

Do you dispute this????????????????


Closed Account

Some follow-up:

Willie Soon's Climate Science Denial Wasn't Ever Credible: Climate Scientists: giving some more background information on his work. Interesting to read:

Willie Soon, for example, should never have been given much credence in the first place. Like nearly all of the Climate Truthers’ scientists, he is not a climate expert. He’s not even an astrophysicist, as he is often presented. As the New York Times revealed, “He is a part-time employee of the Smithsonian Institution with a doctoral degree in aerospace engineering.”

Willie Soon Harvard Smithsonian Documents Reveal Southern Company Scandal: the documents linking Soon to the fossil fuel industry.

Harvard-Smithsonian: Drop Koch-Funded Climate Denier Wei-Hock Soon: petition for the Harvard-Smithsonian to end their association with Wei-Hock Soon
Yes I don't get it. There is such an overwhelming amount of PROOF yet people say "Well I'm not a scientist so I don't really know...." Yet they refuse to believe the actual people who study climate science. Why? Because they don't understand it?

Here are just a few FACTS:

We destroy the natural resources which are not endless. As our population booms we take more and more from the earth.

We cut down the forests that process CO2 and turn it into oxygen

We are depleting our food supply

We pollute the air with poisons

We pollute the oceans with trash

We pollute the oceans with oil and chemicals

We destroy vital ecosystems like the everglades by expanding human habitation

This is just off the top of my head. Now please, tell me how you think that those things don't damage the atmosphere as well as the balance that is needed to maintain the earth in such a manor that is needed for our existence? Gravity is real I hope you'll agree at least, so all that pollution from burning coal and exhaust and farting cows goes up but then comes back down into drinking water, on the ice caps, into our lungs, etc.

Do you dispute this????????????????

When I went to New Zealand I flew from Seattle and the pilot pointed out out the ridiculous trash island in the pacific about 3 hours from land....it took 1 1/2 hours to fly over and is about the size of Texas. That's what can be seen on the surface. They say there is 10x as much that is submerged.

But hey...that doesn't affect marine life in any way right? Turtles eat plastic bags mistaking them for jelly fish and choke to death. But hey, no big deal.
When I went to New Zealand I flew from Seattle and the pilot pointed out out the ridiculous trash island in the pacific about 3 hours from land....it took 1 1/2 hours to fly over and is about the size of Texas. That's what can be seen on the surface. They say there is 10x as much that is submerged.

But hey...that doesn't affect marine life in any way right? Turtles eat plastic bags mistaking them for jelly fish and choke to death. But hey, no big deal.

But that is not a knock on the United States with the plastic. It is from China and India. We have local recycle programs but Milwaukee might lose theirs because of that Kochsucker Scott Walker. Or we put them in a landfill for the ones who don't recycle. Battery Park in New York is a landfill.

godsembryo, thanks for replying to my post and no offense taken.

I'm not going to quote each part of your post because I'm running short on time but here's a general reply.

By skeptics, I was referring mostly to those within the scientific community who have called into question the claims of AGW. All of them can't have some ulterior motive and have been bought out by the Koch Bros, right? (cuckoo) None of them have a legitimate concern with the climate models presented by the global warmingists? Like "you failed to factor in x" or "what about y?" Haven't global warmingists been caught manipulating data to support their conclusions?

And human nature being what it is, I'm always wary when the sky is falling is being drummed into us daily by the media, popular culture and politicians, especially when new and massive legislation is involved. Again, scientists were predicting an impending ice age just a few decades ago.

Like I said in another thread, I'm not opposed to protecting the environment. I live in the pac nw and it's beautiful up here and I want to keep it that way. It's just a matter of what measures will be taken and how drastic. When it comes to human-caused climate change and it's severity/urgency, I think there's manipulation of the public going on, if even for the greater good for some.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Do the math. $9X40 hrs= $360. After Florida payroll deductions leaves $305.50. $20X40 hrs= $800. After Denmark 66% tax leaves $267. Now lets do or buy anything and rake 25% more. These are your burgher flippers wages. Do cops make twice as much in Denmark? No. Let's take a Brandon, FL cop. $50k after taxes brings home $760 wk. $78k Denmark brings home $500 wk. But wait you say, what about those benefits the Danes get? The Danish cop is paying $260 wk for them while the Florida cop gets them for free (minus college). Aside from minimum wage jobs, NO ONE is making remotely close to twice in Denmark compared to USA. And yea, there are overtime laws here too. I'm not arguing if they are happy or not. If they say so I believe them. Hell no. I like having a car. 81-100 people here. 59 for Germany and 48 for Denmark. And with that car I like to do things. Perhaps USA people take that for granted and Danes have been programed into thinking it's only for the...I don't know. One thing is for sure, you don't have to be rich to own one here. I'm sure they are envious that a pair of shoes or jeans doesn't cost $150 too. But if they're happy then God bless them. If I were to go there it would be for the horse racing which is fucking awesome.